54 Replies to “December 7, 2022: Reader Tips”

  1. Back in the days when up still meant up, down was down, girls were girls and men were men

    1. Was NEVER about climate change. Makes for a lovely excuse to mandate elec vehicles. They know the grid will not sustain EV’s and there is no way/money to do so….the next step is to outlaw gas powered vehicles which we are already seeing. Then they can ration EV’s because of power grid and production shortages….voila they have taken away our vehicles. And now that we don’t have an armed populace they an do anything they damn well please. Climate change was nothing more than a means to making us all into Communists. We will eat what they want us to eat, live where they tell us to live, and work until we are no longer to meet production goals….then we will be eliminated.

  2. L- How long until the Fed. Liberals decide to re-purpose them for Medical Assist. in Dying?
    OTTAWA — Canada is set to dispose of $1 billion worth of COVID vaccines before the end of the year, on top of tens of millions of other doses that have already expired, according to the auditor general.

      1. “How do they dispose of this poison?”

        They’ll dump it down the St. Lawrence, like Moan Reyall does w/ their sewage.

      1. Or anyone accused of fornicating. But remember Indonesia is a modern moderate mooselimb country.

    1. A day that will live in infamy. Until the generation dies that was part of it all. Not long now David.

    1. Interesting and worth repeating. If he compared Sweden with other Nordic countries it would be telling.

  3. This story is making the rounds of the business media. Apparently there is $65-trillion off the accounting books in terms of foreign exchange swaps:

    I am a retired economics professor, but I have trouble getting my head around this. Commentators are talking about a “decreasing liquidity” given Quantitative Tightening, given that central banks are selling off their bond assets. But this study is saying something different.

    What this study is saying is that, if a third-world country tries to buy Treasuries, and tries to pay through a foreign exchange swap, making a huge payment in U.S. dollars, the transaction may seize up and not go through. Something analogous happened in 1981, when — during a time of skyrocketing interest rates and a fall in money supply — banks seized up and cound not lend day-to-day money to big retail corporations to keep their inventory stocks going. The entire inventory system was going to shut found unless the federal government intervened.

    Here the daily foreign exchange system could shut down, given its gigantic size and that there is no cenral government to bail out the system.

    1. “Is Canada A Sovereign Nation?”

      Yeah, between WEF, WHO, UN, ChiComs, etc., etc., etc., I’ll just consider that a rhetorical question.

    1. They could all put on dresses and become women. The power of the skirt is absolute. It’s like being assimilated by the Borg.

      1. Scar, I was going to post the same thing. All self-identifying whack jobs will move to the women’s league, and foul and beat the hell out of real women players.

  4. I remember a time in the US when the FBI and it’s agents were looked on with respect and honor. Now, they are only another enforcement branch of the Democratic Party. Maybe a time will come when they regret their alliances with enemies of free speech and those other pesky things found in the Bill of Rights and The Constitution. Probably not.
    Cry the Beloved Country.

    1. That’s a given.
      The next big thing to watch is layoffs and firings.
      It’s a recession when your neighbor loses their job, a depression when you lose yours.

    1. Just talked to another neighbour. Him & his wife both jabbed, last month they each contracted the Coof for the second time.

  5. The asshole Hershel Walker deservedly lost in GA.

    There’s one asshole left who needs to disappear. The one that handpicked the candidates in 4 winnable Senate seats. The GOP lost all four.

  6. The FBI writes case for its own abolition


    “The FBI is a 35,000 person agency consisting of special agents and support personnel. In some places, such as San Diego, the law enforcement agency has its own glassy skyscraper. There are a lot of people at that agency, and the perception thus far has been that they are working fraud, espionage, terrorism, bank robbery, art forgery, child pornography, missing kids, serial killer, and other kinds of important cases which in some cases can only be done by them, and which do provide value to the public.

    Seventy percent of their proliferating domestic terrorism cases are now dedicated to catching January 6 protestors, social media ragers, and wackos with guns out in the woods? “


  7. h/t JJ Sefton over at AoS, who introduced this blarney thus: “which is laughable, considering a third of high school seniors lack a simple understanding of civics.”

    Good enough for the {spit} Progs, tho. Catch ’em while they’re young & stupid and hope they never grow out of it.

    Leftists Aim To Expedite The Public-School-To-Democrat-Voter Pipeline With Votes For 16-Year-Olds


    When I was 16, although I understood civics, the most important things to me were beer, where was I going to get the money to rebuild the 360 in my ’69 F100 and my next erection.

    Voting for the next leader of the country was probably prioritized somewhere in the triple digits on the list, long after milking the cows, slopping the hogs & cleaning out the barn.

  8. 1938 : Hitler is Time Man of the Year
    2022 : Zelensky is Time Man of the Year

    I binged “Hitler Time Man of the Year” because I couldn’t remember the year and the first 2 results were articles about Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

    Isn’t Man of the Year sexist?

  9. Swiss Prepare to Spend the Winter Bored, Cold, and Trapped at Home


    “The alpine country — one of the wealthiest in the world — will severely restrict electric vehicles from its roads, according to a Daily Mail report. If the country runs out of power, EVs won’t be allowed out for anything but “essential” travel.”

    That’s the good news. It goes downhill from there.

    1. That is one airplane they truly got right, done in the days of slide rules.
      A magnificent beast, will miss her .

  10. While we’re not full blown preppers by any measure, we’re a helluva lot better off than the gal below.

    None so deaf as those who will not hear…


    “Met a lady yesterday in Texas who told me about the terrible ice storm last year. She was stuck in her home for roughly one week.

    Zero preparations.

    No propane heater.

    No gas stove.

    Little food.

    No bucket-toilet. No kitty litter.”

  11. The following is from a discussion on the Covid Mrna ‘ vaccine ‘ by Doctor Drew, who is vexed BTW, between banned Dr. Kelly Victory and renowned pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole.
    It is very recent and describes in great detail what the Jabba Jabba is doing to people.
    It covers the foot long blood clots, which have been identified as to their cellular makeup, tissue damage in the organs , blood vessels, heart and brain.
    Most importantly Dr. Cole mentions a Japanese soy enzyme that the Japanese eat regularly, which explains their low incidences of heart diseases and Parkinson.
    He says that this enzyme is very effective in dissolving these fibrous clots, so there is hope.
    Very informative as Dr. Cole calls out his colleagues to do more investigation instead of hiding away.

