
CTV- Military’s chief orders halt to non-essential activities, focus on personnel crisis

The Armed Forces is supposed to be adding about 5,000 troops to the regular and reserve forces to meet a growing list of demands, but is instead short more than 10,000 trained members — meaning about one in 10 positions are currently vacant.

The problem has become so acute that some senior offers have started using the word “crisis” in interviews with The Canadian Press, including the commander of the navy and the officer responsible for military recruitment and training.

40 Replies to ““Non-Essential””

  1. What’s new. This has been going on since before Pierre the Turd’s reign of terror.

    Go WEXIT

  2. Given the way we treat our veterans, not surprised.

    I have 3 fighting age sons. There’s no way I’d want them to join up.

  3. Recruit more women, queers, and recent immigrants. Isn’t that what they want? The fact that women, queers, and recent immigrants don’t want to be in the military doesn’t seem to matter. Why would an economic immigrant ever want to join the army? Why would anyone with little or no testosterone want to join? Testosterone is what makes us want to kill each other.

    1. “Testosterone is what makes us want to kill each other.” maybe in in the world of Toxic Feminists, in reality it’s testosterone that allows men to physically stand up to bully’s of all stripes and push boundaries that cowards wouldn’t dare consider.

    2. Why would any straight white male want to join, fight and defend a civilization that has come to despise him and his ancestors who have built it? I don’t think it is worth my son and my grandson’s sacrifice just to plant the rain bow flag over the Kremlin or the medical industry to prophet cutting the sex organs off little boys and girls with mental issues. We either sort this woke shit out ourselves or someone put us out of our woke insanity.

      1. Yep. I’m too old myself, but if I were a young man, would I surrender my bodily autonomy, and my moral standards, to the clowns currently running the “Canadian Forces”, and the inept political masters they serve? Um, “no”.

  4. For the defence of what exactly?

    “Post Nationalist State” – yea they’re beating down the door to join.

  5. Your primary pool of recruits is white males. Guess which group is being demonized, ridiculed, put down, and ignored by the powers that be?

    1. Thucy

      Yep X 1000.
      Not the same military I joined in bk in 1972…and even then the powers in place were fking it up..Unification with everyone wearing an identical “Green pusser suit”

      1. It’s not even the same military I retired from in 2011, mate. I wouldn’t join it now. Can’t stomach wasting time that should be spent on the range learning crap like Gender Based Analysis+ and other nonsense.

  6. The CCP now have police stations in Canada. Is the next stage of the incredible shrinking military an outsource contract with them too?

    1. Why haven’t 10,000 recent Communist Chinese female immigrants joined. Within 10 years they could run our military. Such immigrants infiltrate all our organizations and steal our secrets. Why not the military?

  7. Wanna save the Canadian military?

    Step 1: Fire every officer over the rank of Captain that doesn’t spend more than half their time in the field/at sea.
    Step 2: Buy some kit for the lads to fight with. You know, maybe some aircraft and vehicles that are less than 50 years old, and radios that work.

    There’s your bare minimum to make it work.

    1. Go to the scholastic institutions and say we’re having a demonstration as you bus load them to the military barracks…close the gate…

  8. Considering public servants can cancel your retirement pension without a single attempt to contact the person they cut off-who the hello wants to serve a nation that treats those that serve that way? Good luck getting those Progressives to go away to sea for six or eight months, you’ll never get the safe space crowd into a war zone unless it’s a cafeteria at some Ivory tower Academic Institution.

  9. I guess the PM telling a White disabled veteran that “…they’re asking for more than we are able to give right now.” after inking a $10Million settlement for a terrorist/grifter wasn’t the greatest recruitment ad you thought it’d be.

    “External events such as major domestic emergencies caused by climate change,…”
    What’s the word I’m looking for here…oh yeah, tiresome.

    1. Every single veteran should have showed up where Justin was the next day and stared him down.

  10. So ..No change at all..
    “We have a crisis”,caused by the abusive way the military treats decent recruits and compounded by the way the politicians and media treat veterans..
    So insulting that no intelligent person will voluntarily associate,with either Presstitutes,Politicians or senior military..
    Surprise surprise.
    Having identified,with surprising accuracy, the problems,the Military Mouthpiece then goes on to state,”Full Speed Ahead” on the very policies destroying their ability to recruit any patriots..

    I am surprised more regular forces are not quitting,anyway they can, in light of how our “Dear Leaders” have spent more taxpayer money on the Ukrainian Army than our own..
    For nothing says respect,like “Unacceptable views” and “Asking more than we can give”..

    Never-mind outdated equipment in full non functional mode..
    What is next?
    Wooden Rifles?
    For safety reasons of course.

  11. I have seen with my own eyes the vast numbers of immigrants and “refugees” who refuse to work but are somehow living in million $$ neighbourhoods. I guess it is hard to have an “equity” in the military when you are required to have a demographic of people who flat out don’t want to be in the military. Is dickless Joe transitioned to Joanne, pronouns cake/bubbles/unicorn, wearing prosthetic triple K sized breasts and a vegan leather miniskirt going to pass the physical training requirements and actually want to stand on guard for Canada? Is there a tick-tock unit in the military now?
    The way I see it, those who are physically and mentally able and willing to join are either blocked out due to being the wrong gender/colour/pronouns… or simply no longer wanting to sacrifice themselves for a country that’s culture is to have no culture.

  12. Maybe firing everybody that didn’t want their untested fake vax “wasn’t” a good idea.

    1. Greg

      The Azov Battalian are Freelands besties.
      Her being a Filthy stinking NAZI…bedfellows…no.?

  13. There are various groups that have a cultural tradition of military service, but the powers that be have decided that “diversity” of skin color and sex is more important that building a cohesive military. They have also spent the last 2 decades attacking those cultures that have the tradition and telling them they aren’t wanted in the “New Modern Military”. Obviously, once you cut your recruiting pool, then you aren’t going to meet your recruiting targets.

  14. As with all government endeavours, the military is incredibly top heavy. My brother was in the RCAF years ago…..he did a stint at DNDHQ in Ottawa. He was a Major at the time…..I asked him what Majors did at DNDHQ. He told me they make coffee and walk around briskly with their “look busy kits” (file folder under arm).

  15. If you join the military people are going to tell you the truth.
    That’s not what many young men want to hear these days.

  16. Served the country for 30 years. They didn’t care and now they hate me because I’m old, white, Christian, married and retired. I wouldn’t do it again and I agree with all the above.

  17. “…emphasizing the continued need to change the military’s culture to better attract and retain women, Indigenous people and other under-represented groups.

    “Culture change will remain the top departmental priority throughout the reconstitution process,” the order reads. “This endeavour will require significant resources and a willingness to embrace recommendations from external review authorities.””

    Here we go. Another bunch of “external review authorities” that never spent a day in the military that will set woke standards and set impossible recruiting goals like 50% women and visible minorities. By culture change, they mean anything that is white and male will be at the bottom of the pile for any promotion or appointment.

    Funny how all those rainbow flags and uniforms at Gay parades have failed to open the floodgates of immigrants with conservative values. Of course, if they consider “back home” to be any country except Canada, they probably won’t risk their skin for the flag. Trudeau has made it clear that anything conservative is Nazi and right wing, and of course there is no place for that in the military. But there is room to promote visible minorities to higher rank and appointments over those white males. How many times have you heard “there is no room in the military for X or Y”? Well there you go.

    The upper leadership is completely incapable of identifying and correcting the problems with military retention and recruitment, because it would go against the woke ideology that they are forced to implement by their political masters.

  18. Truth is that over 90 percent of the Canadian forces is non combat arms including officers and administrators.

  19. Maybe, if the senior staff of the military were to let the Liberals know, that soldiers learn to march so that they can get to battle in an orderly manner; and not as an addition to the PRIDE parades in Toronto, more people would join.
    Maybe, if the senior staff of the military were to let the Liberals know that people join the military to serve the country, and not to learn new gender pronouns, they could attract more NORMAL people, and not the trannies looking for new ways to be victims.
    Or, maybe they could have an ad campaign saying they need FIGHTING MEN to join the military, and not professional victims….things would pick up.

    Just a suggestion.
