When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Victor Davis Hanson;

What are the people to do about a federal law enforcement agency whose directors either repeatedly lie under oath, or mislead, or do not cooperate with congressional overseers? What should we do with a bureau that alters court documents, deceives the court with information the FBI had good reason to know was false and leaks records of confidential presidential conversations to the media to prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor? What should be done with a government agency that pays social media corporations to warp the dissemination of the news and suppress free expression and communications? Or an agency that hires a foreign national to gather dirt on a presidential candidate and plots to ensure that there is “no way” a presidential candidate “gets elected” and destroys subpoenaed evidence? 

What, if anything, should the people do about a once-respected law enforcement agency that repeatedly smears its critics, most recently as “conspiracy theorists”?

42 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. The FBI has CHOSEN to be the enemy of The People.
    The FBI has CHOSEN to become a tool of the leftist State … and leftist Politicians.
    The FBI has CHOSEN to become an American Stasi.

    The People will CHOOSE to dismantle the FBI. It’s literally US or THEM

    1. Ya … but then what are you suggesting be done with the thoroughly corrupt CIA? …

      Not that it matters much, but …

      A geriatric halfwit is commander in chief of the now, faggotized military

      1. Isn’t that the truth…….and then we have the same crap going on in Canada with the RCMP being the muscle for that little drama queen they call the leader of Canada……RCMP in Canada I believe are corrupt at the very TOP as well as those in Charge of Detachments across Canada……..The best thing that can happen is that ALL Provinces hire their OWN Provincial Police Forces, this way the Provincial Police get their directives from the leaders of the Province and NOT OTTAWA……..what the hell does Ottawa know what we need in our Provinces……….LESS Federal Govt involvement in our lives is the way to go and the SOONER that little turd in Ottawa is made to realize that, THE BETTER WE SHALL ALL BE

    1. I guess it’s nice to know you hate the Joos as much as you hate the Christians … ? No. No it’s not. It’s not nice … or even sane.

    2. Your constant anti-semitism is disgusting. Kate, can you please do something about this individual? Or give us an “ignore” button?

      1. I see lots of anti-Russian, anti-Chinese, anti-homo and anti-black bigotry here, so why is his any worse, and more importantly, why are you suggesting censoring him but not others?

        1. I confess to being bigoted against the FBI and the politicians and media who collude with them.

          Sue me!

  2. Clearly the FBI deserve to have the Democrats include +$1 billion for a new building, it’s a reward for their excellence.
    The Washington Post said it’s a matter of equity between Maryland or Virginia.

    My first suggestion is to simply repair all the cracks, all the leaking pipes, all the sub standard electrical… one section at a time the same as the gov’t pushes private sector to reuse, repurpose, make sustainable, perhaps they’ll paint the entire building green to go with this new push.

    My second suggestion is to relocate it to Los Angelas, or the Castro district in San Francisco as a reward for exemplary service to governance.

  3. What to do?

    Tear out the FBI root and branch. Lay waste to the agency.

    Fire all of them, burn their files, liquidate all of their assets, and convert their buildings into warehouses and veteran housing.

    1. Release all their files, so everyone can see every bit of malfeasance they participated in since their founding…

  4. Blaming the institution instead of the people who form the institution is no answer. It’s not the FBI’s fault, it’s the fault of the agents of the FBI. I remember when various pundits proclaimed back in early 2020 that there was no way Comey could save Hillary since there were too many low-level agents that knew the truth and any attempt to whitewash the crimes would be met with an open revolt against the leadership of the FBI. How did that work out? Comey simply declared that no reasonable prosecutor would go after Hillary and there was no pushback by the rank-and-file. Nothing to see here, move along.

  5. “The love of money is the root of ALL evil.”

    “All” means…every little thing you can think of.

    Money is what lubricates the swamp.

  6. The Gay Jug Eared Kenyan Marxist is the Head of this Evil Cabal.
    It is Worldwide. The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth. We Win when it starts. No Quarter.

  7. Human nature to vote (act) in one’s own self interest, this will never change.

    Very few will put their country above their next paycheck and pension, this applies universally to any and all whom receive their livelihood from the taxpayer.

    That is why few civil servants never quit their jobs….the trough is too comfortable
    This government creed is simple “when you see light at the end of the tunnel….

  8. I enjoy reading VDH. His insight is always top-notch. But, his summary in this piece is naïve. You CAN’T disband the FBI. That could only be accomplished by removing funding. The democrats cleverly just pushed the budget down the road to September 2023. They did so with the help of a significant number of Republicans in the Senate.

    The FBI is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice (which I would argue is even more partisan and corrupt than the FBI). On paper, the plan would be to install a competent President, who would then nominate an honorable and aggressive Attorney General, who would go into the DOJ and start knocking heads (aka terminating the lifers and ideologues). That same Attorney General would work with Congress to change the DOJ and FBI policy to reflect very strict policy language that would result in immediate termination for even a single (perceivably minor) violation.

    Here’s the problem. The DOJ and the FBI understand that they cannot afford such a president or such an attorney general and have branched out into controlling elections to assure that never takes place. And, that has the added benefit of solidifying their own personal job security. Their hand in hand operation(s) with the Democrat party give both sides what they desire. Democrats will progressively gain more seats and power. The DOJ and the FBI continues to operate as they have been (only more egregiously and openly…because their detractors hold no control or authority).

    In the past, when someone posed a threat of exposure to the current behavior of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA etc…they would handle it quietly and via carefully controlled rhetoric with placed media personnel. Now, they have have an additional strategy. They place a target on whomever they perceive to be the threat and go after them aggressively. They do so because there is no controlling entity to stop them. The controlling entity on FBI behavior is the Inspector(s) General (political hacks, the lot of the)….and the DOJ who benefit from the behavior they are supposed to police.

    I hate to say it…but…Check Mate.

    1. The only option is to unleash our “Queen” (Trump) who doesn’t maneuver in one simple prescribed manner, but can and will take these opposing pieces … vertically, horizontally … and diagonally. This is an asymmetrical internal WAR. We need a loose cannon … a NON-politician POTUS. A POTUS not OWNED … like DeSantis. Not BOUGHT and PAID-FOR like DeSantis … not someone who will say and do Trump-like “cultural” things … then operate the country … as … business as usual.

      1. Trump blew it. It’s the president who nominates the Inspector(s) General for all alphabet agencies. He left Obama’s picks in place. Someone that incompetent has no business sitting in the Oval Office. Of course, the DOJ and the FBI have that covered as well. The nominees have to be approved by the Senate…and non-political Inspector(s) General will never pass the gauntlet.

        As insult to injury, he placed Bill Barr in the AG position. I consider that Trump’s failure as well. Consider the “Trump Empire.” He relies on family to have people in important positions that he can trust. He, even, resorted to that in his Presidency. But, he ALSO, took the advice of ideologues and compounded the problem. General Kelly, McCarthy, even his pick for VP, Pence. Those aren’t the picks of a competent leader bent on “draining the swamp.” Those are the picks of a naïve and uninformed individual who had no idea what he stepped into.

        1. Trump did nothing to drain the swamp. I don’t think he knew where to start or how it might be achieved.

          These institutions cannot be brought down or reformed in a democracy. Few politicians have the will to change anything in a system that got them elected. Only total collapse brings change and very often for the worse.

        2. That is easy to say, but with the McConnell cabal running the Senate, nobody the swamp didn’t approve could be confirmed. A MAGA Senate is needed, much of the worst rot in the US resides there.

          1. Trump didn’t use his biggest weapon….his constituents. If you want the McConnell cabal running for cover you make them the target of your support (the people). He should have highlighted Mitch’s close relationship with Chinese business…made him a pariah. I’d even say that Trump should have been out there 7 days a week highlighting the finances of all of Congress and how politicians seem to get very wealthy in their positions (and using that to gain the support of the people to demand forensic financial accountability of all congress). Granted, the president can’t present laws (that’s the legislature)….but he can sure as hell give his constituency something to pressure their representatives with. He can go out to a press conference and ask a simple question…. How can a lifelong politician named Mitch McConnell be worth $43,000,000? And, keep in mind that figure is as of 2015 (over seven years ago).

            Every time the GOP establishment put up a roadblock, Trump should have been out there in front of the cameras outlining the event. But, he doesn’t have the finesse to to so. He’s a name caller. He’s a complainer. He’s not a tactical genius who knows how to set up his opposition. Instead, he tries to bully his way through every single time.

          2. Trump had quite enough to accomplish without draining the swamp entirely during his first term when he endured a 3-year drawn out nonsensical “investigation”… two impeachments … and a GOPe who restrained his every move. He was also strategically trying to get to a second term. He was only defeated by election fraud as he collected an additional 4 million votes over his 2016 totals. Our nation has been STOLEN from us. We The People have been made utterly irrelevant to our governance … something the Founders sought to ensure. But as someone said (George Washington?) … our nation can only survive with a morally straight population. And that ship sailed the moment Bill Clinton, the rapist, took office.

        3. ” Those are the picks of a naïve and uninformed individual who had no idea what he stepped into.”


          As much as I like what Trump managed to accomplish, I was angered by his refusal to fire the people who were actively (and OPENLY) working against him and sabotaging him at every turn. I honestly believe now that it was his uncontrollable ego that made him naively believe that he could somehow ‘charm’ these people into liking him. What a waste.

    2. “I hate to say it…but…Check Mate.”

      I hate to say this: the Democrats and all the organizations they control need to learn to fear the people.

      When judges are presented with election fraud claims and dismiss them without even examining the evidence, when police throw their white officers under the bus for shooting black criminals, when prosecutors and jurors are threatened if they don’t rule the ‘correct’ way, when the US Supreme Court refuses to do their job because they are afraid that people will gather around their homes and follow them into restaurants to threaten them *and their families* with physical harm, you have a HUGE problem. Why are they so afraid of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, but not of any right-leaning groups?

      If violence is the only thing they understand, then violence, sadly, must be the solution. Violence FROM US, for a change.
      I really can’t see any other solution now. I hate it, but I just can’t….because we all know that no right-leaning president (the only type who would even have the will to change things) will ever be allowed to be elected now. Ever….the RINOS will see to that.

  9. I wonder how many people in the SDA comments section have been investigated by the FBI or IRS simply for visiting this blog.

    1. Me too. And then I wonder whether that triggers additional surveillance of my every keystroke? Are they watching my porn surfing? Will they out me for surfing “gay twink” sex? Hahahahaha … my clicks would bore them to death. Mostly audiophile collector sites …

  10. The FIB has always been an Influence and Blackmail operation for all of it’s history, that benefited from Hollywood myth-making to build up it’s reputation.

  11. Great how the partially brain dead here blame Trump. Trump was an outsider who somehow thwarted the wishes and desires of the Democrats and many Republicans. Being elected President did not give him dictatorial powers. He had to work in agreement with the Republicans who would present him with their selection of appointees, anyone that he would select would have to get the Senates approval, only his closest advisors were not subject to Senate approval. The Senate approvals were part of the swamp or cabal whichever way you look at it. After the hatchet job done on Flynn, the Democrats and RINOs knew they were in the catbird seat and could steer policy in whichever way they wanted. To all the brain surgeons and rocket scientists out there blaming Trump I’d like to ask what department or agency in America actually assisted him in governing? Even the government officials in charge of public health went out of their way to torpedo his administration. As has been reported since he was removed from office Fauci, Walensky and Birx have all stated how they misguided him with the intent to oust him. The DOJ admitted fraud occurred in the election but made the magnanimous judgement that it wasn’t enough to interfere or cause a difference in the election, this decision without any investigation in the multitude of reports of election violations. The FBI contrived and colluded with the CIA to hamstring the Trump administration in every way they could. Even the DNI and the NSA were involved in taking Trump down.

    Thank God that sites like SDA, BCF, CFP, WZ, CTH and the rest exist to bring out more information that the controlled media have tried to supress. For all the Canadians that come here for more than the CBC, CTV, the Red Star, and the Grope and Flail elect to inform you of, be aware that the Trudeau government are attempting to curtail your ability to get a balanced version of the news.

    1. ” Even the government officials in charge of public health went out of their way to torpedo his administration. As has been reported since he was removed from office Fauci, Walensky and Birx have all stated how they misguided him with the intent to oust him. The DOJ admitted fraud occurred in the election but made the magnanimous judgement that it wasn’t enough to interfere or cause a difference in the election, this decision without any investigation in the multitude of reports of election violations. The FBI contrived and colluded with the CIA to hamstring the Trump administration in every way they could. Even the DNI and the NSA were involved in taking Trump down. ”

      Yes, and he did NOTHING to prevent any of that, did he? Was he actually blind to all of it? Does he not read news articles, or watch FOX News? Did none of his family inform him of any of this stuff? Or did he naively believe that he could make them all like him, and they would then fall into line behind him?

  12. Antenor about nails it.

    Trump has been a gift so far.
    The minions have taken off their cloaks and stepped into the sunlight,leaving Americans and freedom lovers aghast.

    Sure I suspected “A few rotten apples” and that exposure would get the barrel cleaned out..
    Apparently so did President Trump,who carefully stayed within the constraints of the Constitution.

    We were WRONG.
    These institutions are rotten to the core and fit for nought but fertilizer.

    I expect soon enough,certain States to withdraw all cooperation with these feral agencies,then to see certain agents arrested on State Charges..
    For you cannot have a United States of Corruption.
    Such countries always fall,rotting from within.

    Mr Trump’s gift to us all was to derange these parasites so much,that they would unite as one to remove him from power.
    Stepping into the light to do so.

    What the free citizen chooses to do with that information is the next phase of this..

    We could be seeing a whole bunch of citizens abroad,domiciling themselves in lands without extradition treaties.
    The “Terror” of the French Revolution will be different this time,what with so many greedy fools having self identified on all the “Free” platforms.
    Will Doxxing be the new accusation of “Witch”?

  13. The Evil Party believes that State apparatus and employees can be politicized and used to their advantage and have successfully demonstrated such. The Stupid Party believes the monster can be “managed properly”. Leviathan can not be reformed or managed, it can only be eliminated. The State is your enemy, always.

  14. Trump was done in by placing his trust on weasels on key people choices. An understandable rookie mistake – he had an enormous amount of stuff on his plate.

    Our hope now is that the FBI whistleblowers that the Republicans claim to have actually possess balls and documented info.
