31 Replies to “Crowsnest Pass”

  1. Lived in Fernie 1990 – 1994. Beautiful country. Let’s have them keep ahead of the authorities by switching things up every day or two. Different locations. Same peaceful protests.

    1. Watch Fox Nightly…love Greg Gutfield..& The 5. Showing our faux PM to be the utter Asshole that he truly is…!!

      Keep honkig..! Igotta find my Can Flag and adorn it to the truck…may go join the protest at Crowsnest..!!

    1. I saw that earlier today. I chuckled then and I chuckled now. Thanks.

      Prinz Dummkopf is going to have a hard time erasing this from public memory…..

      1. My pleasure– thought of you right away, but only, cuz you spell better. One time I tried to figure out what you wrote, it took me minutes, minutes out of my busy day, minutes lost, never to be recovered! Thhhha word was “S.N.C. Lavalin ” ….however you spelled it!! It wuz a tongue twister! It was a hoot!

        Here’s a gift, for all who wauves dis stuff:


        Just looking for some comic relief, that’s all folks!!

          1. Smiles! They would’ve cracked up, shook and spilled some ink, then their brewski, fa sure!

            Great comic! Ha!
            He’s well hun, nevermind!

  2. Charles Adler on Twitter today. Unbelievable…….almost –

    “I’d love to think that the Convoy will just fizzle on its own. Don’t want to see ugly confrontations w police & protesters & at last resort, military assistance, but this is no longer just a peaceful protest. It’s a threat public safety.”
    8:27 AM · Feb 1, 2022·Twitter Web App

    1. Somebody needs to ask Chuck for an example of a breach of public safety. Or is this the same librano tweet meme of the day? Same specious comment uttered by the Ottawa police chief and no doubt many other libranos-I do not subscribe to twitter so I will never know.

      Carry on being stuck on stupid Libranos, it’s enjoyable.

    2. Sniff. What’s that smell? Oh just someone on Twitter.
      Yeah, the Truckers are some threat, I saw 5 hours of Viva Frei walking around the Hill. There was a man giving away Tim Horton’s donuts, a busker serenading Viva Frei, I saw truckers shoveling the sidewalk, someone left black garbage bags hanging from a fence for people’s trash, people singing, people hugging. Speakers giving speeches. People listening to speeches. What’s wrong with that?

      Ottawa-wee-ens don’t like the noise? Eh?
      Get some friggin ear plugs.
      Get some balls.

      1. “Ottawa-wee-ens don’t like the noise? Eh?”

        I am so heartbroken over this. I am sure they really objected when people in Caledonia or Seattle were under literal siege from feral savages.

    3. Adler was one whom I admired…totally swallowed the blue pill. What an obnoxious Asshole he’s become.

    1. It worked perfectly Wayne, and the item is a valuable addition to the commentary, thank you.

    2. Brilliant commentary. Thank you! (Not so) odd that the MSM failed to draw the parallel as did the Indian commentator.

  3. L – The Trudeau regime doesn’t know what a supply chain is, but think they can run a
    country… into the ground.

    Truckers are way more important to the economy that generates the wealth (free enterprise) that feeds, clothes and houses the citizens, by way of their participation.

    The majority of the public are fed-up with Lockdowns, vaxx passports, clot shots without end,
    and gov’t. intrusion into their personal, private and public lives. The govern via a campaign of mass hysteria/mesmerism is wearing as thin as their patience.

    Ask not for whom the knights of the road, their horns blow, a get out of the way, warning to.
    If you were not a deaf, dumb and blind, politician, you’d already know.

  4. There are going to be lots of trucks going back to their true bank owners after this.

    (If you’re an indie, underwater on the loan, and thinking of walking away anyway, what better way than to park in the intersection, cut your air lines, and catch a ride home. Can’t tow you out with your brakes unaired, can’t open your brakes without caging bolts. Could be a real mess!)

  5. RCMP blocking the highway at the intersection of 4 and 36. That’s 35 miles north of Coutts. We’re they joining the protest?

    1. Reminds me of a bush party our kids had once, RCMP showed up to shut it down (after cop cars flying through the air from hitting our root cellar roof 😉 Then they all proceeded to the nearest hiway a mile away down the gravel to set up a check stop, while all the farm boys head down the dusty trail.

      1. Where we grew up, the RCMP varied. On our street, which was on a mountainside, the deal was that everyone could park on the uphill side of the road, facing out (this was not a through street; even when it was, the western end was so steep that everyone drove down that – clearing out all the toboggans and sleds – so they were facing the more gentle slope to the highway). This dated from way back, when road conditions were such that the more gentle eastward slope was the only possible way the cars could think to get out after a snowfall. Parking on the uphill side? Part of the downhill side overlooked bush, and that was where the men of the community dumped their wheelbarrow loads of dirt as they were digging out the half basements in their houses (this was wartime housing; half basements were there only because of the slope of the hill). There was a small spring on our property, which ran through a culvert under the road. As Dad and buds dumped loads of dirt over, the road widened. The city would provide the occasional old hot water tank which the men would affix to the culvert to keep the spring flowing downhill. But the downhill side wasn’t that stable, besides which – in the winter – one never knew just where the “real” edge of the road was once the plough had gone through. So everyone parked on the uphill side. And, one year, the RCMP came through and everyone duly got ticketed. So Dad and bud went up to a city council meeting and argued, successfully, that the situation was such that parking facing east was the only reasonable solution, and that the downhill bank was so iffy that parking on the uphill side – even though technically illegal – was totally justified. They won, and then tried to persuade city council to make that retroactive to before their tickets. Am not sure they won the latter battle, but there weren’t any more tickets issued on our street. And at least one local RCMP officer did yeoman service coaching the local boys’ hockey team.
        Fast forward many years and a new young constable has come down our street ticketing everyone. Neighbour comes to ask Mum, and Mum says give me your ticket and I’ll fix it. So off goes Mum to the local constabulary office uptown. Hands over tickets to young constable and politely asks why. Young constable goes into full flow of how just making everything safe before winter, yadda, yadda. Now, a wise young man would have taken a hard look at Mum and asked what is the problem; Mum had gone through the depression and the war and some not great times after, and was not to be trifled with. Young constable was cut off with a polite suggestion that he check the local bylaws with particular reference to our street. Needless to say, young constable backed off, apologized, and reversed the tickets.
