Demanding the impossible on power generation

Boundary Dam Unit 3 capture plant. Photo by Brian Zinchuk

Are the federal Clean Electricity Standards, brought in by Steven Guilbeault and Jonathan Wilkinson, impossible to meet? Pipeline Online asked SaskPower.

“The CER would require SaskPower to effectively rebuild our entire power system, through retiring the majority of our existing generating units and replacing them with new, ultra-low emitting units or non-emitting energy sources, while also growing the system to support expanding electricity needs that are expected to support growing demand for clean electricity for industrial needs, transportation, increased customer participation and other needs.”

38 Replies to “Demanding the impossible on power generation”

  1. When you see what Steven Guilbeault is proposing, if you know enough to see lightning and hear thunder, you know it is impossible.

    So what he -really- wants is NO power generation. He wants to take the nation back to 1901, when electricity was for the ultra-wealthy of large cities and the peasants burned candles. When the rich had cars and the peasants walked.

    I am disinclined to accede to his wishes. Tar, feathers and a rail may be required.

      1. Absolute Zero is medieval level of technology. At best. Fires would only be for the elites. No combustible fuels of any kind for we serfs.

    1. You want to keep canada running, bury Gilburt he is a criminal and put Twaddeles on top of him in the same hole . Eliminate all socialists everywhere. Free people will make life good and they will prosper. By the way, stupid canadians are still stupid, prove me wrong.

  2. This is my translation of what the liberals are saying- “let the western bastards freeze in the dark”

  3. I think the SCOC will side with the federal gov’t on this issue.

    So if you’re not willing to push for separation, what will you settle for? Not everyone wants to negotiate with the devil.

  4. So they want Saskatchewan and Alberta to dismantle reliable baseload power that has worked great for decades and replace it with unreliable intermittent power that has either failed during the hottest and coldest days and skyrockets prices wherever it has been implemented. Not to mention how easily an entire solar field can be wiped out in one hail storm.

    An analogy would be the federal government forcing you to demolish your perfectly fine and paid for home built in the 1990s and build a really expensive sod hut in its place because it is more Earth friendly.

      1. We have a federal Liberal government full of vandals and thieves. What they can’t steal, they destroy.

      2. Which is why I use the word stupid so often. I do not give a sh*t about who does or does not like it or the constant use. Many who post here do not use the brain that they were given by God at birth. There is nowhere to go except down these days. The word stupid encompasses everything we are living through and refuse to put a f*****g stop to.

    1. LC- you will, of course be required to pay for the carbon credits to offset the incredible damage you would be doing by removing the sod to build your hut

      1. Maybe people can use discarded wind tower blades instead of sod. No environmental regulations on them…they are green and clean.

        1. Except they cannot be recycled. What a joke. The biggest joke is none of the crap can be made without coal, oil and gas. The stupid is strong out there Luke.

    2. We already know that the renewable attempt failed. This was experienced in Ontario after the 2009 Green Energy Act. However, in the focus on the fat and easy target of Guilbeault, we are missing the real villain of the piece. That’s Katie Telford. Along with Gerald Butts, she was the architect of the Green Energy Act which did its best to destroy Ontario’s industrial economy.

      Since the fall of the McGuinty government, she and Butts simply headed up the highway to try to carry out the same idiotic energy policy in Ottawa. It failed in Ontario; now this malignant idiot wants to force it on all the rest of Canada. Telford matters, because she’s the one making the policy decisions in Ottawa, not the pretender Justatwit acting out the role of Prime Minister.

  5. Politics isn’t constrained by something as simple of the laws of thermodynamics, especially not for true believers of SCIENCE!

  6. “You can’t negotiate with trash. ”

    A lesson that is never, ever learned. You have made your first mistake when you have agreed to sit down and talk.

    1. Art – good plan with one large bug – why do you suppose they are so hell bent to destroy the monetary system and install central bank digital currency ?

    2. The Notwithstanding Clause in the constitution is designed and intended to do exactly that. The Provinces, if they wish, can simply tell the feds, “blow me”, on any issue they like.

      1. cgh, I sometimes wonder if PET actually was Machiavellian enough to do this intentionally. It could really screw things up with an intelligent populace. That is where my favourite word comes. Carry on.

        1. Well, he created a constitution that was impossible to amend. This was only avoided by the insistence of Peter Lougheed that there had to be an escape clause, subsequently known as the Notwithstanding Clause. Imagine how horrible Canada would be without it.

          Lougheed was right. A constitution which cannot be amended sooner or later will lead to a violent overthrow of the state. Ask the French revolutionaries in 1789. (It’s no accident that Trudeau fought bitterly against this clause even more than he fought against the inclusion of property rights into the Constitution, but that’s a debate for another day.)

          He also created the Official Languages Act with the express purpose of ensuring that the only people who worked for the federal government came from within 200 km of Ottawa and Montreal. The first rule of establishing permanent control of a country is to separate the people from its government.

          So yes, PET was machiavellian scumbag who should have been strangled at birth.

  7. I liked Moe’s comment that the feds should stay in their lane…but I won’t be holding my breath. I’ve seen this movie before.

  8. The best way to capture C02, not that it is causing climate change as that underwater volcano has proven, is to plant trees. Trees naturally capture C02, learned that in Grade 8 science back in the early 1970s.

  9. When the talk turns to the absurdity of carbon capture hoping to give yourselves an extension and curry favour with the feds, you’ve already lost. You’re playing the game by their rules…they know it…you don’t. If you’ll believe that nonsense, you’ll believe anything.

    1. You’re late! What happened? Tesla battery go flat on your way to the public library?

  10. The obvious move now is
    1. No energy leaves alberta. You can buy all you want but you have to use it here.
    2. Make it the cheapest on the continent. Be prepared for the largest American manufacturers to be sticking toes, feet, legs hips maybe full body into a spot in the province.
    3. Build nukes (power and bombs)
    4. Don’t be afraid of blood. There will be blood.
    5. Forget Canada. Don’t even separate. Make them kick you out.
    6. I could go on. Time to look after yourself.
