32 Replies to “How It Started”

      1. O.k. and Kenji, I was going to post the same thing. It reminds me of Golin Kaepernick and the SF 49ers, writ small. When Afro-hair took the first knee, he and the 49ers went south.

  1. Heh, Germans concentrated on sex, completely dismissed why they went there.
    Japanese went there to play a game with the idea of winning.

    Who had the right attitude?

    Happens every time when you think of sex and trying, not focusing, on the task at hand, for, as Yoda said, do or do not, try don’t work.

    1. When … “love is love” … should have been “love of football”

      At least nobody is taking a knee …

  2. It is unwise to mix faggotry and sports. It never ends well.

    is it okay to say faggotry? It’s a good word that generally covers the ‘perv genre’ quite well.
    Similarly, Chinkamanese is sometimes used to describe south Asia/China/Korea et al etc.
    The English language is so pliable and versatile .. when something new pops up .. we quickly name it. That name then gets used by other languages but with an accent.

    Cheers and good morning from western Canada .. there is much I don’t know … I have questions and concerns.

  3. British joke.
    What’s the difference between a tea bag and the German football team?
    A teabag stays in the cup for longer.

    Try the veal, I’ll be here all week.

  4. Excellent, excellent.
    A prime lesson in Not being entirely focused on the Prime reason for being there.
    And yes, shows again, soccer is gay. Why is it always the Germans?

    1. In the states, provinces and territories if you suck at baseball, hockey, basketball or football then mommy drives you to soccer practice.

  5. Germany’s long losing streak started around 1917. Even their soccer players figure it’s safer to be gay.

  6. I couldn’t care less about soccer. It all seems kind of gay to me.
    Since when are photos coming up with comments and why, by the way?

    1. @ Thomas – I watched a news story about a game once, they fell down and seriously cried when another player touched them, you could see the “play” in slow motion reruns. It was horrific show of emasculation that left a sicking feeling in the pit of ones stomach.

      Definitely not recommended for rational people to watch.

  7. Did we have any bets on the number of dead soccer players during this event?

    Put me down for 4. If jabbed hearts aren’t exploding on the field, you’re not trying….

  8. Wow…

    I blame the NFL for allowing this whole virtue-signalling BS to take hold.

    You are an athlete, being paid HUGE money to run around and kick a ball for the purpose of entertaining people. This is a BUSINESS…you are an employee. When you step onto that field, that is not your personal time, it is your employer’s time…and the time of all the fans who pay (one way or another) to watch you play.

    You want to be an activist? Do it on YOUR OWN time.

  9. Meanwhile in Germany, Millions of Muslim immigrants are taking over the streets, institutions, and culture to form an Islamic worldview of how things will eventually work.

    1. Good point Paul. I wonder why we’ve never heard of them protesting against muslim intolerance within Germany. Could it be they’re afraid of the jihadi response? Or that the German government makes it illegal to criticize it?

  10. A pansexual dude from Khartoum
    Took a nonbinary up to his room
    Where they argued all night
    About who had a right
    To do what, and with which, and to whom

  11. They’re just all embarrassed about what they did the night before. No more of those in their mouths!!!

  12. They’re bitchy cause they can’t drink alcohol in Qatar. Just as well, once Germans get a belly full, they get to thinkin’ about Poland.

  13. Performative hypocritical attention getting by a group of amoral narcissists.

    They went ahead and played in a stadium built in on the backs of suffering migrant serfs in an anti-LGBT, anti-woman, totalitarian state. It’s shiny, and nasty at the same time.

    Oh look I’ve covered my mouth because as a white Euro I have freedom of expression. Now let’s blow that whistle. Hey boys, don’t trip on the graves.

    The striking difference between our athletes who competed in the China Olympics and the soccer players. The Olympians would have been jailed for performatively covering their mouths. But they all compete.

    Look mom what your pathetic parenting and my complete lack of morals won, a hunk of metal and never ending complicity in supporting evil.

  14. That photo is priceless: the “Germans” (maybe 3 or 4 of those guys are actual krauts) are demanding Qatar and the world bend over and get LGBTed up the wazoo or else they’ll cover their mouths in an extravagantly gay but ultimately futile gesture, then go on to lose the match to a pack of half-blind, bandy-legged midgets who’d normally consider themselves lucky to beat the German *women’s* team.

    Seven European teams demanded that their captains be allowed to wear rainbow armbands, symbolizing the great pride those nations take in celebrating and promoting man-on-man anal sex. FIFA said no. The seven sodomite nations are:


    Meanwhile there are six European nations that did NOT demand rainbow armbands:


    Conclusion: the Anglo-Germanic nations are flamboyantly, flamingly gay and want the whole world to know it (and join in!), while the Slavs and Latins are holding the heteronormative line (for now) and looking to CRUSH the rainbow.
