Things You’ll Never See At The CBC


The CBC has 143 executive directors including eight directors of finance, nine directors of legal services and 26 directors of “technology and infrastructure,” according to Access To Information records. Individual pay and benefits were not disclosed though one former executive put his yearly bonus at $80,000: “That requires visionary talent.”

34 Replies to “Things You’ll Never See At The CBC”

  1. 143 executive directors including eight directors of finance, nine directors of legal services and 26 directors of “technology and infrastructure,”

    And a partridge in a pear tree…..

  2. Theft…

    Our .gov’s and mainstream lying media convinced each other that they are more important than Canadians that they are supposed to serve but instead they actually think they rule us…

    1. Golly, and to think I actually had to produce sales and a profit to make my money.

      1. The gov’t doesn’t care.
        I remember once going to a gov’t beer store to buy 12 Molson Canadian.
        They were out of 12 packs, so I said, OK, I’ll buy 2 six packs for the price of a 12.
        No deal. I walked out. They don’t care about moving their product, they get paid just for being there.

  3. visionary talent

    “I am able to envision such stupendous mountains of woke bullshit now….”

  4. Well, if they can convince a so-called “conservative” like me to “stand with Ukraine” and swallow the pablum day after day despite the hard evidence to the contrary, I guess that’s worth the $80,000 bonus.

    1. Yes, it’s so much better to laugh at countries who invade their neighbours and cherr on the invaders like we did when the Germans invaded Poland. The Poles deserved it after all, at least that’s what the Germans said.

      1. “Rusty”: not just a victim of a retarded and ahistorical modern educational system, but a fine example of just how effective CBC propaganda can be on a simple-minded sheep. I guess they really deserve their bonuses.

        1. You’re to retarded to even bother arguing with. I’ll just point and laugh instead.

          1. Glad I can hold a mirror in front of another retard. (You probably don’t even get it)

      2. Rusty, don’t pretend you care about invading other countries, if you did, you’d care about US troops in Syria stealing Syrian oil, France invading Mali in 2014, the Saudi invasion of Yemen, which has a death toll of around 400 000 so far, etc.
        You may sit on your high horse of fake morality, but its a dead horse all the same.

  5. If these CBC bonuses were paid out in direct relation to how well they protected and promoted our uber-corrupt PM and his assorted BS narratives, then every penny was well-earned.

    1. No, but who would have guessed that it look 8 directors of finance to produce it? What do the other 7 do? Maybe they take turns and each one only needs to work six weeks a year.

      1. “I HATE the CBC. But I believe every last word they say about Ukraine and cheer them on!”

  6. It’s quite amazing that with all those directors that the CBC manages to produce a consistent message. I wonder who directs the directors?

      1. Remember that .gov you never vote for and always stays in power?

        Bruce Pardy

        “permanently embedded … regardless of changes in government”

        Quote Tweet
        Cosmin Dzsurdzsa

        And here the wokesters in Ottawa reveal their ambition as plain as day (buried 17 pages into their anti-racism ideological purity guide)

        The parasitic woke deep state silently scaffolding itself onto every level of government plans on staying here FOREVER.

        Read the pic…

      2. Freeman… with members like Batherson and Rempel the whole party at the executive level must be purged of these Globalist shitstains.
        The Con exec have already started to go after Pollievre with their “debate” shenanigans .

        Whos the moderator this time, another Laurentian media douche ?
        Tom ( “what shampoo do you use ? ” ) Clark ?
        Maybe fat Rosemary the communist and the President of the CBC’s Turdhole fan club.

        Pollievre isn’t going along with the Con bullshit so the Con executive and the Turdhole Media are attacking Pollievre.
        Scheerp and O’Stool weren’t the only problems with the Con Party, they were just the face of the problem, the real problems hide behind the scenes at the executive level.

          1. I fear you may be right.
            I do not vote for or support the Con party.
            I voted for Harper, once, that was a mistake that I didn’t make again.

            There is no way to vote our way out of this corrupt shithole, it is far too gone for that. IMO.

            Although, I believe the Con executive attacking Pollievre is a clear sign , they don’t want him to win and if he does I think the Bathersons and the Rempels will do everything they can to undermine Pollievres agenda.

    1. Johnboy, as as man who has been around for longer than most these days, I will say in bold print, NOTHING WILL CHANGE. NEVER HAS, NEVER WILL.

  7. “The Liberal Party fosters and nurtures a culture of corruption “… Judge Gomery.

    The CBC is the propaganda arm of the Turdhole/Jugderp party, have been for decades … and they don’t care if you know.

    The CBC are one in a long list of Government run agencies that are primary examples of the festering corrupt Liberal party spreading, fostering and nurturing their personal, “culture of corruption.”

    There is literally nothing the Turdhole/Jagderp Government could do that the CBC will not agree with or out right promote.

    The CBC and the Corporate Media will hold all opposition to the Turdhole/Jagderp Regimes agenda accountable.

    Remember when the CBC got together with the other monopolized corporate Turdhole Media and they colluded together to ban any and all criticisms of their candidate Juthtin the Turdhole by the Conservative Party or any other third party’s ? During an election ?

    The CBC is as corrupt an organization as it can possibly get and they don’t give a shit what anyone thinks about that.

    One can only imagine the level of corruption nepotism and graft that goes on behind the Iron Curtain of secrecy at the malignant CBC.

    1.5 billion taxpayer dollars every 12 Months buys a lot of “loyalty”.

    1. The CBC and the bought and paid for mainstream news together with the government you can never vote for and always stays in power is the governing ruling party of the globalist…

      And the LibCons support it with the NDP, block and greens…

  8. “Don’t quit in disgust and blow the whistle on us! We’ll give you more fat bonuses!”
