11 Replies to “Classroom Incongruity”

  1. The kids in this class seem inattentive and are talking. I take it that this mild form of rebellion is that they do not like pride-propaganda forced on them. This reminds me of indoctrination films during the communist days.

  2. Actually the video was short. The kids booed and one can be heard saying get this shit off. The quote referring to Marths (sic) class had me thinking we would be visiting an inner city school but none of the typical dialect was evident. The atmosphere reminded me of the opening of a Van Halen song.
    In short, the kids are alright.

    Soon “educators” will go full Python and drop the bed conveniently folded where the maps used to be.

  3. Identify the teacher. Dox her. Vandal her home. That’s permitted protest today yeah?
    … and the kids were behaving completely appropriately.

  4. It’s a good sign that the kids objected. “No, we do NOT want to watch the gay thing, and we’re leaving if you put it on.”

    Other good signs, the kidds in Quebec ripping down the pride flag, the kids in York region doing similar, the kid getting suspended for objecting to boys in the girl’s bathrooms. Bud Lite is still on super discount.

    Pendulums do eventually swing back.

  5. I don’t give this teacher long to survive in her current position …


    PS … did you hear her call for the students to “act mature” about the subject of Queerness as if she were showing a film clip about natural, normal, human sexuality and the 5th grade children were giggling … as natural, normal, 5th graders are want to do? This teacher is sick in the head … and/or is the Principal who mandated this Queer film be shown to every high schooler. Hey lady! The kids weren’t giggling … they were moaning and wretching!

  6. Damn, that’s heartening news.
    Remembering my childhood and the natural resistance of youth to their authoritarian minders, I’ve been wondering where is that rebel spirit which has always been part of growing up.

    Here’s another thing: the very popular TV show Family Guy is apparently extremely popular with today’s young people. I’ve never seen the show but I gather it is extremely incorrect.

    1. Family Guy is extremely funny to this 68 year old too. I am a bit of a weirdo though.
