21 Replies to “Temporarily Unexpected”

  1. All levels of our political system are in collaboration and collusion to make sure it’s illegal for manufacturing in Canada by a multitude of different health and safety laws.
    They also illegally imposed needing insurance which is a private company that our politicians impose that we must purchase and provide.
    That’s what our health system was supposed to replace but never was…our insurance companies benefited immediately as Provincial Health was taken over by our government.

    1. Imagine their shock and confusion when we introduce them to the nearest lamppost:

      “Wait, there must be some kind of mistake- I’m one of the good guys!”

      Sure ya are, buddy- sure ya are- now.

  2. Canada is the new Venezuela. Great video a-ways down SDA page on why Central and South American countries are such economic basket cases: corruption and run away inflation. And Trudough is taking Canada down the same path. Of course he will blame everyone else for his economic follies.

    1. It’s not his fault. He’s dis-numeric, isn’t he? (In other words, he can’t count past 3.)

      1. BA, Now be nice, I’m sure he can count all the way to nine. It’s only when he gets to double digits that it becomes difficult for him.

  3. Even though governments caused this with their screwed up policies, their reaction to it is that things like this just happen, like they’re a force of nature or something.
    Fear. They need to fear us, and not pass laws to protect the government from us.

  4. Also the reason for running up massive deficits – then raising interest rates to quell their manufactured inflation.
    Bankrupting the West.

  5. Thinking …. In this country, there was a minister of finances of the so called ‘Liberal’ government that was actually a finance guy. While initially he went along with the destruction of the country and the economy, there came a point where he could not agree with it and resigned.
    The current minister of finances is completely illiterate in the matter of finances, the minister and the idiot in charge are ideologues that think and say that the deficit will take care of itself.

    We are dealing with wishful thinking here and there is no end in sight.
    The takers, that is the majority population will take the country to the poor house if it kills them.
    Actually they are hoping that the hell comes after they are gone.

    1. Hiring people by their race and gender is not exactly legal but our politicians are imposing it anyways.
      No need for qualified people who have worked hard to kiss ass and move up the chain of command.

      1. “No need for qualified people who have worked hard to kiss ass and move up the chain of command.”

        Precisely. Why bother electing competent people to do the job when you can vote for their virtue signalling content and then sub the real work out to consultants who will then shill for you?

  6. Inflation is the result of credit being extended to parties who lack the means or the ability to repay. The quantity of dollars is not what should concern people; they should be concerned instead with the credit worthiness of everyone borrowing those dollars. A decline in dollar quantity won’t solve the issue of all the deadbeat debtors out there, which includes governments.

    1. Start with the banks and fractional reserve lending.
      You have also espoused increasing interest rates, so I guess your MO is increase rates, and then call people who can’t keep up “dead beats.”

    2. Inflation is caused globally by the printers of the reserve currency who don’t pay attention to the quality of debtor’s credit worthiness. Even those countries with great credit worthiness are seeing massive inflation. Think Germany.

  7. That might be the best definition of inflation I’ve read. “Inflation [occurs] when the growth of the money supply exceeds the growth of goods and services”.

  8. Whenever the government sticks its dirty finger in the free market pie, people get screwed.
    Western governments are now fist fcking the pie and this is what you get: mayhem.
    Just like Pegger Pierre, wait till juthtin introduces wage and price controls.
    You can’t convince Statists that they’re the problem, especially pig-ignorant ones like Joe Gaffer or the Candian Chimney Sweep.

    (Chimney Sweep is a movie reference: “To Sir, With Love”)

  9. The primary source of inflation isn’t governments printing money. Its banks lending money, printing money is like 1-2% of it.

    The Bank of England explained this in 2015.

    1. The “printing” of money is a metaphor for the Federal Reserve wishing money into existence. All countries follow the US. Those who lead (wish too much) get their currency crushed by inflation. Those who “wish” at par experience the same level of inflation as the US.
