81 Replies to “White Supremacy Running Rampant In Canada”

  1. Nowspeak: “Trash”

    Thenspeak: “Deplorables”

    Beforespeak: “Gun klingers”

    1. *
      Canada… the racist shithole where I live.

      Funny, though… nobody seems that eager to return to
      the paradise that is the Middle East and Africa.


    1. Marek:
      I do not understand what you are saying. White supremacists are scary people. Real scary, not pretend scary. At the anger management course, the text book says to not use harsh language. b@cbc is a harsh word. You should apologize.

        1. That might describe a certain prime minister after switching from blackface.

    2. Wow, a superior intellect has not been heard from. Go away until your brain starts to function.

    3. *
      Marek… if it’s truly such a terrible place,
      why did your family choose Canada?

      And that’s not a rhetorical question.


    4. Rude, aren’t you? What proof do you have that anyone on this forum supports or is part of a white supremacy organization? Not conjecture, but proof.

    5. Punctuation is important.

      Let me use your post as an example.

      As it is typed:

      “Look in the mirror SDA buttholes.”

      Is there a kind of mirror called “SDA buttholes”? Is it especially reflective or something? Or are you saying that people have certain kinds of butts?

      I am confused.

      Punctuation will clear this up!

      Let us separate the clauses with commas:

      “Look in the mirror, SDA buttholes.”

      Much better.

      Now you are saying that we should catch a sight of our butts in the mirror.

      Well, if that’s how YOU get off …

      Otherwise, someone might think that was poor attempt at insulting people.

      1. We have an outhouse at the cottage and I’ll be extra cautious when dropping a deuce for fear that Marek will be down in the hole, mirror in one hand, ladycoq au vin in the other……..

  2. But Quebecois white supremacists are considered loyalists (to the “true” Canada), striving to preserve their culture by keeping the resentment of 1759 alive.

    1. The “Quebec” situation could have been fixed back in those days with a little less misplaced compassion. It is called we won the damn war and you will now live with us and under us.

      1. Pearson thought that since his diplomatic abilities, such as they were, seemed to work while he was at the U. N., they would work for Quebec.

        His crowning achievement, which won him his Nobel, the United Nations Emergency Force, proved to be a failure. It was formed to settle the 1956 Suez War but it skedaddled out of the Sinai when it became evident that there would be another punch-up in ’67.

        His solution for constantly bribing Quebec to behave itself ultimately resulted in the Trudeau catastrophes. Oh, and don’t forget his starting the bilingualism malarkey.

  3. I heard on NPR this morning that the intrepid and daring prosecutors are making sure that you know that they are going to pursue “hate crime” charges.

    I guess killing people isn’t hate enough, maybe they don’t think that they can make first degree murder charges stick?

    1. Okay, what is a “Love Crime”?

      All crime stems from hate. A thief does not think highly of the person stolen from.

  4. Yep, saw it last night. All media channels skating with this crap idea. Oh the Quebec Mosque! London run-over, even Yonge St “incel” van attack. Terms like “white supremacyii” circulated. Utter garbage.

    Justice Clarence Thomas in US had an awesome answer to the media, and I quote from memory: “I will resign from SCOTUS when I’m gonna do my job as poorly as you media guys are doing yours”.

  5. How’s this? The Buffalo mass shooting was “an isolated incident of a mentally ill teen”

    Seems to work for Muslims … why not caucasian atheists?

    1. Come on, Kenji. He didn’t yell ‘All ‘a yah Snackbar!’ first. If you want to use the ‘mentally ill teen’ defense, you gotta yell that. It’s in the rules. Y’know? Like, law and stuff.

    2. *
      Biden refused to attend the Waukesha Parade death funerals…
      but couldn’t get on the plane to Buffalo fast enough.

      Hmmm… what was the difference in these incidents?


      1. Because … Biden is our 3rd black President? 1. Clinton 2. Obama 3. Biden …

  6. In the linked Global News article, they give the Freedom Convoy as an example of white supremacy.

    1. Global would also have you believe that a gun can jump up and kill you all on its own.

    2. Especially with all of those swarthy Sikh gentlemen driving trucks.

    1. So am I.

      While I was still a graduate student, I thought I might have met the future Mrs. BADR. The main catch was that she was a foreigner and she ended up marrying a fellow countryman. I figured that her family didn’t want to have anyone who was white working-class trash somewhere in the woodpile.

      On the other hand, had I been worth, say, at least 8 figures, my whiteness might have been conveniently ignored.

      1. Curious how much a large bank account contributes to color-blindness, idn’t it?

  7. This ” Me too ism” coming from Canadian politician’s about any issue that emerges in the US is getting predictable and tedious. “They’re racist in the US?? Oh, we are too. We are too.” Ultimately their claims are unconvincing and some are downright silly. Seems like a cheap trick to get attention.

  8. Learn to spot the warning signs of White Supremacy:

    1) Full time employment
    2) Literacy
    3) Professional or technical degree, or a trade
    4) No criminal record
    5) Auto insurance
    6) Good credit rating
    7) Regular church attendance
    8) Mistrusts the government
    9) Stable monogamous hetrosexual relationship.

    1. Not to mention being capable of independent thought and a desire for self-sufficiency.

    2. I guess I’m saved by 7) Stopped going when the guest Bishop (Chretien at the time) gave the sermon/homily and told the congregation to vote Liberal because they better represented Catholic values.

    3. Yep

      Thats me and 99.99% of my generation.

      Mom told us ALL: Blood is red regardless of skin colour.

      MLK told us: Judge not by the colour of one’s skin, but rather by the content of their Character.

      Both were 100% correct.

      I’ve lived that …. And continue to so.

      Fk the Canadian Legacy Media with extreme prejudice…racist bastards the lot.

      What say you MAREK…??

    4. OMG! Frightening … Right? So MUCH privilege … so much white self discipline …

  9. I’ve started giving my friends shit for being stupid enough to be manipulated by media lies.
    The media lies about me to them and lies about them to me.
    Anyone who believes the media lies about me gets a tune up.

  10. Very strange how a self avowed Communist/Leftard can be claimed as an “Extreme Right White Supremest” by all the media..
    Maybe the Buffalo Killer will sue them for slander..

    Now Can Ahh Duh indeed does have White Supremests,they form the “Natural Ruling Party” of Can Ahh Duh and have a long record of institutional systemic racism to boast of.
    These are the people who deliberately undermine the self sufficiency of our own Natives,who seek to prolong all citizens time on the Welfare Rolls and believe they know better than any poor brown person,how those people shall live their lives.
    Funny how Quebec is part of their traditional powerbase…and the Diversity Cities their new home..
    Yet citizens who believe they are being attacked by assault style liberal politicians,because they are being attacked,are the number one threat to civilization and “Wascist too”.
    “Trash” eh?

  11. This reminds me of those Baby on Board window decals. That way you’ll slam on the brakes even harder when you rear end the vehicle at highway speeds.

  12. The Spawn-Fuhrer, always in search of a crisis for his Ministry of propaganda (LPC-owned media) to pimp, can’t help taking his lead from the US which at one time would have been considered absurd. The globalist left are now borderless when it comes to vandalizing the culture for the benefit of elected sociopaths. His father’s multiculturalism (which exists peacefully nowhere) needs more priming. More please Mr. Prime Minister?

  13. Is Leslyn Lewis a white supremist too? Or does she get another leftist label because of the colour of her skin?

    1. Much like the LA TIMES did Larry Elder in the California governor’s race – they called him the “black face of white supremacy”. Astounding mental gymnastics are required to process this crap. Cue the same strategy to handle Ms. Lewis…

  14. “Apparently racism is just as bad here as in the U.S.”
    The smug Canadian superiority raises its head.

    1. Leave the gated white liberal alone on a reservation.

      I give him two minutes.

  15. How nice to hear that I and thousands like me who served this misbegotten “country,” are now considered Trash.

    CBC, Globe, Tor Star & CTV are the Real viral TRASH IN this Trans National Fascist ShitHole.

    If Given to the opportunity..? I’ll let them know face to face… vehemently to be sure.

    1. As one of my favorite American President’s once said ” Walk softly and carry a big stick “.

  16. Anyone remembers the Canada’s need to confront black supremacist trash after the Waukesha Parade massacre?

    Me neither.

    Oh wait, I actually do. The jacbooted thugs got a break from intimidating and harassing peaceful lockdown protesters and took a knee in front of black supremacist trash aka BLM.

    1. *

      “Justice Michelle Christenson of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court’s family division says
      there’s nothing she can do to protect a female teenage Syrian refugee whose
      father allegedly punched her in the face five times and lashed her as many as
      50 times with a belt
      for (WAIT FOR IT) texting with a boy.”


      1. It can’t?

        I guess the courts are useless and we should do without them.

  17. I’m sick of the people dumb enough to believe the corrupted Trudeau media as they lie about you and I.

  18. Why aren’t my posts showing up? Have I been banned for some reason?

    (Edit – this one appeared, why not the others?)

      1. No links. No foul language. No hate speech. Just conservative observations. And when I clicked “post comment” they winked out of existence.

        1. Yea that’s happened to me too.
          I switch machines at that point and am able to post again.
          Could be a variety of factors.
          If you are into conspiracy theories, it could be the big boys screwing with you.
          Get a VPN and constantly clear your cache history in your browser.

  19. Seeing as white nationalism gets no air anyway.. How exactly are you going to stamp it out?.. Its already de-platformed and banned..

  20. It certainly is.

    Has anyone seen that guy in blackface?

    What’s that about?

  21. One of the larger sub-plots in the civil war.
    Every white person is privileged and inherently a racist and now a very large (yet undefined) proportion of conservatives are white supremacists and a still significant portion of them are violent supremacists.

    Well why the fk haven’t they taken over?
    They must have at least penetrated every boardroom, skool, club, society & camp & organization around.

    Cuz it isn’t true.
    And this type of propaganda is the worst kind of provocation because it produces a negative feedback loop, a spiral down the drain into hellish violence. Nothing good will come of this societal slander and that’s just what many secretly want.

    It seems like the Progs can’t wait to start doing some big time killing.

  22. Facts from the Pew Research Center,

    — in 1960 whites were 85% of the USA

    — in 2010 whites were down to 64% of USA population.

    Most experts agree that the trend is accelerating and is not about to stop.

    It is a mathematical fact that the percentage of whites is and will continue to go down and that in a few years whites will be a minority in the USA.

    To call it a race replacement does not make one a white supremacist.

    It is an undeniable fact that the percentage of whites is becoming smaller because the number of non-whites is going up every year ( and our government have big plans to import much more non-whites) ,

    thus whites are being replaced, just as pouring out wine from a bottle and replacing it with more and more water is a replacement, what is going on is a replacement of the white race.


    To be aware of verifiable facts, mathematical facts does not make one a racist or a white supremacist.

    Those who persecute us for stating mathematical facts are the ones who are bigoted and are full of hatred.

    I know my comment raised flags and that the imbeciles who are in charge of witch hunting supposed white supremacists will keep an eye on me.

    But I was probably on their list already.

    Because I say truths that are forbidden in leftist land.

    I am not inciting violence, I am not encouraging hate, I am simply stating mathematical facts as the census of both the USA and Canada clearly show.

    We whites are being replaced.


    PS: Numbers for Canada are harder to find so I don t bother.

    PS-2 : I clearly remember a few years ago on CTV news they were CELEBRATING the fact that most large cities in the USA and Canada had a multicultural majority, which means that whites are a minority is those large cities…they were celebrating this fact…but they also deny it is happening at the same time and call us racists for saying it is happening…They are both very hypocritical and irrational.

  23. Last year CNN said that the Republican base is shrinking fast because most of them are white and immigration is changing demographics.

    Which anyone with an IQ above 65 understand means; the percentage of whites in the USA is going down.

    But then all those Main Stream Media turn around and call you an evil racist who believes crazy conspiracy theories for saying the white race is being replaced.

    The left and their media are saying one thing and its opposite.

    They are a strong mix of Malicious and Stupid.

    When it suits them, they acknowledge the replacement is real and describe it as a great thing to be celebrated.

    and when they feel like bashing us they say the replacement does not exist and those who think it is real are dangerous white supremacists.

    Those people are intensely malicious and stupid.

  24. I tried to Confront racism, but PM Blackface Zoolander won’t pick up his phone.

  25. I’m not a settler, I was born here. That makes me a native.

    What is a settler? Someone who comes here from somewhere else in the world and stays.

    Most people coming to Canada (settlers) are non-white. So it sounds like Green Party leader Amita Kuttner is accusing non-white “settler” Canadians of genocide.
