Stupid Boffins

Because of the new Xi strain, the U.K. is turning into Canada.

Meanwhile here in Justin’s Canada, the fake ethics committee in the fake parliament has voted down investigating Covid contracts. The Liberals stated that it would be just stirring the pot. And the whiny Indian minister stated that the 40 billion dollars offered to Indians is just the beginning.

15 Replies to “Stupid Boffins”


    As soon as our politicians exempt ANYONE, this ‘Pandemic’ is all bullshit!
    It is a pure joke! All this social distancing is pure theater…
    If it was a bad virus, any of interactions is a spreading event unless your in a sealed suit.

    1. It’s is and continues to be about PROFIT.

      As noted previously: It takes 32 years to produce 1 Billion Doses of mRNA given a production rate of 1/second. Now if we look bk to when said SuperVAX was supposedly created…?? 15 Months ago…?

      How the hell then can you jab 3+Billion folks (conservatively)…TWICE.. or more.??
      Even if they started in 2000. They would never have been able to stockpile enough using that rate of production..or dbl that or 4X, 8X 16X….not happening.

      I am more & more convinced that maybe, just maybe 1 in 100 or 200 jabs is actually their Deadly mRNA…..and the rest.?? SALINE.

      AND WHO DA FK would Know any different….??? nobody
      Does 4 Things:

      : Keeps their base material costs down.
      : Keeps massive profit rolling in. ($19.20 USD per)
      : Bolsters the Narrative: “Its safe n effective”
      : No need to build extra production facilities due to demand.

      So given my belief that Population reduction is in fact in play here, its gonna take a while to cycle everyone through often enough (BOOSTERS), so that the odds of them at one time getting an mRNA shot are increased dramatically. They are playing the long game here for Profit and a slow steady reduction in Humanity.

      That translates into this: WE Either revolt world wide or we are doomed as a RACE.
      What say you all…..???

      1. Steakman,
        Based on your math, that is a very very long game.
        If it takes that long to make the bad stuff, and they only have one per one hundred jabbed,
        Then how long will it take to jab billions of people?
        I am bad at math, so perhaps I am missing your point.

        1. Stevie

          Damned straight its a long game…for flippin ever.
          Saline is easy…no..? Salt-Water & shazamm..!! – instant Jab.
          Am thinking mRNA not nearly so easy….

          My point is they could give a shit what they stick you with…as long as they get paid $ 19.20 per jab. And saline just gotta be cheaper/easier than mRNA to fabricate.

          Pharma will not be content for just a few short years of this BS CON…they seemingly want it to be FOR FKING EVER…so..?? Enter the endless Booster gravy train.


    1. I find it funny he’s speaking to the CEO of FB. Yeah like he would know anything about medical/vaccines.

  2. How much will the sum of all Liberal promises total ? ‘Billions served’, any dissatisfied customers ?

    1. Now that you ask, and seeing as this household hasn’t seen a plugged nickel from any of the bastards, yeah. I’m pretty f’ing unsatisfied.

  3. Justin is responsible for the deaths of 30,000 Canadians.

    Prove me wrong.

    You would have to release all documents, fire Tam and explain the myriad of missteps of the government to do so.

    I’ll wait.
