33 Replies to “Pope Coming To Turtle Island”

  1. The Pope on the rope, is broke too and no doubt bugging Justin for life long donations to harness from the populous.

  2. Pope Frank should bone up on his backhoe skills because my understanding is no one has even put a shovel in the ground yet.

    1. !!!! My shocked face !!!! :O … how can you possibly suggest such an offense!? Those radar “images” are lying in sacred ground!! It would be a “First Nations” sacrilege to disturb that soil.

      See how it works?

      1. Yeah, silly me. There’s an unmarked grave site located a Sand Wedge away from a Jehovah Witness facility in my area, I guess using Injun logic one could posit that all those buried there are JWs.

  3. So the little communist peckerhead is going to apologize for something that over 100 years of popes didn’t know existed. That’s meaningful??

  4. There was a movie with a scene where a little girl is bawling her eyes out with her hands over her face and she stops for a moment to peek through her fingers to see if anyone is still paying attention.
    That’s what the whole situation with Indians is like.

  5. “Already I feel greater liberty in my heart; for at last I know that the pope is antichrist, and that his throne is that of Satan himself.”
    – Martin Luther

    “As for your Roman Church, as it is now corrupted… I no more doubt but that it is the synagogue of Satan, and the head therof, called the Pope, to be the man of sin of whom the apostle speaketh.”
    – John Knox

    “Whereof it followeth Rome to be the seat of Antichrist, and the pope to be very antichrist himself.”
    – Thomas Cranmer

    “Daniel and Paul had predicted that Anti-Christ would sit in the temple of God. The head of that cursed and abominable kingdom, in the Western church, we affirm to be the Pope.”
    – John Calvin

    Not anti-Catholic myself, but this Francis…or should we call him Pope Lenin?

      1. Because I think the current Pope fits the bill. Half my family is Catholic BTW – the nice half.

        Same message to burton. You don’t need to tell me I wouldn’t have enjoyed living in the same time as Calvin, and not just because neither I nor anyone else will ever have to. They’re just quotes I thought were appropriate under the circumstances. As to the antisemitism thing, I’d like to point out that lots of people back then were antisemites, just as many held slaves, and some indigenes here in North America were getting (and giving) a rough time. We SDAers are mostly fond of pointing out that that was then and this is now.

        If you guys are Catholic, no offence was meant to the religion, which would be tantamount to insulting my own mother – it’s the current Pope I want to criticize.

        1. Absolutely not offended. I just thought I’d give the RC church some equal time.

          And one more thing before I drop it all together. Liberals like to mock the church over past molestations and as I’ve said before that’s being addressed albeit slowly from within the church. The laity are sick of it and they want it gone and those responsible out and out forever. What Liberals/Progressives don’t want to admit or rather don’t want anyone to know is that statistically speaking your child is more likely to be molested in the public school system than in any RC Church. Strange how the Teachers Union and it’s membership are so silent.

          But no. Not offended.

        2. Which is precisely why you would want to bring up Saint John Paul II and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, as opposed to those other particular and particularly flawed men.

    1. “There are not over a hundred people in the United States who hate the Catholic Church. There are millions, however, who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church.”

      Fulton Sheen said that some years ago and it’s just as true now as it was then. Yup, the RC church is going through a rough time now with their Shepherds but that’ll be sorted out. It’s been around for 2000 years so it isn’t going anywhere. If feeding, clothing, and educating the most people world wide, more than any institution is the new anti Christ, well, Ok.
      Important to note as well that every Christian was Catholic for 1500 years and there was only one Bible and it was the Catholic Bible until Marty did a little stealth editing removing those books and words that didn’t fit his new found Theology.
      I’d avoid citing John Calvin if I were you – Trust me, you wouldn’t want to live in his world at the time. And he was no slouch either killing those “heretics” who disagreed with him. Michael Servetus comes to mind.
      I could go on but meh.

      1. Important to note as well that every Christian was Catholic for 1500 years and there was only one Bible and it was the Catholic Bible until Marty did a little stealth editing removing those books and words that didn’t fit his new found Theology.

        I assume you’re referring to the Apocypha. That issue goes as far back as the Council of Jamnia, so Luther’s excluding those books in his translation is not surprising.

        1. As I understand it, and I’m sure some here will correct me if I’m wrong but the Catholic Bible as we know it today was hammered out at the Council of Hippo sometime in the 300’s and among other things probably why we are seeing the Eastern Orthodox Church today as some at that council weren’t in total agreement.
          Luther tossed out those books he didn’t like (Maccabees for one) and even added a word or two to suit his doctrine. Things that make you go “Hmmmmm…”
          Which of course brings us to the “praying for the dead” debate along with “faith alone vs. faith and works” to enter heaven.
          Surprisingly, Luther was totally on board with purgatory.
          That’s my thumbnail sketch, I think I’ve got it right.

          1. Luther considered books such as Maccabees as irrelevant as they didn’t add anything to what Christ said or the prophesies concerning Him.

            As far as purgatory, uh, no. It’s not part of Lutheran doctrine.

          1. Sorry Doctor but Maccabees was removed because it contained prayers for the dead and Luther wasn’t particularly enamoured with that point.
            And yes Lutherans don’t have purgatory in their doctrine. However, what sparked Reformation or at least one of the sparks was that Luther didn’t like paying for purgatory which means he was for it before he was against it. Many forget that Luther was a Catholic priest.
            How’s that for stickhandling?

  6. When the pope visits, he will visit some remote aboriginal reserve, and not meet people in any major city. Why? He will copy the template for Royal visits to Canada. First, it is less likely anti-Catholic demonstrations would take place in an isolated region. Second, people in remote areas are “excited” when a famous person comes to visit.

    When Queen Elizabeth came to it our dear country, she visited the North or Atlantic Canada. Those regions actually like the Royals. I live in Fredericton (a remote city no one cares about) and when the Queen came here ten or so years ago, my friends and acquaintances were excited (not me). The people in these regions act like peons.

      1. Political Theatre. It’s what Leftists do.

        Think of it as the equivalent of some ‘Extinction Rebellion’ Clowns crawling up the face of some building … to “raise awareness” … about something.

        Can’t wait to see the Pope wearing Mukluks under his Papal robes.

        And thinking about “theatre” … isn’t it ironic that The Pope will avail himself of every possible nicety of our modern culture, brought about by WHITE settlers who tamed a continent and brought forth from it great treasure, wealth, innovation, and an unheard of standard of living for so many … just to bash those WHITE settlers and heap praise and mourning on the poor, poor, repressed, even … mass-graved Native peoples. Boo Hoo for the cameras. Ohhhhhhhh Mommmmmmaaaaa ….

        Now hop back into your luxury limousine and fly off in your personal jet, after dining on the finest foods, all cozy in your new Canada Goose fur trimmed parka. Sheesh. Political theatre.

        What’s the over/under of The Pope mentioning Jesus Christ even once?

        1. Political theatre for whom?

          Certainly not for Pope Francis who will simply be a moving target for Justin who thinks the Catholic Church owes people things and Big Aboriginal that is still waiting for a handout.

  7. Any bets he won’t mention anything about the lack of clean drinking water on certain reserves?

  8. Pope? Who is this person? Is it Popeye the sailor? Is there any significance to an unknown making a visit? Where is the PR staff advancing the visit? Does anyone even care? And, has he been tested for COVID?

  9. Bring truckloads of money! The chiefs and their bus loads of relatives all need new Cadillacs (electric of course) and 75 inch big screen TVs.
    Ahh…the joys of creating guilt !!!
