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Better late than never? He is infinitely better than Turdo and the only one that has a chance to replace him. So there’s that.
And agreeing or disagreeing is the difference between being pragmatic and if not making things better, ensuring we don’t get worse, and proving a point and making things worse.
The math?
The Jughead and Junior show is a negative.
Poilievre being a typical politician is a zero
Poilievre delivering on 1% of his promise is a positive
I laugh at the disaffected who worship at the feet of Miracle Max (who if he were the least bit actually conservative…i.e., deliberate and not reactive, could be leading the Tories right now).
There is a better chance that one of the wacky Greens will cross the floor and become the first People’s Party MP than actually getting one elected.
“…disaffected who worship at the feet of Miracle Max…” This strawman, while the leader you’re squealing about adopts PPC policies years too late, is pathetic. Team This or Team That, it doesn’t matter, it’s the machine that’s out of control, the hands on the lever don’t matter.
So why even bother?
Nothing wrong with voting for the party and leader who most closely align with you.
I do it every time: PC, Reform, Cdn Alliance, CPC, PPC, New Blue.
I’m not tribal.
And its ridiculous that some won’t vote for a party or leader because of, literally, one thing that might not even be true, or if it is, is…one thing.
And Thug Fraud’s reign of error is why I won’t vote for the Ontario Tories until every last member of that wretched cabinet and caucus is politically dead and buried.
“Nothing wrong with voting for the party and leader who most closely align with you.
I do it every time: PC, Reform, Cdn Alliance, CPC, PPC, New Blue.
I’m not tribal.”
Same here. I have voted for the National Party (remember them?), the Progressive Conservative Party (before I figured out that they were actually the Liberal Lite Party) Reform and the Canadian Alliance federally. Also the BC Liberals (aka the Social Credit Party), BC Conservative Party and the NDP (over bridge tolling) provincially. Didn’t vote in the Vancouver elections for about 30 years, until just the last one (where it became imperative to get rid of Kennedy Stewart before he brought all Vancouver traffic to a gridlocked standstill with his left-wing ‘go green’ nonsense).
We are Men. You are mistaken, and assume too much.
We Worship God, not Government.
PP will disappoint us. They all do. Max was arrested by the FILTHY Ford Government. He has Balls. PP banning a vaccine mandate that 3% of people will take, 3 years after a fake pandemic is Pathetic, not Brave.
Your argument is a false dichotomy. We demand excellence, and will keep demanding it from our elected thieves. How do you improve otherwise?
Your answer is to vote for the other wing of the Uniparty Vulture.
We are already broken. We will not be a 10 Province Canada. FILTHY LIBERALS Destroyed her…
Looks like PP has taken a page out of Max’s playbook.
I don’t know who this guy is, but I (reluctantly) agree with him. At this point, Pierre Poilievre looks like he is poised to become our next Canadian Prime Minister, yes, but he will do it with no help from me. Accusing me and all other Canadians of GENOCIDE?? Go f*ck yourself, Pierre.
(or maybe try talking to some people in other parts of the world who have experienced the real thing, if you’re still unclear on the concept…)
You’re just another spineless PC in disguise. You’re Erin O’Toole with better PR.
Stop whining.
Agreed, strongly, Art. No one cares about Fred and his opinions. Freddy, go f*** yourself. You disappearing will remove a worthless s**t-st**n from the country.
Thomas is right; he’s better by a lot than anything else on offer. Following Freddy we will be stuck with another four years of Justatwat and Jughead.
I’m sure my comment above will collect the Miracle Max buzzards. I simply don’t care enough to care.
I still have the scars from the Tory vs. Reform fight, which left us with a decade of Liberal rule, and I won’t go through it again because someone from the fringe was forwarded a picture on Facebook and it MEANS SOMETHING!
If bible pounders would quit bashing every one they disagree with, many more wouyld vote conservative. I know that for a FACT, as I interact with a lot, and wide range of people. Moderate liberals don’t necessarily like today’s crop of liars, but they can’t bring themselves to support a party loaded with gay bashers, mulim bashers, and those who protect destructive far leftist Joos. Some of you’s need to learn to keep your pie-holes shut, and act like a conservative, instead of a liberal on the other side of the aisle .
As to Max, he is a untried entity, but he was there for the trucker protest, and you????Who the FVCK are you.
CJ, I voted for Max as a throw away protest vote last time. This time I will vote for the Conservative. I can’t see how there’s any other realistic choice.
I better find out how to get an absentee ballot since I no longer reside in Canada. Hmmm. Can I vote in any riding? I may actually get to vote for Poilievre. Maybe an apple a day and … who knows what will happen?
Well CJ, people who bitch about Max seem to have even fewer ideas about freedom and government than Max.
Reply toCJ- Let us be clear – there was only one MP who dissented and would not give unanimous consent to the Liberals having a total dictatorship. It wasn’t PP and you will have to work to find his name. Any support for the truckers from government officials at best was tepid. To me we are clearly in a barrel of dung up to our chins. The only question is when the turd is thrown at your head , do you duck?
I suspect that PP and the turd are moving in the same direction. The difference is that the turd is travelling at 120 kph, while PP is creeping along at 70 kph.
So why PP? It’ll at least buy us a little more time and opportunity to wake Canadians up to the realities that the government (be they lib or tory) is not their friend.
“Agreed, strongly, Art. No one cares about Fred and his opinions. Freddy, go f*** yourself. You disappearing will remove a worthless s**t-st**n from the country.”
I should care what a Simpleton ™ thinks? Don’t make me laugh…
“Stop whining.”
Outstanding rebuttal, Art.
(touched a nerve, did I?)
what a pile of nonsense
Well, Fred (and JD), if you don’t know who PP is yet, then do not comment. The rest of us have listened to him in Parliament for a decade plus. He was elected at age 25.
I know who PP is, I don’t know who Donald Best is, and thus why we should care about his opinion
Donald Best is former Toronto cop.
Friend of Danny Bulford. Hope you know who he is!!
He is worth following.
“I know who PP is, I don’t know who Donald Best is, and thus why we should care about his opinion”
Silly me, I had thought that part was obvious.
Nailed it, Fred.
He always has his finger in the wind, and his party supported having our rights stripped away during covid, and yes, he and his party voted in lockstep with the LPC and NDP in declaring that Canada had committed genocide.
I belonged to the CPC for over 6 years, and worked hard to get them elected. It was later I realized that the CPC was merely the right cheek of the Canadian Uniparty arse.
NEVER AGAIN will I vote “Conservative”. I only vote “conservative”. ie, PPC.
who is donald best?
“Donald Best is an Access to Justice and Anti-corruption advocate. A former Toronto Police ”
I like Pierre.
that was my first question.. who is this guy and why should we care?
Every politician is a wind vane, and really not much of a “leader” why should PP be different?
Should we be demanding more of our politicians than merely allowing them to be weathervanes?
“Should we be demanding more of our politicians than merely allowing them to be weathervanes?”
Well put, Weyland (wouldn’t that make a great bumper sticker?). Like you, I’m looking for a conservative politician to come along and speak to the Canadian public like adults. To tell them “These are my conservative policies and principals. They are better than the Liberal and NDP ones, and HERE IS WHY:”
Then proceed to tell them why. Tell the public how all the recent Canadian governments have failed to protect our interests and why our country is sliding into financial and political ruin. Tell them *exactly* how your policies will arrest and reverse this slide. Poke fun at the Liberal and NDP fearmongering over abortion, gay rights and immigration, and the incessant calls for every conservative party to “move to the center”. Be factual. Be concise. Tell them the truth, even the stuff that they don’t want to hear
I can already hear the usual suspects here whining, ” but…but…people won’t vote for you unless you lean more to the left and be more “moderate”. Canada is a left-wing country.” Not entirely true. Find a leader sincere enough and articulate enough to communicate a viable conservative strategy, and Canadians *will* vote for him if the situation here (the economy, jobs, health care, crime, etc.) gets bad enough…and I would argue that it IS getting just about bad enough now for that to happen.
He is saying the right things now. Where was he when Canadians were protesting the mandates and having their bank accounts frozen. Has he commented on the ongoing trial?
Every time I read a tweet about Pierre the responses are filled with libtards accusing Pierre of insurrection because he supported the convoy
He didn’t support the convoy. He opportunistically launched his bid for Prime Minister in the middle of the convoy.
“He didn’t support the convoy. He opportunistically launched his bid for Prime Minister in the middle of the convoy.”
Exactly. He has done other troubling things as well, like the Christine Anderson debacle, and caving in to the Quebec dairy cartel…but accusing all Canadians of GENOCIDE? And people are okay with that??
Sorry, not me. Don’t give a rat’s ass what anyone thinks about it, either…;)
This ^, right here.
Napoleon quote 1879:
“Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.”
Trudeau has been getting very bad press lately, all by himself, even from subsidized media.
PP is wise to wait until the dust settles.
The “why isn’t he commenting on my personal issue” types are weary, aren’t they?
Its basically “how to continually lose every election but feel self-righteous that its not MY fault” 101.
Do not forget that PP is an elected member from Carleton, a suburb of Ottawa. He has to think about his sissy constituents, some of whom were outraged that many Canadians would come to Ottawa en mass in trucks from everywhere.
They are used to having a nice, quiet city with green spaces paid by the National Capital Commission, which all taxpayers fund. 26% work for the feds.
The sissies are in the urban ridings. Ottawa geographically is HUGE. One of the largest cities (if not the largest) in Canada in terms of area. It would take you about an hour to drive from one end of the city to the other.
as you venture south away from the downtown ridings, you get to my former riding of Ottawa south, and that is pretty much it as far as liberal red goes. Even Ottawa South has a substantial conservative voter base, always coming in second. NDP/Green can never get past the CPC in Ottawa South.
Now Carlton is just south of Ottawa South, and I can tell you, that riding is as rural as you can get, and it really is tory blue.
…federal sector… Huh? I guess we’re not in this together after all.
Don’t trust him but he’s a far sight better than the current psychopath.
Pierre is completely untrustworthy. He’s a career politician that changes with the wind.
He’s to the left of Jean Chrétien.
The biggest most fundamental issues we face will not be addressed.
He’ll be another Mulroney…mostly dealing with the consequences of Trudeau and making hard decisions regarding those consequences that people will quickly hate him for.
You know when people say,”if this election doesn’t go our way this country is finished!”
Yeah, we passed that point already. Northern Argentina with more third world immigrants is our destiny now.
Actually, there are many people who would agree with Jeff. I, on the other hand, am holding out hope that PP is really something different, but the pessimist in me thinks he’ll cow tow to the Laurentian Liberal apparatchiks.
So, when are you leaving?
I’ll keep watching and saving. I’ve been to Argentina…it’s still nice even though the country keeps bankrupting itself.
If our medical system begins to really collapse our we get back to a 2021-type situation, then it might be time to think about going for it.
Not sure where to go though. Maybe somewhere warm and/or Spanish speaking.
Or maybe just stay here and be a pain in the ass to regime overseers.
By the 2040s Canada is going to get pretty rough with our demographic situation.
Nobody’s perfect – but Pierre is WAAAAYYYY better than Justin and any of his co-conspirators.
I was piiiiissed when Danielle Smith crossed the floor, a few years later gave her the benefit of the doubt – and wow, so far so good, everything she promised as Wildrose and more – to date.
Sadly Poilievre seems like the best we can hope for in this unserious country. Politicians like him, Scott Moe, and other “conservatives” shamed themselves badly, basically sold out the pharma and one world government like the rest during Covid, but what’s the alternative?
I’m in a solid conservative riding both provincially and federally so I can vote with my conscious and vote for the party to the right of these guys but not everyone necessarily has that luxury. One way or another the Liberals need to be defeated badly to have a chance to change the fate of this country. It’s nice Poilievre is saying the right things now but it’s a bad sign he failed to see any of it originally. Sadly every government and politician put so much faith in these “vaccines” being rolled out none of them ever stopped to think if it was even a good thing. Poilievre was so busy beating up Trudeau for not getting to the front of the line for vaccines he cornered himself on it, though I’m guessing he truly believed they were required and was more than ok with the mandates at the time.
Is PP the messiah we seek? Nope.
Will he be better for Canadians? I would like to think so.
Let’s be clear….Canada didn’t just suddenly become a leftist cesspool. It happened over many decades…slowly. As Pierre Trudeau opined many years ago, when you are on a long sea journey you don’t have to lean on the tiller very hard to arrive at a very different destination from that which the passengers believed they were heading.
“Is PP the messiah we seek?”
That’s the effing problem with too many conservatives: we’re supposed to be the adults, and realize that they’re ALL human.
I’d just like ONE that isn’t functionally retarded, totally corrupt and a walking ego.
Politicians rarely have a moral compass, it’s all about finding a parade and jumping in front of it. The Honorable designation in front of MPs names is supposed to remind them to be honorable but now it’s just a sad joke. Perhaps the CPC will pass legislation ensuring medical and bodily autonomy when they win but I wouldn’t count on it.
Does anyone remember Harper promising to not touch income trusts?
How about Premier Moe and Trudeau saying that vaccine mandates were unCanadian and they would never implement them?
The vaccine mandate issue has become a litmus test for me. If a politician implemented policies of segregation and discrimination with vaccine mandates and passports or didn’t vocally oppose them when it mattered then they don’t get my vote. If they apologize for their appalling mistake and pass legislation to ensure it never happens again, federal or provincial, then I might reconsider.
The good news is: NO politician with any actual power has a stomach to go back to 2022, let alone 2020.
They’ve seen the elections all over the world (i.e., the horse-face in NZ).
Junior bought, what, 60 million doses and the uptake is minimal. People were shorting Pfizer stock back in the spring.
The bad news is: they’ll need another crisis, none of them seem to be taking.
I agree. The mandatory vaccinations policies were likely a card you can only play once. It’ll take a generation to regain people’s trust in public health, if it ever recovers. But, they got what they wanted because you can’t unvaccinate yourself and at least 75-80% of Canadians are deemed fully vaccinated.
As for the new crisis….well they’ve checked off war and pestilence so I guess famine is up next. /sarc
Another conservative leader that is a pound shy and a dollar short on leading. Instead of leading on principles that used to be the backbone of Canadian culture we have become a nation led by a political class that either governs by fear or governs by appeasement. The Liberals like their American counterparts govern by fear, fear that they themselves generate, and Conservatives like Republicans go along to get along, appeasers. When was the last time Canada produced anything resembling a leader, even Harper was a disappointment? Now that the majority of Canadians are refusing the injections Poilievre is joining the ranks instead of leading. He should have been in the advance guard with this issue instead he is now testing the waters. A leader would now be leading the charge for a new round of Nuremberg trials after the disaster that has been inflicted, instead we get Poilievre advocating against mandated injections, Where was he when the Liberals were trying to straddle the fence with “A Canadianis a Canadian, is a Canadian!” and at the same time declaring “What are we to do with these people?” I feel a rant starting here so I’m goimg to close with a reminder that a leader will forge a path on principles that he firmly believes in rather than elbowing his way to the front of the herd. I could imagine Andrew Bridgen must well feel as Winston Churchill must have felt in the Thirties and therein lies the heart of a leader.
Pierre’s polling comes from the reality that even the mindless mushy middle have had enough of the Spawn-Fuhrer. Given that most politicians are pathologically inclined to control how others live their lives, any tilt towards individual liberty that goes outside the bounds of media / institutional leftist gatekeeping is a positive move and despite the CPC having had too many squishes at the top, he is doing what he should. Mad Max is more consistently libertarian leaning but he is a leader without a party that has any hope of near-term success. I voted for Max the last time for two reasons. One, I live in a brain-dead NDP riding and two, the CPC had no leader. Don’t confuse my pragmatism for optimism. Nothing changes the fact that the deranged dominion is a bankrupt welfare state that will take decades to improve starting with the overturning of most institutions.
Maybe Pierre is late to the game but he’s a better help to the side of reason than anyone else we have.
Ant: I agree with your sentiment about leadership and the value of it, but I think our boat is sinking and I’ll happily bail water with a leaky pail rather than drown
Pierre has finally gotten the message and with support from us, i believe others might see the light.
hvb: Scott Moe is responding to the message that’s been sent to him. Whether he’s acting out of fear or good sense, he’s at least making some better decisions that we’ll all benefit from.
Scott Moe needs to apologize and sign laws preventing mandates from ever happening in this province again. Angry and scared Scott Moe of August 2021 is still seared in my brain. That was the end of any hope in this province of these garbage shots not being forced upon us. I’ll never vote for him and his party again just based on that. But an apology and some truth about the vaccine harmful affects and their absolute failure to stop the virus would be a good start. A house cleaning of SHA of these vaccine zealots and pharma sellouts would help too.
Not to mention Moe still has a law on the books providing protection from liability for any business in this province who wishes to mandate vaccines.
Hvb- I agree totally with you about his mishandling of the mandates.
Just a thought, if he would have apologized he might still be coasting along with decent support but he ticked off enough people that are supporting the Sask United and is now trying to move back right to head them off. A bit of fear is a great motivator!
I think the “PP not pure enough” angle is very beneficial to Liberal/NDP side. The more PP climbs in polls, the more we’ll see this BS thrown out there. Who buys into this drivel needs to see that famous apple/orchard clip. And if they still don’t see anything, then they are hopeless, they continue to vote with theTurd/Jugmeat.
That conservatives actually have ANY sort of “purity test” is a sign that they’re not actually conservative.
Leave that to the “progressives”. I hate Mulroney with a passion that progressives only wish they could muster for many reasons: stacking the Senate to pass the GST (a twofer), giving Quebec the usual ankles up, etc.
But at least he wasn’t a Trudeau.
We will not know unless he gets elected and does the same as every other useless conservative has done all my life. Then it is too late.
I thought Stephen Harper did a good job. The Liberal owned media ganged up and destroyed him somehow turning him into “literally Hitler”.
@Thomas – “The Liberal owned media ganged up and destroyed him somehow turning him into “literally Hitler”.”
Harper did a great job with what he had to work with. Otherwise they “tried” to destroy him but he owned & exposed them similar to the way Trump did in the US. Many more taxpayers will never look at the CBC & MSM the same way again, thanks to Stephan Harper.
Sure. Harper did a great job./
Icing on the cake was the way Harper went into an election after 5 years of majority government with 22 Senate seats–for-life empty.
Barely phoned his campaign in.
He lost the election leaving those 22 Senate seats-for-life to be filled by Justin Trudeau appointments.
Slick move there by Stevo. Way to CONSERVE the Liberal power legacy for years to come.
I’m with you there VOWG.
If he causes CBC to lose sleep, you’d think you’d be satisfied. I’ll be satisfied if he lets one choose the type of car one can buy in 2030. It’s good to have low expectations.
Can hate him later.
Yeah, I yearn for the 2010’s when people were allowed to go to a restaurant without producing medical records and not to have your child’s sex determined by the kindergarten teacher. Oh well, at least Doug Ford isn’t Kathleen Wynne.
Thug Fraud is a special kind of twat.
I mean, he proves Frank Zappa’s adage that while stupidity has a certain charm (think Rob Ford), ignorance does not.
Even if I didn’t care that he’s a PROGRESSIVE Conservative (run from the right, govern from the left), and was the mayor of Lockdownistan, Trudeautopia – he’s just looking so stupid about the Green Belt, isn’t he?
No, he’s no Kathleen Wynne…but then again, he’s no Mike Harris, either.
I really don’t see how Ford is better than Wynne (and I thought Wynne was horrid).
A couple of thoughts: Max Bernier is saying what needs to be said and he’s at 2% in the polls.
Is Poilievre playing the game or is he playing us?
I dunno.
Change the system from within.
Or whine.
I’ve made my choice…
Change the system from within huh?
How’s that working for you?
“Change the system from within huh?
How’s that working for you?”
I can’t think of anywhere that has been tried and actually worked ( Donald Trump being the most recent example). It seems that the system is usually set up to protect itself and prevent anyone from changing it for the better.
How’s your approach working for you?
Will it be another case of changing politicians but keeping the overall agenda in place ?
Regardless of who the leader is they need the support of the seals in their caucus. MPs go along because they fear the punishments the “party” hands out for not playing along. When they come knocking on your door looking for your vote, put them on the spot, make them earn it, and make them more afraid of “us” than they are of the “party”.
Sent Pierre an email quite some time ago asking him why I should vote for him.
No answer.
The bottom could fall out of things, and Canada will need someone with guts.
Pierre I’m afraid isn’t much better than what we have.
The rot is too deep, and Canadians as a whole haven’t been shaken up enough materially to real take any serious time figuring out how bad they let themselves be fleeced.
We don’t need band aids we need amputations.
We got here because of Conservatives afraid of who they are, and what they stand for.
Until that changes the direction will be the same.
Why be afraid of people that have more or less buried themselves and their country?
“Will it be another case of changing politicians but keeping the overall agenda in place ? ”
Only time will tell, but there are enough ‘red flags’ on Poilievre so far to at least warrant some caution.
There is no politician that will save Canada.
Canada is insolvent. 1.2 trillion dollars of debt. Stats Canada shows all Canada’s natural resources are valued at 1.44 Trillion in 2021. All the govt can do now is cash flow interest payments in order not to default. How? Increase the money supply( (inflation) and/or take more taxes from the productive citizens. Otherwise default.
Study Bitcoin. Buy Bitcoin.
Is Pierre Poilievre Who Canada Needs Now or Just Another “Politician”?
¿Por qué no los dos?
Pierre Poilievre is the guy with the best chance to defeat the Zoolander, so we need to support him.
I wasn’t thrilled with his comments about wanting to replace the Governor of the Bank of Canada, which struck me as pandering to economically ignorant people, but we need Trudeau gone and PP is our best chance to achieve that crucial first step in turning Canada around.
Let’s give him plenty of feedback when he is PM, but he has to get there first and the next election could be two years away. A 12 point poll lead now is not the same as a majority Conservative government in 2025.
This is all academic for me, I live in Ottawa-Vanier. 🙁
I am forced to say, that while I strongly believe that Pierre Poilievre IS just another politician, it doesn’t matter. He’s not a Liberal. That will have to do.
At some point, probably while looking at the smoking wreckage of their homes, Canadians will FINALLY understand that salvation and prosperity do NOT come from government. It will only be then that they get to work and rebuild this country themselves, the same way it was built in the first place.
The problem is the political establishment composed of pollsters, government employees, PR flunkies and sundry consultants and editors.
Well said and I couldn’t agree more.
Agree with many of the above comments.
Of note – Donald Best does not have his facts straight. PP first introduced this bill in 2022, when he announced his bid for the leadership. The recently defeated Private Member’s Bill was put forward by Dean Allison.
(source – Epoch Times)
PP DID put this forward during Covid. (I refuse to use the word “pandemic.”) And he did show up at the convoy to voice support.
But as some have pointed out – he was silent during the continued abuse and persecution heaped on the convoy and its spokespeople. In her book, Tamara makes it plain that there were no absolute leaders, as this was a grassroots movement.
Like someone else here, I voted Max the last 2 elections, as I was in a solid Conservative riding. I wanted to bolster PPC percentages, but not risk a Conservative seat.
For those who seek perfection – is your house absolutely perfect for everything? Your car? Your wife? Your job?
Are you sticking with them, or pitching them at the first sign of imperfection, after you have set yourself up as the arbitor of whatever that perfection is?
And….if it is your views and yours alone that ascertain perfection, go ahead and run for office yourself.
I agree that the system is broken. Instead of representing voters in their ridings to Ottawa, MP’s come around once every 4 years to represent Ottawa to us.
We all know that.
Like so many problems – easy to see, but tough to fix. Will PP truly represent Conservative values if he achieves office, esp. once the MSM assaults begin (as they did with PMSH)?
I dunno. But he has shown spine against the MSM and woke elites, who have been running this country for most of my life (I’m in my 60’s).
That alone gives me some hope. Is Canada doomed? Probably. But let’s go down fighting, shall we?
Give this man an apple!
“Your car? Your wife? Your job?
Are you sticking with them, or pitching them at the first sign of imperfection, after you have set yourself up as the arbitor of whatever that perfection is?”
I don’t think it’s acceptable to minimise what happened during covid as a mere “imperfection”. To take the example about pitching you wife at the first sign of imperfection : Is her imperfection that she doesn’t put the toothpaste lid back on the toothpaste or did she steal all the money from the family’s savings account and use it to go on a Vegas vacation with her boyfriend?
I’d say that what happened during covid was like the latter – a complete betrayal and boatloads of corruption and malice. Unforgivable.
Point taken…thanks for the note and your valid thoughts. As I pointed out, PP did introduce a bill to end mandates, and did show up and voice support for the convoy. And as you correctly alluded…that was the extent of his stance on that fiasco.
But at the end of the day and the discussion, who ya gonna vote for?
I only vote for separatist parties, provincially and federally. Alberta and Saskatchewan will only reach their potential if they go their own way. Staying in Canada is like remaining in an abusive relationship. The rest of Canada will never change, there’s just the odd short lived honeymoon period in between economic attacks.
But, for most of my adult life I voted for conservatives. PC (except Devine), saskparty, reform, etc.
“Like someone else here, I voted Max the last 2 elections, as I was in a solid Conservative riding. I wanted to bolster PPC percentages, but not risk a Conservative seat.”
Me too, but I’m in a safe Liberal riding. Every vote for the PPC is a vote that *should* have gone CPC, and that’s always been my point: send a message to the CPC that slowly morphing back into the “Progressive” Conservatives will not be tolerated.
I did that MAX protest vote too a few years back when we had unelectable CPC leaders, as Hedy Fry is, unfortunately, my safe MP forever.
This time is very different, as even some young people are done with TRUDEAU and starting to learn about economics that was not taught during schooling.
Max has some great policies, but he basically left the caucus, where he had a strong influence, and his new party is going nowhere ever, as it has no profile, except among conservatives.
I just hope that PP is not peaking too soon in the polls, as Jugmeet needs to qualify for his gilded pension, as pointed out by an SDA reader on this site; so another train wreck year and a half is in store for Canadians, with more intrusions on our liberties.
And hopefully, Trudeau’s massive ego does NOT allow him to step down either, as we, the public, want to drown him with negative votes and place Liberals in the dog house. Ontario: time to change your votes. Singh is a puppet looser too.
“I did that MAX protest vote too a few years back when we had unelectable CPC leaders, as Hedy Fry is, unfortunately, my safe MP forever. ”
My sympathies. I’m stuck with Taleeb Noormohamed.
“Max has some great policies, but he basically left the caucus, where he had a strong influence, and his new party is going nowhere ever, as it has no profile, except among conservatives.”
I really wish he had stuck it out and stayed with the CPC…he could be leader now. Yes, he got shafted, there is little doubt about that, but still…
He’s sounds infinitely better than any other realistic choices but he’s a politician. The proof of the pudding will be in the eating. I will not declare him the conservative messiah until he cuts taxes (significantly), cuts govt and bureaucracy, cuts cbc, gets rid of nonsensical gun registration and restricted class etc.
Needless to say I am prepared to be happier with pp than Trudy, but I expect he will moderate his conservatism once elected just like Harper. Not gonna get excited about someone just because they don’t suck. But, that’s where the bar is set in Canada now.
There is zero chance of a fire breathing conservative being elected in Canada. Zero. We’d better take what we can get. It’s not much different elsewhere. The only hope is to defund the media propaganda machine. It would be a start.
The Canadian version of the Rorschach Test features a page flecked with yellow from top right to bottom left.
Some people see a streak of urine … the others see a white knight.
You all have a good option: write the Leader of the Opposition and tell him about the policies you want.
I have my short list:
1.eliminate the CRTC; their entire mandate expired with the Internet, as people watch what they want, including Canadian content that is good
2.get rid of gender affirmation in federal laws
3.downsize all government departments, especially those who overlap provincial responsibilities (health, environment, housing etc.)
4.cut budgets to all departments
5.appoint only competent Ministers who you know can do the job; diversity hiring does not always work well
6.reduce extra fees on everything – green fees, taxes upon taxes (the GST was supposed to replace individual income tax)
7.accept lower economic growth as the new normal, as aging boomers do not need much new stuff
8.end the law suit for truckers; this was a peaceful grass roots protest, without much organization by anyone, unlike some going on now
9.get rid of all green fees for obvious reasons
10.stop immigration and, especially refugee and family re-unification programs, as no one can afford them at the moment. Round up and send illegals immediately back with no hearing, as no one wants people who break laws.
Good list. I would add, also bring in a recall law so we the people can, via referendum remove an elected official from Office before their term is up.
Interview every immigrant who has arrived in the last 10 years. If he is on welfare, government subsidy, government “job”, or is otherwise unable to prove financial independence, ship him and his dependents back where they came from. Yeah, that’s harsh, but we aren’t running this country for the benefit of others.
“2.get rid of gender affirmation in federal laws”
Yes. To start with, stop using their language. No more of the “cisgender’ or ‘heteronormative’ crap. Also lose ‘survivors’ to describe people who attended residential schools..and ‘racialized’? WTF?
Enough. Speak English (or French, if you must).
At least PP is saying the right things now.
Its important to remember that Larry O’Stool was the “leader” of the Cons at the time of the Turdhole/NDP fascist takeover and he was ousted by the Con members themselves for among other things , being a liar.
O’Stool was a man without a soul, without principle, a man who lied his way into power and was thrown out by his own team.
Cant blame PP for Larry O’Stools lack of leadership his duplicity and his corruption.
PP is infinitely better than any anal Schwab Nazi like Turdhole and Jagderp.
Liberal and NDPers voted against this basic freedom.
“At least PP is saying the right things now.”
Yes, but does he actually *mean* them, though?
We will see…this is one situation where I would be happy to be proven wrong; maybe Poilievre is just ‘playing possum’ until he gets elected, after which he will reveal his true conservative colors? We’ll find out during the election campaign, when the Liberal, NDP and the Canadian news media will attack him relentlessly to see if he will pull an O’Toole and quickly reverse his positions. I’m not hopeful.
LOL, I had a hunch that this was a h/t MacMaster.
MacMaster may be young. Naive for sure.
He doesn’t seem to understand the pragmatic realities of what has become a socialist state over many decades; that the reversal will take a long LONG time; that the reverser will need more that a single glorious term that suits MacMaster.
Right. It didn’t happen overnight or during one term and won’t be repaired in that time frame.
Funny you should bring up reversing when the topic is Poilievre and the Conservatives. 24 months ago they were all nodding their heads on the necessity of masks, border closures, and the value of the jabs.
That’s not the reversal I refer to but, to your point, some people change their views over time. I know, I have. There are only three viable choices to form the next government and two of them are horrible. The things some people want are just not going to happen.
Perhaps the secret to getting us out of this whole stinking sordid mess that we presently find ourselves in is to make it abundantly clear to our relatives and friends of what our position is, instead of lamenting our situation here and in other blog sites. The problem here is that most commentators on this site are ‘appeasers’! It is far easier to go with the flow than to swim upstream against it. We have become so acquiescent in our day to day lives we are not longer aware of it. Rather than vote for Mad Max on the far right we vote for anything that is offered in the squishy middle. The left field of politics in Canada is inundated with parties of differing levels of leftism while the right side of the Canadian political spectrum has only one. By any rational thought the political right should be governing this country. Therein lies the problem the left have been ruling, not governing, and lying for so long that they have indoctrinated the electorate into voting for them no matter what. This all can be traced back to Milgram’s theory, the unwashed in this country will follow the dictates of authority even when it runs counter to their own thinking.
“By any rational thought the political right should be governing this country.”
Seriously? Max Bernier has zero chance of being elected. No matter what we tell our family and friends.
“Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable — the art of the next best”
― Otto von Bismarck
Milgrams of the shock-him-to-death-I-have-a-lab-coat-on experiment, wanted to investigate how 1930’s Germans went along with NAZI atrocities.
The dumbest Psych 101 drop out can remember it.
Fauci and Tam wore lab coats and that didn’t set off alarm bells to any of our countrymen that claimed the high “science” ground invariably “I am the science” or “you should read the science”, “you better educate yourself”
I don’t wonder any more.
Talk to a Liberal about anything politics and within 5 minutes it’s how much they HATE Trump, and they will be purple faced screaming.
Liberals would be feeding us into ovens if they didn’t give up all their guns .
He would have to say the right things at some point or forget it.
TBH, I find the randomness of the likelihood of malicious and vexatious prosecution much too likely and you have to have a very well focused POV of which hill you want to die on, because you well may suffer a life altering event by offending a small minded or just plain mean goverrnment marmoset.
The tuckers have huge cojones and we may well owe them more than they will ever collect or we can ever pay.
Towards the end, I began refusing to wear the mask, etc. With no resistance against my refusals.
It could well be that “Right” has a single face, but being wrong and tripping has a million options and can be fatal for a non Laurentian Royal. He will never get the wink and nod for crimes or perceived non liberal actions. So he must step carefully.
Pierre’s a lot smarter than that unpolished turd.
I’m more than willing to give him some slack, considering the commie nazi biatch in charge now.
To the question…No.
The cowardice and laziness of Canadian Voters is obvious,The Uni-Party offers us some Blue Tied Managers to step in for the Red Tied crew.
A pox on all their houses.
Our “Representatives” truly do .
Who needs Rights or Freedoms that a Government may NOT infringe?
Certainly not Canadians.
Can Ahh Duh is going down,there is no amount of bailing that will save this ship.
As the Officers and Captain Party,while looting the purse..the Black Gang has deserted.
Gone home to polish their tools and count their resources.
It does not matter to me,who “leads” the Progressive Conservative Party of Cann Ahh Duh..too little and way too late.
I will not ever vote CPC again. Cuckholds all of them. I won’t vote at all until someone articulates a clear plan for tangible revenge on Liberals and their supporters. I want lots of things they like banned. Dildos, Pride, fag marriage, abortion, it’s all one the table. I don’t care about anything but causing them permanent damage. I want every person who’s ever associated with the liberal party stuck in kangaroo courts and hearings every minute of the rest of their lives until they MAID themselves.
I’ll vote for that. It’s a reasonable compromise for hanging them all right now.
Until then. Screw Canada. I hope everyone east of Saskatchewan chokes on a mask or the next booster burns them from the inside out.
Personally, though I moved to the US, I don’t get the despair.
“There is a great deal of ruin in a nation.” – Adam Smith.
I think some people ought to look into what Smith meant by that remark and take hope.