24 Replies to “Transgenderism Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophila”

    1. I’m earning 85 dollars/h to complete some work on a home computer…~oy140~I not at all believed that it can be possible but my close friend earning $25k only within four weeks simply doing this top task as well as she has satisfied me to PAY…~oy140~Check further details by reaching this site

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  1. Just remember, <15 years from “legalizing gay marriage is only about everyone having the same rights!” , to “it’s perfectly normal for a doctor to cut a fifteen year old girl’s breasts off, and anyone who tries to talk her out of it is committing a federal hate crime.” Not to mention “I’m sorry sir but your card has been declined because of your political opinions.”

    But there’s no slippery slope, nope, not at all. What are you, some kind of fringe minority with unacceptable views? Shut up and drink your Victory Gin, comrade, and I’ll see you tonight on CBC for the Two Minutes’ Hate.

  2. These people are truly evil. The left knows no bounds anymore, and the fact that they’re now targeting toddlers tells you everything you need to know about who they really are. They need to be destroyed.

  3. The pendulum will swing back and it will do so with a vengeance. The alphabet perverts have pushed too hard on normalizing their perversions, and they will suffer for their overreach. At this rate, summary execution for pedophilia will become a social norm by 2050.

    1. After the Soviets left Afghanistan, the war lords were were going around buggering the children. Afghanis had enough. The Taliban said they could help stop it. They didn’t stop with dealing with the war lords. Everyone not submitting became targets.
      My bet is the same thing will happen here. People will get tired of the perversion and Islam will offer the solution.

    2. At this rate, summary execution for pedophilia will become a social norm by 2050.

      Correction: “At this rate, summary execution for the suspicion of heterosexuality will become a social norm by 2050.”

  4. A child of age 2 can’t express much at all, certainly not a so-called gender preference.

    1. It’s instructive to me that very few (if any) humans have conscious memories before age 3. Yet these ghouls in the State bureaucracy claim 2yo’s express displeasure with their birth sex. Puhleeze!?

  5. Stop sending your kids to public schools.

    This can disappear if we want it to.

  6. My pronouns are @$#%#**”:{ and *&:>ß||≠ºª•. They are pronounced as written.

  7. They aren’t “public” schools….they are government schools.

    2 Timothy 3:13
    “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

  8. I’m earning 85 dollars/h to complete some work on a home computer…~oy140~I not at all believed that it can be possible but my close friend earning $25k only within four weeks simply doing this top task as well as she has satisfied me to PAY…~oy140~Check further details by reaching this site


  9. So if a kid wants to play with a teachers winky, they can’t stop them.

    If i were a kid in that district, my pronoun would be ‘el conquistador’.

  10. Putin and Xi have observed all this, and made their assessments. The massive missile strike on Yavorov ended the Call of Duty larping dreams of a lot of Western beta males right quick.

  11. “…shall be required…”


    I suppose everyone here is smart enough to realize that it doesn’t stop with an employer (in this case, a school district) enforcing what they consider “policy.” In fact, I’m quite surprised that this has not been presented as legislation on a statewide basis requiring the same behavior by all Californians. They certainly have the votes to do just that in their state. We have seen that they are perfectly willing to dictate behavior through law as has been experienced over the last two years with all the inane requirements relative to Covid-19.

    I’d be curious how that would play out. I think most Californians would roll over and do as instructed. They’ve been conditioned to do so.

  12. 90%+ of all people with sexual dysmorphia so severe they seek surgery were molested as children or adolescents.
    The number one predictive factor in someone becoming a pedophile is childhood sexual molestation.

    These things are not unrelated.
