Transgender is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia

@Pagmenzies: Man, I read the @edmontonjournal and @CBCNews coverage of AB’s decision on this and it was pretty clear that Danielle Smith was just making things up. So imagine my surprise

Children who have gender dysphoria will no longer be given puberty blockers, NHS England has said, ahead of a radical change in how it cares for them.

There is not enough evidence about either how safe they are to take or whether they are clinically effective to justify prescribing them to children and young people who are transitioning, it added.

The government welcomed NHS England’s “landmark decision”, which it said was “in the best interests of children”.

NHS England made the announcement in response to the results of a public consultation on the ban, which it first proposed last June, and a review of available evidence by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice).

Another surprise: Rate of suicide attempts doubled after vaginoplasty

11 Replies to “Transgender is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia”

  1. Children don’t have anything remotely like “gender dysphoria”. They’re children. They don’t have anything resembling coherent, mature thoughts or feelings. They’re growing and learning. Stop applying adult labels to children.

    In a related story … there’s no such thing as ADD or ADHD.

    1. Actually Kenji, kids do have one thing – cellphones. Isolation in their own little world, influenced and sometimes even pressured by an outside e-ummah of “imperfect strangers” externalizing their own unhappy states-of-being, is all-too-often a key trigger for teenagers to go down the “Trans” road in the first place.

      1. Yup. I go along with that. Their entre world is a 3-Inch screen. They are life support systems for a technology that feeds on them and destroys.

    2. The best explanation I saw for this was in a meme (which I can’t find right now) which said:

      “Your child is transgender just like your cat is vegan. We all know who is making the decision “

      1. “The best explanation I saw for this was in a meme (which I can’t find right now) which said:

        “Your child is transgender just like your cat is vegan. We all know who is making the decision “”

        Good one, I’m going to use it…

  2. It would be wonderful if it had anything to do with making an evidence based course correction, but in the UK it is to appease the Islamic mob. They are not big fans of trans stuff.

  3. So NHS is catching up to what Sweden knew years ago?

    What is often not discussed, is that it’s a lot easier to make the mind align with the body, rather than the other way around. (but there is more profit to be made going the other way)

  4. Wow. Men come to the conclusion that cutting off their penis was such a bad decision, life is no longer worth living?

    But if you say that publicly, it’s hate speech.

    Bizzaro world.

  5. Suicide rate went up because it was discovered that you cannot change your mind after and return everything for a full refund. The damage is permanent.
