Featured Comment

From SDA regular “Canadian Observer”:

A lefty progressive or not, Jimmy Dore is pulling more than his weight in the battle against the Dems and their dishonest establishment/media allies. They have been trying to cancel him as hard as they have any conservative. Here, he brilliantly exposes Facebook’s supposed “factchecker”, PolitiFact, as the lying leftist propagandists are caught red-handed in those lies.

20 Replies to “Featured Comment”

  1. Listen to Jimmy Dore quite often. He does support some leftest policies but he is not a woke type leftest like say Katsmella. You can debate with the guy.

  2. Did anyone hear about the new endeavour by George Soros and his commie friends, starting a new media company that only spreads ‘Good Information Inc.’? Lol.

    1. If it were actually any good, George would be charging a king’s ransom and making clients sign a bulletproof NDA.

      If the “information” is free, it’s advertising or propaganda, not information.

        1. And that matters because? Still searching for the P of Z to come true?

          How’s your Stormfront profile?

          1. danny BOY, at what point in life do you intend to start acting like an adult?

            Stranpon thinks he has the right to determined who is, and who is not a real Jew. You can’t get any more antisemitic than that. That’s right up there with the joke Bin Biden and his you ain’t Black, if you don’t vote for him.

            As to yer stormfront comment, just fuck off already

          2. Hitler filled a political vacume. As did Trump, Lenin, teddy Roosevelt, Castro.
            Keep disapearing moderate views. You’ll see.

    1. Shocker! Wonder how the national project to deny people the use of automobiles is going.

    2. I’m starting to think that getting vaccinated is like wearing a bike helmet. You start acting like a moron who can’t get injured.

  3. Definition of “fact checker”

    One who aids and abets another in telling lies. Usually as an attempt to discredit another person that is conservative or right-leaning.

  4. I assumed everybody has known for years that the “fact checkers” are some of the biggest liars around. They’re all the time “adding context” to twist somebody’s words to imply that they meant something they didn’t say or presenting statements of opinion as statements of fact in order to call them a liar.

  5. Politifact is part of the Poynter Institute (which is a “non-profit” owned by the Tampa Bay Times). If you look a their funding base you’ll see the Washington Post strongly represented. Essentially, what you have is a major conflict of interest. The media corporations are issuing judgement on those online independents who swallowed their customer base. So, there is one basis for stomping on them at when the opportunity presents itself.

    Another, I would guess is financial. I’d love to know how many of the base funders of Poynter are currently heavily invested in Mod and Pfizer. I’ll bet more than a handful.

    In short, they are not in a credible position to offer fact checking as those they fact check are directly and diametrically an obstacle to their own financial status.

    1. If someone wants to submarine Politifact, it’s not exactly difficult. Just red flag every single post by the Tampa Bay Times, Gannet, or the Washington Post and wait to see if 1) they are reviewed 2) they divulge their position as owner/financer of the fact checking entity.

      If they refuse to fact check…you have them.

      If they fact check without a disclaimer…you have them.

      If they fact check with a disclaimer….it becomes public knowledge how they are compromised.

  6. Love the repeated reminder of the origin of fecebook.
    Also, for example, upon examination, a Fidel Castro paternity of Justin Trudeau is entirely possible despite the best efforts of “fact checkers” to obfuscate the truth.

  7. Eeesh, just read that fuckerberg is changing the name to ¿Meta? which I shall now deem ¡teta!
    …because he is one.
