How did Leftists Become Fan Boys/Girls for Big Pharma?

Something very bizarre is going on. More here.

Theory: Many on the Left find it exceptionally difficult to admit when they have been wrong. The unwillingness to admit when one has been fooled is an even stronger psychological hurdle for most human beings to get past. Rather than admitting it, they find it easier to stay in denial or spin some alternative narrative in their own minds; anything but admitting they were conned and played for fools.

29 Replies to “How did Leftists Become Fan Boys/Girls for Big Pharma?”

  1. CNN and MSNBC elevated Fauci to the status of demigod because Orange man bad so we must all love pfizer now.

    1. There’s no mystery here. Big pharma is the establishment. Now that the left is in charge of the establishment the NPCs are in support.

  2. The left will side with anyone who wants the boot of the state to stomp the common man’s face, forever, and thereby usher in utopia.
    Unlike the right, which is a little more selective about who they want to trample, but the difference is one of degree, not kind.
    Between 2019 and now, everyone has given up even the pretense of respecting individual rights and freedoms, in favor of a sickened mob mentality, a mob that is very easily aimed by the PTBs, and now, every single group that espouses anything at all has some kind of mob aimed at it, and each mob believes in its own righteousness. As a libertarian, I am sorely disappointed by my fellow humans, and have come to the inevitable conclusion that the bulk of humanity are a bunch of barely-contained psychopaths, ready to lash out at the least provocation, and the PTBs now have almost complete control of who lashes out, and when, and who should be lauded for it and who should be condemned for it.

  3. People who think the Jews, or the trannies, or the gays, or the RC church, or the Unitarians, or the Russians, or the Quebecois, or even their neighbors are now somehow their enemy have been successfully brainwashed and programmed by people like the Turd and Klause.

  4. The Horseshoe Theory is alive and well. Progressives have gone so far left that they’re becoming indistinguishable from the far right.

    1. As usual, you are an idiot espousing BS, in an attempt to sound wise, while, in reality, you are parroting BS talking points that even the MSM tired of decades ago.

      1. Kate keeps asking people to stay civil.

        But she won’t back up it, so I guess she has to put up with it.

    2. Don’t use terms like “the far right” without defining them please. I am often in the category of “far right” these days and I am not a national socialist, nor did I ever have a totalitarian mindset.
      The left is going totalitarian, like it always does, whether under Hitler, Stalin, mao or Castro. They promise freedom and deliver chains

      1. Same for me. And it should be noted … that today’s average leftist (they’re all below average, actually) … believes a centrist is “far right”

      2. “I am often in the category of “far right” these days and I am not a national socialist, nor did I ever have a totalitarian mindset.”

        Then relax, you’re not far right.

  5. The permanent children have been on “meds” their whole lives.
    Gotta support your dealer.
    They would curl up and die without their dope.

  6. Another thing: IQ of the Left is not that high. You must be gullible + low IQ to believe in Ponzi schemes like socialism/communism, to believe in crap like ‘we can reverse global warming’. So for them it’s not a big leap to believe that this garbage is ‘vaccine’ and all your family has to take it every 3 months or so. Plus, your idols up-there (the ones you voted for) told you to take it.

    1. The right is just as dumb. Heck, the right in Canada thinks that the state can be trusted to “keep guns out of the hands of criminals.”

      1. Not really. Or only a small percentage of them. Most of us don’t trust the government to do anything correctly, or to have anyone’s best interest in mind.


  7. “Theory: Many on the Left find it exceptionally difficult to admit when they have been wrong.”

    I would go further – Many of the Left are mentally INCAPABLE of admitting they were wrong.

    Let us discuss the concepts:

    Conservatives: They care for their immediates (friends and family) and want the best for them. To get the best they are willing to explore all offers and select the current best. If this ‘current’ gets replaced by ‘better’ they are willing to change. What happens to other people is something they are aware of, but their family comes first. What others do is not a major concern UNLESS it directly threatens their loved ones.

    They have an open mind but small scale objectives.

    Lefts: They think big picture. They want the ‘best’ for everyone and believe that they have a solution. Everything would only be better if THEY (or at least their mentor) was in charge. To get this ‘best’ there must be harsh but fair rules (which of course they, or their mentor, will create). There is a correct way and a wrong way and if you are not following the correct you are clearly not working for the Greater Good (‘The Greater Good’).

    They have large scale objectives, but a closed mind.

    How this plays out is that a Conservative is not focused on everyone, so it is not their entire focus. A Left wants to save the world, so EVERYTHING is their focus and in reverse, their focus is everything.

    So what happens when something is shown to be wrong?

    Conservative: Will take note, may cringe a bit, and then move on.
    Left: Will have the wrong throw the entire grand plan into question.

    If they were wrong about tomatoes being a vegetable, what else did they do wrong? And since being correct and having the answers to saving the world is their core, then does this mean they have wasted large parts of their lives?

    Hence they reject.

    A Left cannot admit failure because it is directly counter to the concept that THEY have all the answers to making the world a better place.

    1. You start off with a lie, or at least an admission that they are the same as the left:
      “Conservatives: They care for their immediates (friends and family) and want the best for them. To get the best they are willing to explore all offers and select the current best.”
      Who chooses “current best”, what does that even mean? Does it mean what you say it does, just like the left says it does?

  8. It’s the same effect one gets when he/she makes a bad stock market decision or buys a lemon automobile even though they knew it might be.

    1. Yeah, fraud doesn’t even exist, right?
      Free samples for your peace of mind only $9.95!
      Step right up!

  9. The Canadian conservatives, or the Canadian right is no different from the left; they just wanna stomp on different people. You have exactly the same desire to impose your will on everybody, and you and the left have now been reduced to an argument of who gets to control the stormtroopers.

  10. NPCs?
    Our progressive comrades know so much that ain’t so.
    But their self image depends on them being certain.

    The more rational know that we will be wrong at least 50% ..

    So get less excited when we know nothing.

    The Fear and self loathing that drives the “Planet Saver” is obvious..
    Devote your image to a grand scheme,blame your continual failure on everyone else..demand that you be granted absolute power over everyone “Save the planet”..

    You will find,every one of these idiots who insist they must control the rest of us,for the good of the sacred narrative,are frightened little people.
    Well aware of their own insignificance,but insisting everyone else is even more inadequate..

    Have you ever been shocked,by a Progressive’s accusation,where they attribute you motives you have never heard of,let alone considered.
    Insisting you hold points of view ,impossible to a sane human?
    Accusing you of vile evil plans..

    That was their confession.

    That really is how they view our world.
    That truly is how they see other people.
    That is how they would act,if there were no consequences.

    Of course they support authority.
    And embrace big pharma.
    The “next new thing”,is far preferable ,over their miserable lives and sour grapes..
    It is a crab bucket.

    Dear Leader loves Big Pharma,you must love Big Pharma too.
    Dear Leader has more Goo for you..
    Get your Government Goo,it is double plus good for you..
    Dear Leader has become very wealthy thanks to followers like you.
    Dear Leader loves you..

    sarcasm aside.
    Have you ever asked a loud mouthed conformist,who insists you shall conform too..
    “What is normal”?

  11. Why are the bolshevik scum in bed with the corporate statist pigs?

    Why did the nazis (corporate statists, psychotics) and the soviets ( genocidal, sociopathic communists, internationalist statist pigs), sign a non-aggression pact?


    NEVER forget that the ultimate trigger for WW2 was after the nazis and the communists jointly carved up Poland.

    MOST of the LSM was in on the game from the start.

  12. The Left are totalitarians. They are thrilled when they can impose upon their neighbors. It’s not that they are on the side of Pharma, it’s they can use Pharma to control others.
