33 Replies to “The No Boys Club”

    1. *
      And Emmeline Pankhurst wept…

      Excluding people from the political process
      based entirely on gender… that sounds like
      a really progressive idea.


  1. We’ve never tried a tyranny of the XX. It’s going to be as well run as ‘the view’ and the eventual backlash horrific.

    1. You want to see how bad things can get under a female tyrant, go read up on China’s Cultural Revolution and Jiang Qing, Mao Zedong’s third wife and puppet mistress in his senile old age.

      1. No need. Just look at New Zealand and its dictator, the utter awful Jacinda Ardern, may the devil take her.

    1. I think the article said the Party said “and who identify as women.” Hope several dozen men of suitable character (i.e. a spirit of mischief and, ideally, all named Stan) who live in that constituency will conspire, join the local Party, claim they identify as women and demand to be considered in the selection process.

  2. And when the womzn ask “where are all the good men?” shrug and go Galt.
    Seriously, the system has gone Gynocentric since 1965…
    Enjoy the decline.

    1. *
      nobody noticed when the fiberals halved the
      nomination filing fees for womyn
      last year.

      not condescending at all.


  3. The Liberal leader is just shilling for media attention . He could just appoint wimmen candidates everywhere, why not? Throwaway the toxic male ID vote.

  4. So? Many of these ridings already have female Conservative members of parliament. So they are not seeking a change in gender but just in party affiliation. That’s mighty noble of them. / s

  5. Posts like these deserve another category. How about: “You Can’t make this Shit Up!” or “Monty Python would have rejected this script for being too bizarre or unbelievable”. When post modern nihilism reaches this level of insanity, we must be nearing the end for the west and will soon be handing the reins over to the more culturally confident Muslims or Chicoms. Feminists will likely prefer the later.

  6. And here I thought Canadians were not discriminatory. Surely this will be a Charter challenge…oh wait…that went out the window with Covid didn’t it. And what if no woman wants to run? Oh then only trans women need apply. Geesh, our world is going wonky…erm wokey.

  7. Will Party membership be limited to equal numbers of … (tick the approriate box here):
    [ ]
    [ ]
    [ ]

  8. I think it would be so rich if a whole bunch of guys called themselves Brenda and ran for office. That’s Brenda with a Beard. Carry on like any other campaign as if there’s nothing u usual going on.
    And then verbally assault any one who questions them.

    1. Ah. Sorry I didn’t read all the comments before responding to someone else’s above with a like similar suggestion;

  9. If stating facts is racist and makes me a chauvinist pig mysogynist, well then…here are those facts anyway!

    the vast majority of the best things in this word were created or done by white males

    The vast majority of things that make life better for everyone INCLUDING females and non-whites were created/ done by white males.

    Not that western civilization is perfect, but it is still the best civilization the world had ever seen.

    In the last few decades we have let women and non-whites push aside white males a bit more every year, and allowed them more power a little bit more every year.

    and look at the results…

    The pillars of Western Civilization, the civilization that has made this world a better place for non-whites and for females (not only for white males) are slowly being eroded by females and non whites.

    Kids are being taught to hate the white race and are being taught to have anal sex…California lets people shop lift if its under $ 950… to name a few things out of thousands that are highly destructive yet are fully supported by feminists, feminized leftist men and a good deal of non-whites.

    So long Western Civilization, it was nice knowing you.

    1. After blacks kicked out most of the whites and took the reins of South Africa, that place quickly became one of the world capitals of RAPE and MURDER.

      I have dozens of such examples.

      You import the people, you import the culture.

      I also could make a list of dozens of destructive things that have happened because of feminism, because female emotions are not a substitute for reason and logic.

      Western Civilization – not perfect but the best we ever had – was built and maintained by white males, you cannot replace them with irrational hormonal women and angry-at-whites non-whites and expect western Civilization to remain the same.

      I just hope I am dead before my civilization crumbles – like Rome – and we have to eat from trash cans or eat rats.

  10. Women voters haven’t cared about their sons in a long time and it shows.

    Justin is emptying their wallets and that doesn’t bother them either.

    By the time their daughters are given to Chinese husbands they’ll be like ‘meh’…

  11. Let me guess, those ridings were carefully chosen to include as few mosselimbs as possible?

  12. My wife asked me why the creepy looking leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, doesn’t move his lips when he talks. I wonder what ever happened to that story of him taking land from the conservation authority for his new swimming pool?
