18 Replies to “Mask Formation Psychosis”

  1. We have something similar down in the States. However, the mandate is applied by the employer, not the government (at present). I visit an assisted care facility rather regularly and most of the employees are wearing them, but a good portion have them hanging around their necks and no one really cares (at least I don’t).

    Masks have become nothing more than decoration for most of us. And, despite the vocal minority, the vast majority of people have moved into the “eye roll” stage when someone makes noise about it.

  2. Conclusion of the review of 78 RCTs (randomized control trials):
    Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews January 30th, 2023
    Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses

    The pooled results of RCTs did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks. There were no clear differences between the use of medical/surgical masks compared with N95/P2 respirators in healthcare workers when used in routine care to reduce respiratory viral infection.

    There is no scientific basis for masking against viral infection.
    see Dr Jay Bhattacharya, Epidemiologist, Stanford. (co-author of Great Barrington Declaration)

    C in C
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

  3. in manitoba they might mandate headdresses now. why is it that manitoba always seems to be 4 years out of phase with the rest of the world. i mean , its not nova scotia .

    1. Let’s see who is backward and out of step with reality.

      Nova Scotia has a PC quasi conservative Premier who is an accountant by profession.

      Manitoba has a quasi Communist NDP Premier who was a CBC!!! host/running dog.

      Seems the Stupid is headed West and staying there.

    2. Low oxygen supply to the brain is critical to ensuring continuing NDP voters at the polls every 4 years.

  4. Colds and flu have been going around my area. Still, barely see masks, even in the nearby city.

  5. They’re going to have problems with recruiting for these positions if masking becomes a requirement at a time where recruiting staff is critical. Who wants to spend a 8-12 hour shift with a mask on?

  6. Pandering to the mask fanatics, every study shows it doesn’t prevent the spread of viruses but does expose the wearer to hypoxia and other lung issues.

    1. I think that’s why it’s furher is agitating for it to be a nationwide thing so medical staff have no where to go to escape the mask madness. Personally I’d move south if I was in healthcare since it looks like cuck muzzles are a permanent thing in canuckistan.

  7. It’s performance art now, they’re doing “something” but the bigwigs, and even anyone in the office spaces, don’t have to be inconvenienced by them.
    Our clients gather in the common rooms and hallways and we dutifully don our masks as we step into their suites. If they say nothing, we keep them on. If they roll their eyes and ask us to take them off, we generally comply.
    The clients who need to lip read when we talk, we pull them down.
    I wish I could quit…but I’m used to eating and paying bills and such minor things.

  8. Meet our new minister of health, Uzoma Asagwara. Her qualifications? According to she/he/its bio, she/he/it is a Non-binary, Black, 2SLGBTTQ+ spokesperson and he/she/it was a former basketball player. He/she/its biggest achievement since 2019 is he/she/its participation in passing a bill recognizing Somali Heritage week. Oct. 18, 2023, first day on the job, masks are back on for all personal in all medical and care home settings.
    As for the remainder of the 14 Wobbly Canoe Ministers, 12 appear to be diversity, woke, social justice warriors & global warming cultists.
    We fooked!

  9. Manitoba went full commie again. I’m surprised it took this long
    Stupid is as stupid does.

  10. Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) in BC is mandating that new hires be vaccinated against Covid.

  11. Same same.. If cultural religious headdress can be forced upon us (turban).. So can not wearing one.. Its down to choice and if they insist on playing the health card then the burden is on them to prove their case with proper blind randomized studies..

    Its 2023 and we are 4 years into this debacle.. No excuse for health Canada to not provide clear answers even though everybody already knows the answer.. Only hand washing sort of works.. Lowers infection rate by around 13%.. But even that is a moment in time.. Today, tomorrow or tonight the 13% ends up failing..

    So done with this BS..
