63 Replies to “The Children Are Our Future”

  1. Time to start closing all public university departments that are not STEM.
    Not needed, not productive, and not beneficial.

    1. Exactly! Tell them they can’t access welfare until they’re 35 and if they want money to take from the “refugees”.

  2. “Unrepresentative Far-Left Public Sector Union Uses Students to Push Extremist Child Grooming Agenda”

    Headlines matter.

    1. I don’t understand your reasoning. Just because a person has a beard doesn’t mean they’re a dude.

        1. Just because a dude is a dude, doesn’t mean he’s a dude. GAWD, I’m glad I don’t have young kids any more.

  3. My kid described the Calgary high school protest as “pathetic”, a few dozen kids milling around across the street from the school. My wife went to Shopper’s at the mall near SAIT during the protest, she said it was a freak show, men with big false eyelashes etc.
    get a life

    1. Pssst … hey freaks.

      You’re ALWAYS going to be looked on as a freak. It’s kinda what you WANT, eh? It’s why you have glued-on ridiculous fake eyelashes and smeared-on cheap whore make up … right? You can push for all the freak legislation you want … but you’re still going to be shunned. Because you’re a freak. This is the life you’ve CHOSEN. Most likely because you’re mentally ill … or lazy … because REAL LIFE is just too difficult for you to tackle.

      Ohhhhhhh mommmaaaaa … Kenji is being mean … and harsh … boo hoo. Truth. Learn to deal with it.

  4. When they’re done with their “big change” they can stop in at the local licensed facility and celebrate with a couple of beers with those who actually build? Still have to step outside for a smoke though.
    Not that smoking and drinking is for everyone, though same for lopping off you junk it seems.

    I just think that if you’re going to lop off your junk, or treat it to be non functional forever, maybe hoist a brew up and yell “hell yea” …

    and you can do that here after you turn 18, but not when you’re 12.

  5. Child gender transitioning is another medical monstrosity that history will remembered as barbaric. New-ish data from Scandinavia shows that about 80% of gender confused children will become comfortable with their born gender after going through puberty and reaching adulthood.

    A significant portion of those 80% figure out they are gay and lesbian, so they were actually confused about their sexuality and not their gender. Thankfully those that were allowed to go through puberty and accept their sexuality didn’t have to endure unnecessary, disfiguring surgeries followed by a lifetime of pharmaceutical drugs and regret.

    1. And how many have been sexually abused as children? Most don’t admit they were abused but they were influenced by some abuser somehow: exposure to porn mostly, even perpetually using innuendo. Some parents do it to their kids because they think it’s innocuous. None of it should be on the menu. You get curious as teenagers but a little guidance from parents goes a long way. Just giving a damn most of the time puts you ahead of the pack.

      1. I have no doubt that sexual abuse contributes to children’s mental health issues. That’s why counseling and therapy should be mandatory before any transitioning. There are other parenting problems and mental health issues that need to be looked at too.

        Right now the professional assumption is that there’s abuse happening if parents don’t want their children transitioned. But what if there’s something wrong with the parents who are insisting that their child needs to be transitioned.

      2. Gay men: ~50%.
        Lesbians and men with severe sexual dysmorphia: 90%
        Women with severe sexual dysmorphia: used to be ~100%, but the social contagion effect amongst teenage girls has dropped that but no one knows how much.

        The gay lobby violently memory holed the child sexual abuse etiology in the 80s and 90s – not because it was untrue, but because it was.

    2. And IMHO … the remaining 20% are profoundly mentally ill. Ohhhhhhhhh mommmaaaaaa … you say; “what is mental illness”. “Is being different really a mental illness?” “We’re just on a different ‘spectrum’ from you.” Yes, those are the things mentally ill people would claim.

      But as the murder of small innocent children in Nashville by some girl who was pretending to be a dude … but was really a lesbian … and wasn’t a dude … because she didn’t have a pennis or balsac or Y chromosome … decided that cute white girls needed to die. Yeah … your confused sexual perception is a mental illness … because you are vehemently denying REALITY. They should all be 5150’ed because they are a threat to themselves and to others.

        1. Maybe. But as the father of a son who was mentally ill due to a chemical imbalance in his brain … SSRI’s were ALL that allowed him to be the sweet, loving, hard-working, gentle soul that he was. Lithium and Abilify allowed him to function as the normal, sweet, creative, straight-A student that he USED TO BE … before he went utterly nuts at age 18.

          But off the meds? A nightmare doesn’t begin to tell the story of voices in his head, and faces on the screen and the apartment unit he burned out

          Careful with sweeping generalizations about medicine and wellness

          1. Nothing sweeping about the statement “I think there needs to be a study that looks into SSRIs.”. Handing them out like candy to young people for anxiety is different than using them for more severe conditions.

          2. No argument there … but movements such as “investigate SSRI’s” seem to rapidly turn like …

            Eat less red meat
            Become a vegetarian
            Become a vegan
            Animal rights demand you stop eating meat
            We must all eat bugs

            Be careful

    3. I don’t know if history will matter to anyone anyways once all the insanity and silence runs it’s course.
      Seems to me most people turn off the receptors so they don’t get angry, or feel anything at all.
      It’s a shame.

  6. Apparently this is the most important issue in Canada. At least according to the media. This will be one of Blackie’s themes in the upcoming election, along with the Conservatives being MAGA supporters.

    1. ” This will be one of Blackie’s themes in the upcoming election.” I would be surprised as it is such a loser issue for Trudeau. It exemplifies everything Canadians hate about the Liberal government.

  7. Once our kids leave for kindergarten they start to belong to the system.

    “Daddy don’t let the water run when you brush your teeth.”

  8. Given his behavior, I can’t help but think Trudeau had puberty blockers administered when younger.

    1. FAS can occur when the mother has alcohol in her system at a certain stage of her pregnancy. I’m fairly certain that similar damage can occur to a child when the mother has illegal drugs in her system at a certain stage of her pregnancy. Trudeau’s mother was known to enjoy illegal drugs.
      There could be a reasonable Master’s Thesis here for an honest post-grad studen since this is all anecdotal currently.

      1. True. And what’s wrong with ‘anecdotal’, anyway? It is the force responsible for everything in this Country: Indian claims, Liberty Suppressions, Federal Inquiries, the death of of our resources, etc etc.

      2. Illegal drugs – no. It was DNA. His mother was stupid and crazy and he caught a double dose.

    1. “Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”

      ― Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

        1. Because what follows has nothing to do with what came before. Surely you’re intelligent enough to understand that. It speaks to the irrationality of our current culture.

          1. But I was only making reference to these sicko’s desire to the mutilation of children (sex change surgery) in the name of human rights. Understand? Those these very same people most likely do accuse Israel for Oct 7. I was not making that reference in any way. You two made that association. Understand?

          2. Hey Warren. It’s all about double standards and selective focus in the Media. Their narrative on victims and perpetrators is intentionally warped. It protects and rewards those that commit harm while minimizing those harmed. I see it as pure Evil.

  9. History repeats what is JT looking for? ” After Emperor Nero allegedly kicked his second wife Sabina to death in 65 A.D., he met a slave boy named Sporus who looked like her. So Nero had him castrated and took him as his bride.”

  10. “Apparently, the average age of a Calgary high school student appears to be about 30”. The NDP (through their teachers union) will do that with their control of public education. Smith needs to offer vouchers next.

  11. It’s known that a percentage of “confused” kids commit suicide. It appears that Provinces will be having different approaches in dealing with this idssue. It may be educational to see which jurisdictions see an increase (or decrease) in these suicide rates.
    Regardless, no Social Engineer will be held accountable.

  12. Students of what, adult daycare? I see middle aged men and women-once again the media attempt to gas light us. What’s next Canadians are outraged and they interview two alphabet trans people?

  13. This “victory” still removes or undermines parental authority, encourages the transgender narrative in school, and allows medical abuse of minors.

  14. the unmentioned tradeoff being cautious parents fully on board must statistically reduce the number of whats the term ‘detransitioning’. it has to. AND some of them truly WOULD HAVE transitioned and changed their mind, had they been allowed to trans in the first place.
    it has to be. so pipe up opponents of the libertarianism multi gender sector.

    its really really galling, all sides of the argument guilty. refusing to acknowledge points that support the opposite view. migawd grounds to agree and compromise but noooooooooo.

  15. Parents have rights.. The local school board does not.. If our constitution is worth spit, it must be this way.. And I don’t care if you like it..
