35 Replies to “Exposing The Grift”

  1. at $2 million there is insufficient opportunities for graft.

    And Jagmeet is acting exactly like the police chief in Casablanca, since he is propping up the corrupt trudeau government

  2. Obviously it didn’t cost that much and Turdo used the money for something else, probably diverting it to the private coffers of his buddies.

  3. The app itself could easily cost less than $1 Million, but I’m skeptical that it had a “clean” back-end on the other side of whatever network they were ultimately connecting to. FedGov’s simply lousy with antiquated legacy systems that might have been involved, and I have personal experience with integrating/communicating with those systems (and others like them) via thin clients. The moment I heard the words “legacy system” in discussions with clients, my heart usually sank, because I knew the costs and time involved just ballooned way beyond initial estimates.

    Don’t get me wrong — I’d love to see the Libs wear this shame, but I suspect that a great deal of the expense involved getting some creaky old COBOL- or FORTRAN-programmed system with shitty database architecture to talk to the app (and other systems) to do the actual heavy lifting. And then the developers would have had to worry about scaling the app to deal with tens of thousands of transactions every day, all while protecting privacy and being painstakingly accurate… 🙁

    It would have been kind of a nightmare, and the app would’ve been the easiest part.

    1. Plus after the first version was shown to the government, all kinds of changes and additional features would be requested.

      1. Yeah, “feature creep” was definitely a thing. And the reaction of the clients to asking for a single change (“Sure, we could do that for free”) was much like the pointy-haired Dilbert boss, who suddenly discovered that single, marginal changes were free, and next day had hundreds of change requests on Dilbert’s desk.

        I’m really glad I retired from that industry space a while ago.

        1. “What color would you like your SQL database in?”

          “Ah, mauve would be good”.

    2. But in the end ArriveCan is simply an app/browser client side and a database server side.

      ArriveCan is no more complicated than the small dead animals website and its comment system, only it has more transactions and a bigger database of posts and comments.

      Why didn’t they call Oracle or whoever and order the whole damn thing, to be delivered in a pizza box? Because they are a toxic mix of ignorant, incompetent, lazy, dishonest and greedy.

    3. If the app can be built for $1 million, then perhaps the other $53 million is for back-end interfaces and related data mining components the government and other global-village leaders are deploying for long-time spying on Canadian and foreign travellers.
      Oh, and several million for grift.
      I’m sure the business case explained how this is all for the greater good, including all overruns.
      Just think of it as the Liberals’ Gun Registry 2.0.

      1. The gun registry could have been implemented for less than 1 million.


        Use the existing vehicle registration system. Add three new classes of vehicle: pistol, shotgun, other.

        You can use the VIN for any gun serial number.

        Accessible by police departments, etc.

        However, such a plan would mean $2 billion would not be available for hidden distribution to Liberal elites.

        The above doesn’t mean I support a gun registry.

        1. The gun registry could run on a phone these days. It is a simple database with transactions controlled by one office. 16 to 20 million entries, under 1000 new entries per day (this is Canada, how many guns get bought and sold in a day, really?) and the server resides in a secure facility. No web access, no nothing. Police queries come in over another 100% government controlled system.

          They could have built it and gold-plated it for $200k. Total cost, two BILLION dollars. Theft. Plain and simple. They simply arrange public policy to give them opportunities to steal money.

          Once I understood what they were really doing, so many things finally made sense to me. Windmills, cannabis, firearms, the Indian Act and the magical disappearing graves, ArriveCan, all of it so they have more opportunities to steal billions.

          See, that’s the real reason they called out the palace guard on the truckers with the Emergencies Act. Billions of dollars in WuFlu aid, and side deals like ArriveCan. All at risk because of the peasant uprising.

          Because remember, they don’t need us. They need the emergency. Using the nation status of Canada, they can borrow and then steal trillions. It really doesn’t matter what happens to the country as a result, because the money isn’t all coming from our taxes. They moved on from there in the 1970s. Canada does not need to have a functioning economy for this to work. They just need a scam to run. So they have global warming, WuFlu, gun control, social justice and now a nice juicy war in the Ukraine. Wars are great ways to steal money. (Look at the F-35. What a scam!)

          Is Russia going to spoil the party by nuking Kiev? It depends if Vlad is getting in on the action or not. If they’re shouldering him out, he might. But we won’t know about that until later.

          1. Spot on. I have basically arrived at the same conclusions. Thank you for sharing that, helps me to know I’m not entirely alone.

    4. They needed a whole backend imaging system too for the vaxx documents. It’s not a super simple app. 54 million is a hell of a lot though. A big multi year government IT project is usually less.

  4. hell, it will cost 50 million to shut down. really isnt much more to it than the starbucks order software. request , location and an attached menu.

  5. At $54million it’s an absolute spending failure. Back in the day Liberals succeeded at pouring $2billion into the gun registry.

  6. But Walter ,$54 million is what we know of.
    Further investigation,under pain of death for perjury,would produce somewhat different numbers.
    Sort of like the “National Debt”..$ 9 trillion ..that they admit to.
    So this $54Million spent on Statist Spying Mechanisms is just the beginning of the corruption.
    What level of interest does Revenue Canada Charge on unpaid taxes?
    For using the Sponsership moneys ,stolen by the Liberals ,adding compound interest based on Revenue Canada rates,we can argue ,every Liberal needs stripped of their assets,every one one their assets,to pay back what they have stolen.
    Especially if “penalties” are invoked..

  7. NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh issued a statement on Twitter Friday describing the $54-million price tag as “beyond outrageous.”
    “Where did the $54 million money go? And most importantly who profited from it?” he asked.

    First: Go fck yourself, Singh.
    Second: Ask Pox Monkey Juthtin, you lazy shitass.

    1. Singh supported El Turd fully knowing all the corruption that occurs in Liberal circles.

      But Singh’s support shouldn’t be surprising; Singh accepts expensive gifts just like a Liberal, for example, a $2000 chair.

  8. Worried that if they actually do re-create the app, only better, the Libs might just be tempted to buy it and reinstate ArriveCan.

  9. $2 million for Mad Maggie and Soapy Don’t Surf to sing to the app developers.
    Keep the corruption in the Trudeau family.

  10. The contrast between government and private industry projects is HUUUUGE.

    Invariably, the private job has a sense of urgency and deliverables are results oriented.

    I ran a government project where the main objective of my client was to increase his profile with other departments. How does one do that? Simple! Create a list of peripherally involved “stakeholders” and invite them to come in with their wish lists.

    This guarantees no end to meetings and mission creep that soon dwarfs the planned project. The original scope is useless, cost goes through the roof and the bastardized end product is of a lower quality than contemplated.

    You actually come out of these feeling unclean.

  11. Welfare.. Between the civilian welfare class and the business welfare class.. Its no surprise they think of it as their democracy now.. The fix is firmly in.. Monopolies for your friends and the ban hammer for the rest.. Digital ID is little more than housekeeping.. Why should they risk a paper cut when a button push from home is so much better for the environment..

    You noticed all this when they were putting the cherry on top?.. How astute of you..

  12. Any big government and ours especially is congenitally destined to turn gold into lead. Perhaps they will solve the energy crisis by taking truck loads of printed money directly from the mint and burning it to generate power. This would be an improvement over the present practice of simply burning it in government sponsored bonfires.

  13. So, the G&M does another hit piece on their fave LIEberal party for being incompetent and wasteful.

    What changed? Why would the Mop and Pail jeopardize their LIEberal graft payments?

    1. Those are indeed party payments, and not in Trudeau’s discretion. There’s clearly a substantial portion of the party base that wants this disclosed, and a substantial element of the leadership that’s willing and able.

  14. My guess the reason it took Turd so long to follow the science was the lawyers trying to find a way to not pay the penalties to end the contract. No different than the deals to buy millions of boosters nobody is taking which will be flushed down the ST Lawrence soon.
