36 Replies to “August 15, 2022: Reader Tips”

    1. Isn’t glowbull wormening supposed to take care off all that freezing in the dark business?

    1. *
      As per tip by David Murrell below…

      “CBC change its Journalistic Standards and Practices (JSP) to accommodate more racial
      and sex identity minorities.”


      “Longtime CTV National News anchor Lisa LaFlamme broke her silence after being let go by
      Bell Media, saying she was blindsided and shocked by the ‘business decision’ to end her
      contract after 35 years. CTV announced that Omar Sachedina was named Chief News
      and Senior Editor of CTV National News, effective September 5.”


    1. Ewwwwww. Just no.

      Also, they weren’t a gay couple as the tweet says, they were a zoophile couple.

    1. I thought that was appalling. I think this is another campaign to discredit anti-mandate demonstrators. Brigitte Pellerin also objected to Topp ending his march at the War Memorial. I thought it was entirely appropriate and particularly meaningful. So I countered with a letter to the editor. . . Surprise, surprise, not published. The Citizen had two other articles that seemed to promote the Cenotaph as something to be used for War acknowledgments only. I believe they are trying to get a public movement going to limit visits to the War Memorial. Their propaganda efforts are getting very transparent. So who might be behind this one? Someone from the PMO, I am pretty sure. Likely Clarkson did not write the piece, but allowed her name to be used.

      1. Another thought. We are looking at the deliberate destruction of Canadian symbols — Sir John A is an obvious one, but there are other things being destroyed that used to define our nationhood and be a source of national pride. ( Public heath care, for example, which has now become seriously dysfunctional.) Anyway, Topp’s use of the War Memorial to remind us of the past sacrifice for freedom, also reminds us that we must be constantly vigilant and conscious of attacks on freedom. The Memorial is a source of national inspiration. Could this be yet another attack on our nationhood — an attempt to undermine the memorial as a living symbol? Really, four articles in about two weeks is a bit much . . . and those are just the ones I saw.

  1. I got this from The Line yesterday, I think under a Substack paywall, but the gist of it is as follows. In late June the CRTC renewed the CBC license, and in doing so mandated that the CBC change its Journalistic Standards and Practices (JSP) to accommodate more racial and sex identity minorities: https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/archive/2022/2022-165.htm

    The above link is the the huge, windblown ruling, but scroll way down to paragraphs 519 to 570, particularly paragraph 566. Up to now the sickeningly woke CBC has been practicing woke identity propaganda all on its own, without government directives. But now, in detailed form, our federal government explicitly directs the CBC to pile on with its identity politics swill.

    Now, the CBC is a government-mandated propaganda outlet.

  2. Apparently our little dictator has burned jet fuel back to his top secret location on Turtle Island.

  3. The Dear Leader is poised to announce the latest deep money pit for federal taxpayers. It will be in Newfoundland (no surprise there). The first phase will involve the building of 164 onshore wind turbines (don’t worry, no environmental assessment will be required), which will then lead to the building of a hydrogen production facility, which in turn will ship “hydrogen energy” to Germany. No word yet on how much federal taxpayer money will be thrown into the pit, or the names of the green energy subsidy suckers who will pocket the profits.

    “[T]he company behind the Newfoundland project, World Energy GH2, has said the first phase of the proposal calls for building up 164 onshore wind turbines to power a hydrogen production facility at the deep-sea port at Stephenville. Long-term plans call for tripling the size of the project.”


    1. It will be like the hydroponics scheme from the early 1980’s – government funded, it was going to be the success of Newfoundland and Labrador. It crashed and burned after all the government monies were spent.

    2. The lower Churchill river hydro power project (Muskrat Falls) is an ongoing money pit which has already cost federal taxpayers over $5 billion:

      “In July 2021, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the Federal Government will provide the project with $5.2 Billion support in order to compensate for its large cost overrun (from 6.2 to over 13 Billion) and to enable to maintain the price of power at a competitive rate. ”


  4. Another Quebec MP raises fear of a PP victory in a story by the Hill Times’s Abbas Rana, always a pro-conservative voice (sarc). “If Poilievre wins leadership, but fails to pivot to the centre, Quebec Tory MP Godin says he will ‘reflect’ on his own ‘future political life’ ” All will be forgiven if Jean Charest is chosen. Mr Godwin has been an MP since 2015 and is 57 so can start that pension immediately. Replacement by a traffic cone a possibility.
    Only a month to go and the paid press can get serious about exposing Pierre’s right wing fantasies.

    1. May she be just the first of many. Thank you for the appetizer Bell Media, can we get on to the main course now.
