83 Replies to “Hold The Line”

    1. Unfortunately, there are people who believe that Canada can still be salvaged.

      Earlier this evening, I looked in over Zoom on a Free Alberta Strategy townhall. When I first heard of FAS a few years ago, I still thought that there was a future for Alberta in Confederation. During the proceedings, it was made abundantly clear that FAS wasn’t advocating for separatism being, instead, a movement that was willing to include the NDP, or so I believe I heard.

      That’s when I bailed out. I can’t see how Alberta can continue for much longer as a part of this country. Organizations like FAS will only prolong the misery because we won’t ever get a fair deal.

      1. “Unfortunately, there are people who believe that Canada can still be salvaged.”

        Those truckers, who are true heroes still believe that. Frankly I don’t. But they do and I respect them probably more than I respect anyone else in Canada right now.

        1. I respect the truckers as well. They conducted themselves with dignity and class.

          Earlier in the week, I was at my house in B. C. One of my neighbours is a trucker who lives a few lots over along the back alley. I called him and conveyed my thanks for what his colleagues did.

          I’m sure that if they succeed, it’ll make it easier for Alberta to separate.

          1. I think the Freedom Convoy is the best way to go for conservatism. Pro–worker and pro-street-demonstrations. The PPC should bring in these people as candidates.

    1. She went with dignity, unlike some shrieking and kicking leftwing moonbat.
      History will remember, and will see the difference.

  1. Methinks we are seeing the beginning of the end of Canada. It will disintegrate….and perhaps that was the goal of Herr Trudeau all along.

    1. It may not be his goal but it may be someones. I don’t think he is even smart enough to understand the forces involved and the pieces on the board. He is playing a role, this is production on a grand scale. He thinks he a headliner.

    2. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. The Davos crowd’s one world government demands the doing away with nations and nationalism. Why do you think they attacked Trump so mercilessly?

  2. So they arrested the “vicious disrupter who is ruining our economy” who called Justin The Far Less Than Magnificent’s precious ego into valid question. Just the other day former premier Peckford was sitting beside her at a press conference, calling into question the constitutionality of the government and its ridiculous behaviour.

    Of course the dipstick who is currently running the “Dictator Show” doesn’t negotiate, make inquiries or withdraw his explosive mandate to get an involuntary injection. Tamara Lich, from what I’ve seen, has committed no observable crime; save for insulting the pratfalling Boy Prince Wonder with wavy hair and flashy socks.

    Gee the last time Parliament did something of substance was to outlaw the EVIL of plastic straws. OOOOooooh such leadership!
    Completely overblown self inflated twaddle to rescue Justin The Far Less Than Magnificent’s balloon popped self importance.

    Utter garbage, next they’ll arrest Peckford for being “unconstitutional”… 🙂

    Jackassery of lowest order. Or as the Marx Brothers noted, “If you don’t like my principles, I have others!”


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  3. So this is an indefinite detainment situation right? She won’t be charged but she’ll be in the gulag until the emergency act is rescinded if ever.

    1. Correct “Gulags are US” has come to a city near you; courtesy of an “admirer of basic dictatorship”.

      Under arrest for the duration of this massive overreach order…you have “Constitutional Freedoms” until Herr True Dopen Minister says you don’t.


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group “True North”

      1. What was the name of the blond asshole kid king in Game of Thrones?.. I think Turdly needs a new name!

    2. I thought I saw somewhere that one of the charges levied was for “mischief.” There were a handful of other charges of a similar level of severity.

  4. Read this quote somewhere and can’t find it back to credit who wrote it:
    “The people often invisible to elite politicians perform some of the most essential jobs — and their discontent can easily bring a nation to its knees if they’re pushed too far.”
    All truckers, now is the time to Go Galt. Stay home, protect your family, and DON’T deliver a thing. YOU are essential. The people who live off the sweat of another person’s brow are not. Politicians, journalists, bureaucrats … they live off of your labor. If they stopped “working” tomorrow, the world would function just fine, and barely notice. But when YOU stop working, when you producers (including electricians, plumbers, construction workers, first responders, road crews, etc.) stop working … everyone notices. Takers vs Producers. We in the West all need to learn the difference now. Let’s show them. Solidarnosc! Walensa in Poland showed us how to take down Commie dictators. True Workers of the World unite … TRULY this time! Not under a commie banner … under a genuine banner of a desire for true freedom. Show the parasitical elites that without you they’re nothing. Stay home now, all of you, and don’t deliver a single thing. I, for one, have got enough in my basement to last my family for months. Do this. They need you much much much more than you need them.
    These arrests of decent people, of peaceful protestors, after letting leftist agitators loot and destroy in every city all last year… it’s too much. The Canadian Liberal government has lost all moral authority.
    Canadians, you’re inspiring us all.

  5. They think she’s the weakest link. So now they’ll interrogate her until they can manufacture crimes. They’re also likely to make up media crimes with which to beat the truckers with in their messaging. Hold the line Tamara, ya done good!

    1. They don’t think that she’s the weakest link, they know that she’s the spiritual leader of the protest and the loudest voice among the truckers to keep things peaceful and they’re hoping that the rest will now do something drastic that they can then use to crush them all. The Turd has backed himself and the government into a corner and the only way they can save face is to have the protesters live up to the propaganda just once.

      1. Could be I watch Pat King quite a bit and have only seen a few videos of Tamara. I found it odd they didn’t arrest other people they knew were leadership. I hope the leadership team runs way deeper than they think it does. The truckers win with time and peace.

    1. Will our Fuhrer even allow her a lawyer, silly question I suppose since lawyers are all about laws and none of that exists anymore

  6. The similarities of True dough and our Dan Andrews (Premier of Victoria ,Australia ) are uncanny . A non event of a man whom by knowing how to backstab ,plot ,lie and bully their way to the top of their leftie piles then use the same tactics against their citizens .No self awareness ,humility nor shame .
    Blights upon society

  7. A strong role model of a woman taken down by that detestable little creep.. Worst male feminist on the face of the earth.. Covid is over.. The mandates are useless.. Any self respecting politician would have thrown the TRUCKERS a bone.. Had a party and called it a day..

    Not Justin Trudeau, oh no.. He declares a state of emergency and the disgusting NDP prop him up as usual..
    Shameful what we have become..

    1. Jagmeet is WEF all the way. If this goes bad in Canada he’s waiting for his chance. Think of Klaus Schwab as Blofeld and Trudeau as #1 and Jagmeet #2. Klaus is unhappy and pushes the button, poof! sock boy is gone. Do not fail me Jagmeet!

      If this were the Austin Powers version, I keep getting this creepy vignette of Freeland screaming “Lower the FINTRAC”

  8. This is an absolute disgrace … a political prisoner locked up for protesting a tyrannical lawless regime, a political prisoner arrested and jailed because Basic Dick Turdhole is a Globalist psychopath.

    The NDP made this dictatorship possible, they are a Globalist tag team with the corrupt Turdhole Party. They have abandoned Canadians, they have abandoned human rights they have abandoned the rule of law and they have abandoned the working class… The terrorists have taken over and they’re not pretending to be “liberals’ or ” progressives’ anymore.
    This is so wrong, it is shameful.

  9. Will David Suzuki and the leaders of BLM in Canada be arrested soon?
    How about the people that counseled burning down churches, or that said it was understandable?

    As for the bank accounts, will every donor to the David Suzuki Foundation have their bank accounts frozen?
    How about those who donated to Idle No More, BLM, Occupy Wall Street, and a host of other organizations whose protests were actually illegal and violent?

        1. Yes, his mother was originally from Regina. He spent a year working in Saskatchewan doing manual labour jobs while waiting to be accepted into the U.S.

  10. Yeh, Ok. I’d be willing to bet the identities of the arresting orificers can and will be soon on public (or obtainable) record. Family and progeny will swell with pride by association. Thugs R Us. Woot!

  11. Much is being made of some of the funding for the truckers coming from foreign sources.

    Every friggin “environmental” demonstration is carried out by professional protesters supported by foreign funding.

    1. People need to stop falling into the hypocrisy trap. Leftists do not care that they don’t live up to their own standards at all.

      1. You got that right James. They are not embarrassed by their own hypocrisy and could care less when caught in their lies.

    2. Probably even the axes the attackers of the Coastal Link pipeline site used were bought with foreign money.
      Real armed violence. Will the perpetrators even be arrested?

    1. This stuff has been going on for two bloody years and there’s still a large percentage of Canadians who want more. Depending on what happens I’ll probably be leaving this country. The truckers were the only hope and it looks as though the regime is just going to clamp down harder.

  12. I am a glass half full kind of guy. These arrests could be:
    – a final attempt to provoke the truckers to violence by a desperate PM
    – another attempt at intimidation by a desperate PM
    If Trudeau had the votes, would he do either the above?

    We will soon know for certain if Canada is governed by the rule of law, or governed by the rule of men.

  13. The thing that kills me about all this is that the Pampered Prince, who never had a care in his life is causing so much pain for normal people of Canada. As an American citizen who loves Canadians, it just breaks my heart because I feel helpless to do anything about this.

  14. Seen on FB, we know every donor to the freedom convoy but no one from Ghsline (sic) Maxwell’s list. Maybe JT is in that list.

  15. We learn some vital information in the next few days.
    The 338 and the Appointed Ones of the Senate both get one chance to stop this madness.
    I predict they will condone it instead.
    The minions get to make a choice.
    Civilization or pay check?
    I predict pay check.

    Then the taxpayers make their choice.
    Surrender to Emperor Justine’s lawless Rule or clean up this shitshow yourself?
    I predict the “Clean up this mess ourselves”,but not without some more procrastination,soul searching and outrageous abuse by government minions.

    When government or any “authority” behaves as our fools and bandits are now doing.
    They do not last much longer.
    History is full of these “Emperors”.
    Parasites that declare “WAR” upon their host,eventually get thinned right down.
    Cause if they lose,they get hung.
    If they win,the host stops producing and these creatures starve.
    If they could do productive work,they would not be what they are.

    1. The media in this country are cheering this on. There’s not going to be a revolution. My prediction is Trudeau wins and cracks down hard as hell on all conservatives.

      1. Yup. I would suspect that will be the outcome. I can’t see any other. Where is the path to a different one? Buying the media was brilliant. They were there already but it killed any last resistance.

      2. So what distinction between Media and Government do you draw James?
        They are one and same,paid government minions,active parts of the mess requiring cleanup.
        Ezra Levant called them The Media Party.
        And when we access their internal communications it will be obvious..
        And we will access those tweets,emails or whatever,because these are arrogant fools.
        They live to brag.

      3. Trudeau is not going to crack down on Conservatives. They are his friends, this is all theatre. When they say we are all in this together they mean all the parties. The people of this country are being played for fools. We are just their pay cheques. There is no way to vote our way out of this.

    2. In my little circle of WASP men more are saying time for a reality check. Donate to the food bank, pass. Work like dogs to pay excess taxes, better things to do with my time. Once govt destroys the productive class it is a free fall to chaos. Govt stats show visits to emergency room way up for hard drug overdoses. When those folks brains are scrambled what will they contribute? Seeing that ones worth is determined by their ability to feed the govt leviathan sorry about your luck.

  16. A milestone! this is the first First Nations Woman arrested at a blockade during the Trudeau error, sorry era. When will Trudeau apologize for his racism?
    She should have declared it a pipeline blockade and Trudeau would have sent money.

    In other news Peter Mackay tweets agreement with the emergency declaration thereby confirming he will not be running for leadership of the CPC

    Hang tough Tamara, we are proud of you

  17. Dear emporer, Maximus Assholiness hath thpoken, thith dangerousth girl muth be deprogrammed and taught a lesson. So sad, such a heroic girl threatens the very existence of our “prime poopsie”. Tamara, is an inspiration to all Canadians. All, of the truckers there, tonight and since the start, are heros, not some football basketball baseball dolt who dunks a ball or bats a home run. These people have hit a home run. Thank you.

  18. The Protesters have been peacefully protesting in Ottawa for 3 weeks now.
    They have been peaceful the entire time, despite the Hate and Invective of the Prime Minister.
    The police have had plenty of time to observe and identify the protest leaders, and to insert their little provacateurs too.
    Now they remove the leaders, and (My Fear) the RCMP Glowies can create anger and sabotage the Non-violence.
    If the protesters become angry and violent?
    The protesters will lose the moral high ground.
    Trudeau will drag them down to His level, deep in the mud and slime.
    What better time to do it, than while the Emergency Measures Act is being debated?

    Pray for the truckers. Pray for Non-Violence.

  19. Canada is now a failed sate. No one has won, we all lost except for government, they never lose. I feel sorry for the people that are sided with government in this situation because inevitably they will come for the next group that doesn’t agree with them.The left always devour, until they are all gone and we start over again and anyone aware, can see that.

    I’m unvaccinated and no one seems to care anymore I’m sensing, so this convoy has achieved more than any government did for me in such a short period of time, they sacrificed their freedom in order for me to have mine and I will always be forever grateful to them.

  20. Given the hack of GiveSendGo and now the Government going after DONORS from the hacked donor list, it is time to remove funding from any ties to banking. Fortunately, this was solved centuries ago, the Hawala:


    The hawala system originated in India. It has existed since the 8th century between Indian, Arabic and Muslim traders who operated alongside the Silk Road and beyond, as a protection against theft. It is believed to have arisen in the financing of long-distance trade around the emerging capital trade centers in the early medieval period. In South Asia, it appears to have developed into a fully-fledged money market instrument, which was only gradually replaced by the instruments of the formal banking system in the first half of the 20th century.
    How hawala works
    In the most basic variant of the hawala system, money is transferred via a network of hawala brokers, or hawaladars. It is the transfer of money without actually moving it. In fact, a successful definition of the hawala system that is used is “money transfer without money movement”. According to author Sam Vaknin, while there are large hawaladar operators with networks of middlemen in cities across many countries, most hawaladars are small businesses who work at hawala as a sideline or moonlighting operation.

    The figure shows how hawala works: (1) a customer (A, left-hand side) approaches a hawala broker (X) in one city and gives a sum of money (red arrow) that is to be transferred to a recipient (B, right-hand side) in another, usually foreign, city. Along with the money, he usually specifies something like a password that will lead to the money being paid out (blue arrows). (2b) The hawala broker X calls another hawala broker M in the recipient’s city, and informs M about the agreed password, or gives other disposition of the funds. Then, the intended recipient (B), who also has been informed by A about the password (2a), now approaches M and tells him the agreed password (3a). If the password is correct, then M releases the transferred sum to B (3b), usually minus a small commission. X now owes M the money that M had paid out to B; thus M has to trust X’s promise to settle the debt at a later date.

    The unique feature of the system is that no promissory instruments are exchanged between the hawala brokers; the transaction takes place entirely on the honour system. As the system does not depend on the legal enforceability of claims, it can operate even in the absence of a legal and juridical environment. Trust and extensive use of connections are the components that distinguish it from other remittance systems. Hawaladar networks are often based on membership in the same family, village, clan or ethnic group, and cheating is punished by effective excommunication and “loss of honour” that leads to severe economic hardship.

    Informal records are produced of individual transactions, and a running tally of the amount owed by one broker to another is kept. Settlements of debts between hawala brokers can take a variety of forms (such as goods, services, properties, transfers of employees, etc.), and need not take the form of direct cash transactions.

    Or perhaps in the presence of Abusive Tyrannical Corrupt “legal and judicial environments”…

    I think this could be improved with the addition of digital receipts, but maybe not…

    I’m just suggesting using formal digital receipts instead of informal, and having a variety of money movement options from moving actual cash, to checks, debit cards, commodities, or even the “settlement at the end of the month” between two Hawaladeers. Though that would be harder in this case as the money almost exclusively flows one way… so you can’t just net out transactions.

    Globalist Bankers? Just say no…

  21. I would rather have Max in the House than any ten CPC members, but as we don’t, this is your time to change our minds, CPC, so far you have been silent co-enablers of the boy prince, but time is up, there are no more second chances. Get this right, or move out of the way.

  22. Another female targeted by Trudope, how many women has he personally tried to destroy for not blind obedience to himself and his party?

    1. Come on Rose.
      You know he hates all smart women.
      They see right through him,his inadequacies and his hatred of the female form.
      The lisping little gas bag is made extremely uncomfortable by any wise woman’s glance and subsequent dismissal.
