18 Replies to “Little Racist House On The Prairies”

    1. roaddog, it is pointless to even try. The stupid will run it’s course and a new enlightenment will arise from the depths of stupidity we are now bombarded with.

  1. Wokesters are the worst untermenschen on the face of the planet. They truly deserve rounding up, shoving into cattle cars, disgorging into gas chambers and cremating. Either destroy the woke or watch your society go up in flames.

    1. Actually they need to be ignored unless their insanity threatens one’s life or livelihood.

  2. By woke definition Cambridge is racist. Thus, everyone who works there is complicit and should be fired.

    The staff should all move to Nigeria. Preferably the northern part.

  3. If you don’t like it don’t read it, then again how would you know.
    I remember a reading assignment we had when I was in high-school way back in early 70’s. Our English teacher went around the room asking our thoughts and opinions of the
    book. Some liked it, some middle of the road and some did not like it.
    Our teacher explained that everyone has a differenent concept or thought which makes for a good read. And not what someone tells you what to think and how.
    You see he was a ww2 canadian veteran and he would tell us stories of France, Holland and into Germany and how they once came across all these books in a ditch with some burnt, that book was Mien Kampt.
    oh and BTW the book assignment was To Kill a Mockingbird.
    It’s one of my favorites and the movie a classic.
    Too bad when he died many yrs later so did his profession.

  4. When the Moslems burn down the libraries in Europe they will be surrounded by modern ‘liberals’ cheering them on.

      1. When an ideology spins out of control, it forces its adherents to make a choice: Either stay on and go with the insanity, or wake up and get off. Many of those who choose the latter become opposed to it.

        Wokeness is a more horrifically mutated form of political correctness, and changes its form more frequently than a lovecraftian horror. What is acceptable to the woke one day is not the next, and there is no rhyme or reason as to why. It brooks no questioning, and stepping out of line in even the slightest gets you denounced and cancelled. It has no appeal to the majority, creates enemies everywhere it goes and is aggressively opposed wherever encountered. It also is self-defeating in everything it tries, with guaranteed failure.

        That is why I feel it is doomed in the long run.

        1. You nailed it, right there, Mr. Panther.
          Particularly in noting the doomed in the long run part….
          Thank you.

  5. Oh, God, not Charles Kingsleys “ The Water Babies,” too…as though anyone even knows of that 19th century shit anymore (although I do)…
    Cancel it all. No one even knows what is being cancelled…
    I get more triggered over this shit than does the princess and the pea.
    Melville: whale killer
    Twain: wrote N#gg#r Jim shit.
    Hawthorne: wrong on who should wear the Scarlet A.
    Vonnegut: Nazi socialist
    Bellow: Chicago Jew
    Asimov: a mule in the works, we hope. Otherwise, robots.
    Hemingway: toxic male
    William and Henry James: White privileged New Englanders.
    And various others…
    Orwell: you called it, hugely.
    Huxley: so did you. Soma!
    Bradbury: burn, baby, burn.
    Heinlein: stranger in an even stranger land.
    Not to forget the classics….
    Ecclesiastes: All is Vanity
    All Stoics: suffer the fools
    Jesus: forgive them, for they know not what they do.

    Ok…not an exhaustive compilation, but best I can muster off the top of my hazy head.
    Feel free to add to the effort!
    Peace, and happy Sunday.

  6. Of course they loathe Little House on the Prairie. Rose Wilder Lane will be never be forgiven for refusing to be a bulldyke, a Bolshevik, or both, like almost all the “lady writers” of her day.
