What Would Kathy Say?

This piece was written back in January but I just stumbled across it today and realized how much I miss Kathy Shaidle’s opinion on such things.

Catholic Conscience and the COVID-19 Vaccine

I suspect this spells the end of any claim a Catholic might otherwise make for religious exemption to required reception of the current vaccines. If abortion-tainted vaccines are mandated, either formally or by informal social incentives such as the widely-proposed possibility that the COVID-19 vaccine be a prerequisite for travel, conscientious Catholics could not say, “but my Church objects.”

15 Replies to “What Would Kathy Say?”

  1. it was only confirmed last week. by the efforts of project veritas that aborted genes were used by pzizer. I know the genes were from a decade ago. We do mot know if gene vaccinations are good for us medicinally but it seems that they are not. We do not have enough observed records or history yet. So it still comes back to a yes or a no, an informed conscience then the burden of choice as Fr Creehan SJ taught yours truly

  2. Everything in the west is tainted by abortion.
    How many times were you served by a woman who was at work in retail because she chose to kill her child instead of bear him and help bring him up?
    How many of the products you use were manufactured, packaged, shipped and/or sold by women under the same circumstances?
    Same goes for movies you’ve watched, songs you’ve listened to, everything.
    …and some people here called Assad “evil”.

    1. I doubt a ton of women choose abortion because they think it is a great thing. More likely they have unsupportive partners, very little social support, are financially strapped, and panic when they get a positive result. Plus it has been ingrained in their minds as a solution to failed birth control which is essentially a “gateway drug” to abortion.

  3. If I remember her blogging well, Kathy’s response might have been “Not my problem any more.”

  4. He that desires to come out from the world and be separate, must steadily and habitually refuse to be guided by the world’s standard of right and wrong. -J.C. Ryle

  5. Believe it or not, the Pope is not the last word on what constitutes a Catholic’s conscience. The Church’s doctrine clearly states that an individuals conscience must be their own, and not a priest and not the Pope can tell them they are wrong. While the current leftist nutbar holding St. Peter’s keys may see no problem with the way fetal cell lines are use, an individual Catholic can legitimately and with the support of the Church hold that their own conscience will not allow them to use a vaccine that was developed with them.

    1. I am, and don’t give a crap what he says. He’s more concerned with illegal immigration in the US and global warming than the destruction of the oldest churches in the Middle East.

      This loathsome creature has caused many Catholics to leave the church, and no wonder.


  6. The information that the Pfizer vaccine was developed using fetal tissues is very new (at least in public revelations). Yes, I am Catholic, and have receive the initial two doses of the Pfizer vax, but I will not accept a booster dose because of what I now know. And since the other stabs seem to have similar origin histories, I doubt that I’ll jump to a different vax lineage.

    1. Actually, it’s not new. I read this months ago at Lifesite News. But Project Veritas just widely publicized it.

  7. As the shots are not true vaccines, cause more harm than good and are part of a plan to control the globe, I would say that the use of aborted babies is yet ANOTHER reason not to have that junk shoved into your arm.

  8. For any act, Catholic teaching requires that intention, circumstances and object (the act itself) all be good in order for the act to be moral/good. If any of these three elements are evil/bad, the act is evil and should not be commited. Catholics call this a sin. Therefore taking a vaccine which one knows to be a by-product of abortion is morally inadmissable because of the circumstances. Pope can’t change this no matter how much of a Jesuit he is.

    If the vaccines were a by-product of organ harvesting from living people during WWII or from the interned Uyghur population I think a lot of people would rethink their position on the morality of the vaccines. At least I hope they would.
