If What He Is Saying Is Not True Then She Should Sue Him

In this video, Jack Posobiec calls out Nina Jankowicz, accusing her of the very worst of intentions against the American people. What he’s saying is what a lot of people have suspected since Day One of her “Disinformation Board”. The thing is, if his words are inaccurate or libelous, then she should sue him and she would win.  That is, if he is wrong. But will America’s Evil Mary Poppins dare sue him or does she realize that everything he has accused her of is 100% accurate?

11 Replies to “If What He Is Saying Is Not True Then She Should Sue Him”

  1. Actually, the plan has changed. They are going to double down on self-censoring of the actual source instead of a governing body. NPR telegraphed this when they announced their own disinformation service internally. I would expect the major networks to follow suit shortly. What this will do is shape the coverage of each entity and push out those “journalists” who actually still posses a smidgeon of objectivity. There’s no point working for a media outlet who continues to censor your production. I tend to think California’s removal of independent contractor journalists was the actual first step in this process.

    But, there has to be a second part to this approach for it to work. There must be a way to shut down and censor the alternative news sources. I think outlets like Instapundit; Daily Caller; The Wire; Epoch Times and even this one etc…are about to have targets put on them. There are a number of ways they can limit their exposure to readers. The UK has been wrestling with internet censorship legislation for a while now. I expect Canada and the US to have similar legislation floated very very shortly. They have to solidify such a move while they still possess a majority in congress. And, there is nothing barring the current administration from putting such a caveat in and “Emergency Act” relative to certain specific issues (such as Climate Change).

  2. Harry Potter, eh ? Does she ride a broom ? She’ll never sue because all she has is hurt feelings.

  3. Couldn’t happen to a bigger more Ignorant arrogant Twat than this utterly miserable leftist Klunt.

    Good on POSO..!!
    “SUE me if have the BALLS BEOTCH..!!”

      1. George Robert is probably referencing the “malicious intent” threshold applicable to public personas. It’s a very difficult burden to prove, which is why most known individuals don’t even bother with libel or slander suits. Showing damages is, also, rather difficult for Jankowitcz.

  4. “She should sue him…”

    She’s a Dem. She fears Discovery. Imagine the fun digging campaign Posobiec’s lawyers would conduct. Skeletons falling out of all kinds of closets.

  5. She’ll just make up new lyrics to a show tune … to identify and shame his malinformation… that’s enough for her/they

  6. Leftists do not need a ministry of truth.

    They control the media, big tech and judges, and all of them happily cheat and lie for the left.

    and if you refuse to accept their lies, you end up in jail like the january 6 people or get your money frozen like the freedom truckers.

    Look at the Liz Cheney committee; do they need a ministry of truth; NO

    Psychopathic, Dictators -Tyrants do not need a ministry of truth, they simply do whatever the f*** they want and if you protest too much , they destroy you.
