The Chicken Little School of Journalism

el gato malo- It’s evergreen. Every couple years, the media finds some “new” disease sensation and tries to run a scare story with it. It’s stunningly irresponsible/self-serving. Pandemics are only dangerous to modern societies if they panic. Journos would burn the world if it sold papers.

Case in Point…

11 Replies to “The Chicken Little School of Journalism”

  1. Maybe because in China the mask wearing and social control has left countless kids with zero immune deficiency

  2. Sure, but the motive is to keep people believing in the fiction of viruses. This is the same reason why the controlled propaganda organ that is Hollywood puts out movies with viruses as part of the plot, such as in War of the Worlds.

    This conditions the population to accept lies as “science”, so that when they lie through their teeth about a “pandemic” “outbreak” of a “virus”, the people have become conditioned to accept the fictional basis of the lie.

  3. Well, the only thing I am afraid of is not being able to take down some a hole that wants to take me down.

  4. Can we start a rumor that all this is being secretly organized by anti-social people?

  5. Price of eggs going up already. Not as bad as last year yet. Still $2-3 a dozen but give it a few weeks.
