60 Replies to “Our Next Premier”

  1. Why wait, go for 10 boosters with at least 3 delivered with an anal injection. Also, make it law that when presenting your passport you dance around like a monkey and screech like a dipper. After all, follow the science.

    1. They’re doing this to “beat the 5th wave of COVID”. Uh huh … and then … the 6th wave … 7th wave … until the Chicom’s come up with a new synthesized killer virus that requires the heavy hand of “Emergency” government.

      This has all gotten quite INSANE !!! Why are you people putting up with this?!

    2. *
      Just shutup and be a ‘Good German‘… remember, ‘Vakzine Macht Frei‘…

      “In a vote of 137 to just 33, the Austrian parliament has overwhelmingly
      voted to make vaccination against the Wuhan coronavirus mandatory
      for all residents over the age of 18.”

      Hmmm… what happened the last time these folks started marching
      in lockstep?


    1. Between Doogie Fraud, Andrea Whorebat, and Del Duca the overgrown Gerber Baby I feel Ontario is in good hands moving forward. Truly the best and brightest our province has to offer.

  2. Let’s keep that great reset gravy train rolling! No doubt communist ND’s in Alberta will be squawking the same tune. It’s all about making people pissed to the max at those you’re trying to unseat. If Ford and Kenney can’t see that they deserve what’s coming at the ballot box.

  3. I’m still trying to figure out why the Liberal leader’s lips don’t move when he talks.

    1. He’s a robot and no one can convince me otherwise. Have you ever seen him try to smile?

    2. Slime-ball will be fun watching his narratives flipping faster than Trudeau’s, if it wasn’t so tragic that THIS DISGUSTING PERSON is one of the Election Candidates we are stuck trying to choose from.
      Still all-in on this globalization failure that has crushed their supply chain.
      Shoulda made something in Canada rather than import and assemble like we currently do now.

  4. Remains to be seen if the Ford conservatives will fold.
    By past experience, you can start the countdown.

    1. It will be a split vote.
      I believe Jim and Belinda Karahalios have created the Blue Party of Ontario.
      Not sure if Roman Baber and Handy Hilyer have joined them.
      And what is Derek Sloan up to these days?
      If the PPC candidates that ran federally in September get on board it would be interesting.
      I would likely support them.
      I will not be supporting my local MPP Vic Fedeli.

      1. And what is Derek Sloan up to these days?

        He’s apparently started his own party, the Ontario Party. He’s getting a lot of flack from his own supporters for not joining with the others. I don’t know why the disconnect.

      2. 7 PC members left caucus. One is now a Liberal. One had a wiener issue.
        Other 5 kicked out. 3 mentioned above plus Nichols who is with Sloan and the fifth announced she is not running again. I think Hillier has his own party too, that makes 3 new parties.

        I’m guessing NDP government in this summer’s election. Doug Fraud’s fault.

      3. Currently, Sloan has the Ontario Party after trying to run in Calgary with the True North party at the federal level and being told to bugger off by the people of Calgary and . Hillier has aligned himself with a provincial version of the PPC. And as you stated, Karahelios has the New Blue party. I don’t think that Roman Baber has aligned himself with any of them.

        I sent an email to Derek Sloan suggesting that he have discussions with Hillier and Karahelios and that they should all form a single entity. I was politely told by Anne, an assistant, that they would work with any conservative that would work with them (my way or the highway once you take away the polite rhetoric). I also suggested that they can’t all be king. I guess they didn’t take that advice too well. So there are potentially 4 conservative entities trying to get the same votes. It will be a loss and Doug Ford isn’t helping the cause.

  5. I thought it was Rob Ford who offered to trade a piece of property with Toronto Regional Conservation for a piece that was adjacent to his…

    if DoFo was smart, he’s pull a Boris and remove all the restrictions as soon as possible and put a stake in the heart of the vax passport, but he needs more of a spine to take the fall out

    1. No it was the Liberal leader who wanted the land for his swimming pool. Liberals are entitled to their entitlements.

  6. So if Douggie falls for this one, what happens to the likes of me, who remains a pureblood?

    If I abandoned my principles and decided to get the shot, how long would it take for me to get the required three shots? And if I finally reached that point, who’s to say that by then a fourth shot will be required?

    Seems to me that I will never catch up, so there is no point in submitting. I feel better now.

    1. I am also worried about the ” catching up” issue. I am also not sure it makes a lot of sense to go back in time and get vaccinated for strains that are no longer with us and where we know the protection is short lived. We do not go back and get last year’s flu shot. I think they need to update their policies on this. Ditching the vaccine passports is also a good idea.

      1. I just had a relative go and get his first shot.
        After me talking him him out of it from the beginning, he gets it.
        Was forced by his landlord to get it or he was out the door.
        Being on welfare, he couldn’t risk being on the street so he figured he had no options.
        I was livid when I found out, too late for me to help as he is a stubborn native.
        Unfortunately he likes his firewater and he just can’t tolerate not being able to drink in the bars.
        Now he needs to get the other shots quickly like one within a week of each other cause , the bars.
        I told him he will be dead soon from a heart attack and he said he don’t care , he has had it.
        He wants to enjoy what little life he has left before it all comes crashing down.

        Fuck, fuck, FUCK.
        My anger knows no bounds.
        Someone WILL pay.

          1. He lives in a rooming house.
            Shared toilet/bathroom.
            Dinner is included but not breakfast or lunch.
            It’s one of those tricky situations.
            Illegal rooming house.
            He’s a drunk and must live under strick rules of the landlord.
            The landlord is crazy Covid scared and has been Moderned, Pfizered and boosted eagerly awaiting the 4th shoot.
            She even got a heart pacemaker installed after the 2nd shot, can’t fix crazy.

            Anyways, he has burned his bridges with family and me , literally.
            He smokes in bed when drunk so we can’t keep an eye on him forever waiting to burn the house to the ground.
            His landlord won’t let him in if he is drinking or smoking and it is a constant battle for her.
            Nobody wants to babysit a 42 year old drunken man/child.
            Only place left for him is the gutter.
            He can’t save money at all, so getting another place is out of the question.
            So I guess he chose the other evil.

            I am still so mad that he allowed himself to get into this situation.
            Being drunk, fat and stupid has a way of ruining ones life.

  7. He must think Ontarians support this. Maybe they do. Anyone who is already vaxed will support more people getting vaxed. Most people are unaware of the dangers posed by these vaccines. I believe most people do not even want to know about the potential dangers of vaccines and mandates. We live in the country of the blind — a sad state of affairs.

    1. LindaL:

      I told an old friend that I’ve put together a piece which shows the fraudulent arithmetic of the Pfizer trials which claimed 95% efficacy, whereas the correct number according to FDA guidelines is 1%. (a little under actually). Told him that if he is interested I could send it to him. No response. This is now my preferred approach dealing with the ill-informed, rather than just sending stuff unsolicited.

      VOWG: Not necessarily terminally stupid. Often very trusting of authority and incurious.

      1. He reminds me of Ben Levin

        That being said.

        The very minute the emergency order is lifted the only way this crap stays in place falls to Ottawa.
        Ford would like nothing better than to make the next election about Trudeau

  8. The vaccine certificate mandate in Ontario was supposed to end four days ago and no one said a word.

  9. As an aside…is there anything new on the truckers “strike” front? We need food riots to really drive the point home to the perpetually smug Chad and Brittany and their 1.5 kids in the GTA.

    1. It’s on…will try to find a link.
      The word is they plan to arrive in Ottawa on the 29th, stay parked until mandates are gone.
      There is Gofundme page for them too.

      For the Northern Ontario supporters: they will be gassing up at Pinewood Plaza in North Bay on Jan 28.

  10. One look at that guy and maybe it’s just me, the first thing I can come up with is G F Y .
    It’s should be pretty clear what apathy, and the parties’ of “nice and easy” when mixed together delivers to a society.

  11. Most of the authorities (politicians, police, bureaucrats, doctors, nurses) are just as fear-brainwashed as the grocery store Karens. They really and truly believe there is something deadly “out there” from which they are saving us. Human nature is the same all over, and the same psy ops work for all social classses. The Klaus Schwabs and Jeff Sachs of the world have brainwashed everyone. As the covid “narrative” collapses, they’ll just pivot to some other “problem” for which, surprise!, more governent control and more tracking of citizens just happens to be the solution.

  12. That clown is saying there will not be multiple interest rate increases in FY2022. The Bank of Canada cannot increase rates in an economy that the clown has envisioned.

    That simply means the clown is wrong and this is all “theatre”. He has been told to say this “narrative’ and sacrifice himself for the betterment of the “Great Reset”. With Europe revolting against vaccine mandates, the clown is being used to stem the tide against the “Great Reset”.

  13. Is it just me, or does Steven Del Duca have a classic pedo face? I guess a kiddie diddler wouldn’t have any problems screwing the rest of us as well.

  14. .

    Ontario Liberals demand vaccine passports require three doses


    With all we now about the fakeness and never-ending lies around this sham of a pandemic … why continue poisoning people … where is the evidence that any of the draconian measures have made anything better?


    1. Because that’s what they want to do. They want people to die. It’s part of their great reset agenda to depopulate the planet.

      And when people do start dying, they’ll blame it on Covid, and use it for justification to… you guessed it… get boosted with more of the same poison. That’s why they want to keep the Covid fear-porn narrative going.

      It’s a vicious cycle. A feedback loop, as we all circle down the drain.

    1. Let the bastards scream. I haven’t heard them for the first 3, I’m not about to start listening now.

  15. The good news… Del Duca will not be premier after the June election.

    The bad news… Neither will Doug Ford!

      1. Let’s see… Not able to work, facing total lockdown, and a tax (or a “fine” — whatever) to boot, hyperinflation, sky-rocketing energy costs namely gas, supply chain issues, food shortages… and I’m trying to imagine how much worse can it get.

        I’m starting to pray for the asteroid. It can’t come soon enough.

    1. Yeah, it is NDP this summer. I’m sure it will be worse than Ford but ‘what difference – at this point, what difference does it make?’
