43 Replies to “Things You’re Gonna See At The CBC”

      1. Read today that that teacher was under threat from the school board last year for red-pilling his students about bathroom policies and expressing other anti-woke sentiments.

        That read maybe be a prank, but if it isn’t it looks like he may be playing the system with its own weapons.

        If so, well- played (,sir? ,her?)

        1. The whole affair does have the air of trolling for a lawsuit. Do you have a link for that allegation?

  1. So, when are these organizations gonna get nailed for breaking our own human rights laws that our politicians are totally hypocritical in breaking it themselves?
    The labour laws in Canada are very specific which our politicians are totally ignorant about or just flaunt.
    It’s the politicians own regulations and restrictions on safety that makes immigrants illegal to work no matter what they spew out….illegal!
    Fines on everyone for breaking it’s own regulations…you need specific training or licenses…
    That’s why we have so many employment opportunities as no one is qualified. Some takes multiple years for government certification or degrees.
    Can’t grab someone from the street as they need some sort of government approval. Heavy fines imposed when you break their rules.

  2. That obligation of impartiality has been nothing but trouble – obviously a principle dreamed up by the fascist patriarchy.
    Editorials and news stories used to be two distinct things. Now news stories are editorials and editorials are propaganda.

  3. oh no! the CBC will not be giving both the communist perspective and the Trudeau liberal propaganda. They must need more money their one billion plus can’t keep the lights on. What ever will the Canadien people do?

  4. Pardon my what?.. The CBC wants to allow racist screed, racists rants from POC (read woman).. They do get to say the darnest things and get away with it :).. I suppose men are to busy picking up after the dog and taking out the garbage for such lofty pastime’s as hate..

    1. They already allow that racist screeds by POC women.
      Why do they need a new policy to do what they already do?

    1. I think that was suggested by Harper at one point till he chocked on his own dick. That’s when I left the party.


  5. Twenty years ago, I listed to CBC when I travelled in Northern Ontario. Not much else to listen to and before Satellite Radio. My favorite was the “Vinyl Cafe” but even “As it Happens”, “The Debaters” and a few other shows were pretty listenable.

    More recently I have tried to listen to CBC Radio One in an attempt to hear some Canadian news. CBC has become unlistenable garbage. Even the news is crap. It’s 100% FN-cryfest + women are treated poorly + LGBT need more rights. It’s a constant whine fest. I don’t even tune in anymore. Hope they go out of business.

    1. I have my clock radio tuned to CBC Radio One. It’s so disgusting it forces me to get up and out. Nothing else is near as effective.

  6. “On tonight’s CBC daily presentation of “All Sides Of The Issue”,our panel of distinguished guests include a Communist,a Marxist, a Trotskyist,a Maoist ,a Socialist and a Liberal.

    They are all here tonight to give you a complete rundown of “All Sides of the Issues”

  7. Ah, the good old Communist Broadcasting Collective. Never fails to disappoint. Off to the Gulag with you, comrade Journalist. You’ve betrayed the state by being overly impartial.

  8. They weren’t thinking of political leaning when they were crying to drop “impartiality”. That ship sailed decades ago. They wanted the freedom to go full-on post modern nihilism (on all news stories) with all its racial and gender pathologies and have the taxpayers, over 90% of whom gave up on watching the CBC years ago, fund their cultural vandalism. It has nothing to do with news or journalism. It’s all about cultural revolution, hollowing out civilization to facilitate their dystopian dreams.

  9. This shows a conflict amongst the woke. It is activist versus activist action! I presume FLQ versus the n-people. Should be some very entertaining hissing matches at meetings, and stealthy intrigue as opponents are exposed to monkey pox through punctured condoms, peanut oil dripped into the sanitizer, and, twitter passwords purloined and sold on the black web.

    Too bad they don’t film this stuff.

  10. when you calculate it , the 6% of canadians who veiw and listen to CBC cost the taxpayer about $2000 per head, when they kill it in a few years they ought to allow the likers to opt into a pay per view or contract of a similar value.

    or sell the clusterfuk to fox for a dollar, just so we can here the left howl. the NPV15 of CBC is -15 billion

    always remembering a night in Rainbow camp ( the place , not the sexuallity) we are all waiting for the hockey game , CBC the only channel , around 1978. instead we get “a night at the opera” i dont think the people in zama or assumption were pleased either

  11. So what is the best way to get rid of the CBC, politically?
    Facts won’t matter much.
    Jealously and envy and selfishness might.
    Start publishing the salaries and resumes of the corrupt CBCers.
    Why should some kid at McDonalds or the Squishy Mart have to give up tax dollars to feed the CBC hogs?
    Especially to get stuff that they can find on the internet for free.

    Should the tax form be changed and funding the CBC will be optional, of how about crowd funding or simply a donation button on their site?
    That would be fair, wouldn’t it?

    Is there a way of passing a bill that forces every government funded media organ to disclose their funding conflict of interest?

    What is the best way to convince Canadians to dump the bloated corrupt Marxist CBC?
    Or do most Canadians already see the need to get rid of it?

  12. I think this is a good thing. In fact, I think all CBC employees should have to publicly declare their bias before giving an opinion or reporting on a story. It would do a lot to restore credibility in their reporting and better inform the public (which is supposed to be part of their mandate.) If they could extend this policy to all news media on the dole it would do a lot of good in this country.

  13. The 1972 summit series is being aired on tv and I couldn’t get through it as it covered the residential schools and other cbc favourite grievances with prominent coverage of papa Trudeau and baby Justin

  14. Decades ago I used to listen to Morningside and other programs for hours while I repaired things at work. When I was out of the country I would miss CBC.

    Now if it happens to come on in the car bc a podcast runs out I listen until it’s bias is annoying or disgusting.

    Usually 3 to 5 minutes max. Sometimes 15, but that’s rare. Even the science programs are corrupted with political narrative.

  15. Yet another example of the soft bigotry of low expectations. “We don’t think that these people of colour and alternative lifestyles are smart enough to pretend to be impartial, like we are. They can’t fake it as well as we do (we fool everyone!) so we will let them be open and honest and call them pundits instead. No one that matters will not be fooled.”
