75 Replies to “November 25, 2022: Reader Tips”

    1. The Bakhmut front is just such a slaughter and for an objective that they are not only not going to take, but has only modest strategic value. The New Verdun. I doubt Russia survives this meatgrinder as a coherent state.

    1. It’s not a problem period, and the whites were never chased away. You just lost the war, that’s all.

      1. Yes they were chased away in no uncertain terms. Every time a white person was victimized by the imports and called police the cops either did not came or came and accused victims of racism. Eventually they got the idea that they are no longer welcomed in their city and left selling their houses at below the market value in the process. “Motivated seller” in Browntown realtor lingo means white person who got his car repeatedly vandalized, his kid beat up in school, his dog poisoned and the cops did nothing (realtors with white faces in “for sale” signs get signs routinely vandalized). Brampton is a perfect example of how mass immigration is simply white replacement. Milton too. Mississauga is progressing in that direction, Oakville and Burlington next.

        1. Given that immigration and crime are negatively correlated, it is clear in no uncertain terms that no whites were chased away. Just some snowflakes crying and running to the horizon.

          Keep running.

          1. Immigration and crime reporting (not crime itself) are negatively correlated. And again you are flapping your foul gums about a topic you’re unfamiliar with. Tens of thousands of white families fled Brampton. I am sure in your demented mind they are all racist snowflakes.

  1. High fuel prices could kill more Europeans than fighting in Ukraine

    “Although heatwaves get more press, cold temperatures are usually deadlier than hot ones. Between December and February, 21% more Europeans die per week than from June to August.”

    “current electricity prices would drive deaths above the historical average even in the mildest winter.”
    “In a mild winter, the increase in deaths might be limited to 32,000 above the historical average (accounting for changes in population). A harsh winter could cost a total of 335,000 extra lives.”

    From the left wing Economist: https://www.economist.com/interactive/graphic-detail/2022/11/26/high-fuel-prices-could-kill-more-europeans-than-fighting-in-ukraine-has?utm_campaign=a.the-economist-this-week&utm_medium=email.internal-newsletter.np&utm_source=salesforce-marketing-cloud&utm_term=11/24/2022&utm_id=1399983

    1. Population reduction, is that not the goal of all government policies these days, covid vaxxes, climate change taxes, the forced reduction of farming and food production, trans anything, the reduction of CO2, the very breath you breathe. Are any of you people paying any attention?????

      1. VOWG – apparently the Economist has started to pay attention although like most Brits, they fully believe that C02 is causing dangerous climate change (proven by record breaking weather events – we have always designed structures for 100-year storms now they are totally unexpected).

    1. It includes the Cyber Ninjas audit. One mistake I noticed is the mention of “evidentiary hearings”. Most likely these are hearings on motions to dismiss. Evidentiary hearings happen before trial when there is a disagreement on evidence.

          1. “Paul
            You’d have to ask Allan S who keeps repeating there is no evidence of election cheating.”

            Someone should also ask him if he knows the difference between evidence and proof, and how you are supposed to find that proof by flat-out *refusing* to examine any evidence.

            (oh, and also how did the Democrats spending literally MILLIONS of dollars trying to prevent such examinations not raise HUGE RED FLAGS in his mind?)

      1. Did the Democrats raise tens of millions on that? Did others set up shady charities that took in millions under the guise of “saving the Republic”? Did they defame election workers and election companies? When did Jan 6 happen? Did they launch dozens of bogus lawsuits and lie about said lawsuits in an effort to raise money?

        Did they raise millions for an “audit” performed by someone with zero election experience? Did they have a whole bunch of people running in the next election for positions like SoS who have no idea how elections work? Did they pass laws like PA77 unanimously then file a lawsuit after the election calling the very bill they passed unconstitutional?

        How many Democrats were sued for defamation?

        1. Did the Democrats raise tens of millions on that? Ask FTX

          Take in millions on saving our republic? No the Dems raised millions on ‘Saving our Democracy’

          Hillary Clinton and numerous other Democrats launched a five year campaign saying the election was stolen, Trump is an illegitimate President.

          Ask Bernie Sanders about stealing elections.

          Stacey Abrams for four years said she won the 2018 Governor’s election. She said the election was stolen. She raised millions and sued. She lost.

          1. Abrams is indeed a nutter and a serial loser who Democrats seem to have elevated to celeb status for being a loser. Garbage pol.

            “Hillary Clinton and numerous other Democrats launched a five year campaign saying the election was stolen”

            That’s a lie. They did no such thing.

            “Ask Bernie Sanders about stealing elections.”

            Why? He’s just another loser who lost fair and square.

          2. UnMe

            Pelosi: “Our election was hijacked”. May 2017

            John Lewis: “Trump is an illegitimate president”. Jan 2017

            Clinton: “There are a lot of questions about its legitimacy”. Nov 2017

            Clinton. “You can have the election stolen from you”. May 2019

            Clinton: “Trump is an illegitimate president”. May 2019

            Jimmy Carter “Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election”. Jun 2019.

            Clinton: “He knows he stole the 2016 election”. Jun 2021

            Clinton: “We need numbers so overwhelming that Trump can’t sneak or steal his way to victory”. Aug 2022

            Clinton: Republicans have a plan to steal it (the election) Oct 2022

            Clinton “Trump knows he stole the 2016 election”. Nov 2022

            And there are numerous others.

            Now feel free to say this is just politics, but don’t say it’s a lie

            And we agree that Sanders and Abrams are nutto.

          3. Clinton is wrong to say that Trump is an illegitimate president, though it’s a certainty that he colluded with Russia to win election. That being said, this is just arguing over whether this is a hill of beans a foot or two high. This is nothing like the attempts by Trump to steal the 2020 election.

    2. “Very well detailed on why many of these lawsuits failed.”

      Lemme guess: ‘Cause of Dem judges, right?

      “It was written by Republicans.”

      GOPe and/or RINO’s?

      1. Those details are in the writing. A bunch were appointed by Trump. Fact of the matter is the lawsuits just weren’t very good. If a lawsuit cannot withstand a motion to dismiss it isn’t a good lawsuit. Many were voluntarily withdrawn by the plaintiff.

        A big chunk of the 2020 related defamation cases are being presided over by Carl Nichols, appointed by Trump. Last I counted there were 16 of them. None have been dismissed in their entirety, a few of the minor defendants in the bigger cases have had their motions to dismiss sustained.

          1. Not all of them were, and many had more reasons than that. Wrong jurisdiction, wrong defendants, laches doctrine, failure to state a claim that relief can be granted (impossible demands), mootness, and finally voluntary dismissal by plaintiff.

            With the last one, more than a few were voluntarily dismissed by the plaintiff after the first conference. “Donald J. Trump for President v. Philadelphia Cty. Bd. of Elections” is an example of that. Funny how 2 years later we still hear from Trump on this issue when his own lawyers dropped the case when they realized there was no substance to their claims.

    1. Convoy lawyers should use every minute they have stating the wrong doing Justin has pulled over the years,then simply ask his name and then call it quits stating there is no hope of an honest inquiry anyway.Don’t let him talk.

      1. Like the way you think, Rex.

        Better yet, give the prick’s ego a great big buildup, then turn around, walk away & let him deflate like a kid’s balloon…

    2. On the News media cravenness continuum, watch for HIS personal story in the testimony.

    1. I still recall getting the stuffing beat out of him by the Philadelphia Flyers, perhaps Battleship Bob Kelly, and coming right back to score a goal. Real hockey. Of course that means I am a Neanderthal.

  2. Robert: That’s an awesome Everest video. Thank God for drones, and thank drones for letting us see God’s natural miracle (the top of Everest).

  3. Maybe this link won’t be censored, unlike the links I posted to unit 731, or the link to American bio warfare.
    This should be safe as it doesn’t stray from the narrative. BTW, the links did post, but were removed.

  4. During the Thanksgiving football games CTV repeatedly aired their Canadian Drag Race ad with Justin, this one:

    The mental midgets at CTV have always bombarded bleary-eyed viewers with incessantly repetitive promo ads. And here — at a time of pandemics, international war, inflation and high interest rates — viewers are subjected with obscene decadence. And with Trudeau popping up in it to boot.

    I know this is Canada where citizens are good followers. But is this CTV promo jumping the shark? CTV execs have always been in bed with Trudeau. Witness CTV’s participation in the Trudeau-WE Charity rallies. But don’t the CTV big shots realize that pushing Trudeau-transvestism could backfire?

      1. They are malnourished and dehydrated to death. Plus medicated to ease the pain of it all. An insidious and slow form of MAiD. Have seen it myself.

    1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that’s…terrible!

      Paraphrasing an old saw, I never wished anyone dead, but I attended some funerals with great enthusiasm.

    1. MSN and Newsweek. Reliable news sources, I’m sure.
      (yes, that was sarcasm)

      MSM with more TDS “news.” What a shocker!

      1. It’s literally Kanye’s and Ellis’s Tweets you twerp.

        EDIT: Even Breitbart is headlining the Nazi-Kanye-Trump meetup.

  5. Ottawa school board trustees voted against mandating masks in schools, but the vote was very close to going the other way:

    “A motion to reinstate mask mandates at Ottawa-Carleton District School Board schools has failed. After two meetings’ worth of a sometimes chaotic debate, school board trustees narrowly failed to reinstate mandatory masking within the board Thursday evening. Six trustees voted in favour of a motion to require masks and six opposed it. Because of the tie, the motion did not pass.”

