Why aren’t the oilsands companies planning on using CO2 for enhanced oil recovery? This is a colossal missed opportunity. Massive. Yuge. Yes, with a Y, like Trump.
Here’s my attempt at a reel from the Lloydminster Heavy Oil Show. Hopefully more to come.
Oh, and it looks like Muskrat Falls wasn’t just going to bankrupt the Newfies, who quietly got a $5 billion bailout during COVID, but it looks like Nova Scotia, too, is getting bailed out.
Federal $500M bailout for Muskrat Falls power delays to keep N.S. rate hikes in check
But hey, Saskatchewan power rates can skyrocket as we have to get rid of our cheap coal – no problem!
And, since there’s plenty of public money for everything these days:
Energy minister says public money could help finance Alberta energy cleanup
And for something completely different – Quick Dick McDick harvests wheat.