
SDA regular Denise has been out & about and has kindly shared some photos and personal commentary for us all.

These photos could have been taken at any of the thousands of overpasses that cross our nation’s highways as the Freedom Convoy traveled to Ottawa last week. Peaceful flag-waving Canadians. A festive (if freezing) atmosphere. Impromptu, spontaneous gatherings of happy, hopeful people of all ages. Kids seemingly impervious to the cold as they rolled down snowy hills. People laughing and cheering. It was beautiful. As one friend said, “People are starting to come out of the fog.” Will it last?

The complicit media is doing its best to denigrate and destroy this amazing show of strength from normal, hardworking citizens. They’re sowing the seeds for the government spin that these courageous protesters are vile; their legitimate concerns are “unacceptable”; their calls for freedom are “hate rhetoric.” It’s time to remind the Freedom Convoy how incredibly inspirational they are. As one homemade sign read: “Trudeau divided us in 6 years. Truckers united us in 2 weeks.”

The Freedom Convoy was the reason that thousands across Canada stood in freezing weather for hours. It was wonderfully uplifting and so much fun to be at the Highway 401-Wellington Road overpass in London, Ontario. The hundreds gathered were unapologetically proud Canadians and enthusiastically showed their support for each truck that passed (admittedly, a bit more so for the Budweiser truck). There were signs – Mel Gibson as Braveheart inscribed with “Freedom”, “Truth Not Fear”, “No Vax Mandate” – and more Canadian flags than I’ve ever seen in one place. With my large “Lest We Forget” Remembrance Day flag, I thought about my dad. In 1945 on that day – January 27th – he was a hungry, cold prisoner of war on a forced march from Poland to Berlin. A proud Canadian always, he treasured freedom.

Here are a few vignettes from that memorable day of real, decent people – not the slandered “fringe minority” – who support the Freedom Convoy:

  • The friendly, kind woman who helped hold my flag in high winds. Until recently, she said, she couldn’t have imagined attending a public protest. What changed? She hadn’t worked since October because she chose not to get vaccinated. What she missed most were the residents in the retirement home: “we’re their family and they’re ours.” And she missed singing: “In the dining room I was known as the singing server.” I have no doubt that this special woman had brightened the lives of many people in their final years.
  • The guy who looked like he knew how to work hard and how to have fun. He was cheering, waving the Canadian flag, and celebrating each truck’s honking horn. Then he turned, saw my Lest We Forget flag, and started to cry. As he wept, he said, “That should be the biggest flag here. Those guys died for our freedom.” A woman who said she was his sister smiled and took it in stride: “Our dad was a veteran. He’s really sentimental about those guys,” she said with a gentle laugh.
  • On my way home seeing a lone man in a farm field by the 401 holding a homemade sign over his head that read “Heroes”. He stood motionless and determined for as long as I could see.
  • Stopping on a rural 401 overpass where an elderly couple stood with a Canadian flag and a “Thank You” sign. I mentioned that there was a much larger crowd at the overpass a few miles to the west; they said they wanted truckers to see support in as many places as possible so chose this quiet spot. Earlier in the day they’d seen the large gatherings at the overpasses at Wellington & Highbury Roads when they dropped off 50 lunches for truckers at The Flying J Travel Centre, a meeting point for the Southwestern Ontario branch of the Convoy.

These are the people I trust. These are the people who support the Freedom Convoy. Please don’t let the worst among us rewrite history.

15 Replies to “Photoblogging”

    1. Thank you for honoring the efforts of all the truckers and people that showed up to support their efforts to save our right to freedom. Beautiful to see people unite.

  1. Thanks to the truckers,Canadians have seen who the PM really is. Not a good look for LaCuban!

  2. Great photos! The devotion taking these, especially in frigid temperatures, and the written commentary is much appreciated.
    Thanks for this post. It’s what makes this site a go- to site!
    Thanks to the TRUCKERS too.

  3. As I noted earlier in the week, PM Turdeau’s “fringe” is actually the majority; and he’s too pig-headed to recognize it. I hope it will be his undoing.

  4. I have said … for years … that the LYING Class need to be shown just what their destructive policies of Global Warming fanaticism will ultimately do to the lives of everyone … stop delivering oil and gasoline. Just stop. Let the people truly FEEL and EXPERIENCE the full effect of what your leftist politicians have in store for you. Perhaps THAT will change some votes from fantasy land to REALITY.

    I honestly hope the absence of these trucks will cause the kind of supply chain disruption that has just been started by the idiotic policies imposed by the extreme leftist US and Canadian Great RESET governments. The people need to be taught a lesson. The governments need to be taught a lesson. The media need to be taught a lesson. Sometimes, those lessons are ONLY learned when they are painful. Like losing 50lbs in 2-weeks painful.

    Then we will find out just how fringe and undesirable these truckers, farmers, and construction workers truly are …

  5. If you don’t live here in Ottawa, you missed quite an event this weekend when the truckers arrived to a welcome fit for heroes.

    It was like a Canada Day party with no politicians present or welcome. The celebrants were mostly locals. Invaders? Occupiers? Liberators would be more like it, come to ensure that the real people of Ottawa, for at least that weekend, would finally be masters of their own city.

    Nobody had a problem with that but the genteel parasites of New Edinburgh and the riffraff who aggressively panhandle in the Byward Market.

    The lurid stories of harassment, when they weren’t apocryphal, were wildly exaggerated by the official media. There was no trouble, because Ottawa’s finest ensured there would be no trouble. The police correctly recognized that the truckers were not the enemy. Few arrests were made or justified.

    Even traffic disruptions were blown out of proportion. If you weren’t near downtown you would have barely noticed the truckers, if you hadn’t seen them on social media. The 417 remained open the whole time.

    Meanwhile, power is rapidly slipping from the parasites’ grasp. O’Toole has been ousted as Tory leader. Justin is still in hiding. The police and the army are refusing to use force against the truckers, with the police chief having admitted there is no police solution to what is clearly a political problem.

    Convoy leaders have made excellent progress in just a few days in setting up a provisional government. The truckers themselves are well-supplied by well-wishers in all walks of life. They will leave when their country is returned to them and not before.

    Any parasites unhappy about that are free to leave, and most who can afford to are planning to do just that. Only a few bitter-ender Bolsheviks are planning to turn up at a “counter-protest” on Saturday. The police, and the truckers, will be there to greet them, and the bolshies can expect to spend that night at the city jail or in hospital.

    So it’s a privilege to be here for once.

  6. And if they had been in Nova Scotia they would likely have been fined-what a hateful class of people our “politicians” are.

    At the opposite end of the spectrum is the singing-server who bought joy to imprisoned elderly residents and performed a highly useful job, fired because she refused an experimental gene therapy-once again our hateful “politicians” at work.

  7. This is not a victory, its a beginning.
    I hope we’re able to sustain the momentum, not just in Canada, but in all Politicovid-oppressed Western nations. Lets don’t just pick up our tools and return to oppression as usual, thinking that victory is at hand. We all need to give some thought to precisely what motivated and unified Canadians: The Loss of Freedom and individual autonomy. I think each Western nation will have a different tipping point ignited by different types of oppression; and there are certainly a host of possible points of ignition. For example, the willingness of Australians and Canadians to accept the unilateral disarmament forced upon them by their oppressors was hugely disappointing to me. I suspect that to be a much greater source of anger down here in the States, but we’ll see.

    I believe it would be naive to conclude the oppressors have learned anything from the events of the last seven days. They will simply conclude that their tactics need refinement. Expect them to retreat to their lairs for a bit, and later emerge fully prepped on new tactics of oppression, cloaked somewhat differently than in the past.

  8. Lovely stories and I couldn’t be more supportive.


    Pro Tip – The ‘motionless’ guy in the Farmer’s Field with Heroes sign? Scarecrow…..but one with his heart in the right place.

  9. Thank you, Denise, great pictures and sentiments.

    My father was a WWII vet. The suffering and sacrifices he and his allies made are still almost beyond my comprehension, today. The actions I take in fighting tyranny are for his memory and so all that death and suffering endured by our forefathers wasn’t in vain.

    Get out there and fight the tyranny! We owe this, and so much more, to our fallen heroes.

  10. Being in finance, I am not one to be emotional. I look at things using critical thinking and common sense. But I have to say those 2 hours spent on an overpass welcoming our truckers was beyond belief. You could not help but have such pride and hope. Thank you truckers and supporters for standing together!

  11. Bravo and honk honk, for two years Trudy has been surrounded by his little click and he’s become out of touch with the people he governs. For two years he’s heard what he wants to hear or what his handlers want him to hear-it’s time he heard what the masses think of his corrupt fascist regime of bullies and thugs.

  12. As someone in the US with friends in your lovely country, it makes me very proud to see your citizens standing up for their rights. I live in a benighted area that is in thrall to the Karens and know-nothings, but I am always pleased to see places where braver persons than myself are taking on the risk. It shames me that I don’t do more in the face of iniquity.
