12 Replies to “The Children Are Our Future”

  1. The new rule is that you ALL HAVE TO GET VACCINATED. Please ignore the fact that the vaccine doesn’t work, and isn’t really a vaccine.

    Good. Now what learning skills did you use to conform to the autocratic, draconian, Fascist, government Rules-giver ?

  2. Pretty certain everyone tuning in to day long coverage of Covid, with the update banner scrolling across the bottom, hourly “BREAKING NEWS” graphics and non-investigative journalists reading from scripts has mastered this training.

    I think that is why we are left gobsmacked by the unexplainable and counterintuitive reactions people have to events and information.

    If you look up the dictionary definition of brainwashed, most of my family qualifies. So sad.

  3. Imagine the lack of intellect that woman has to even be able to accept the lies she is trying teach kids.

  4. What the? These people are horrible. Every “education” studies think tank needs to be burned to the ground.

  5. I couldn’t understand a word that was spoken in that clip. Someone please tell me, what exactly was she telling those kids. I get that she was associating colors with shapes, but what was the real message?


  6. Or, now I know this is a stretch, that is training to help kids with emotional and impulsivity issues and the way it helps is it makes them think first before acting. Impulsivity can be especially debilitating in that a child acts in a way they know is wrong before their executive function can control that act. Training them to pause before acting can allow that executive function to reign in “bad” behaviour. I wonder how many here ever have intrusive or bad thoughts and are you thankful you have the ability to keep them inside?

  7. l got BEAT UP in grade 1 for the AUDACITY of
    -not being the teacherrrrrs pet
    -learning how to read instantaneously (seriously, like l was learning it with every new word in front of me)
    -flipping thru the soul destroying dick and jane tomes searching (and not finding) *anything* to match this delightful skill
    and losing my place in reading circle. oopsie.

    fast forward 64 years, teachers getting BEAT UP by the darling little ones, who learned what to do with the bullies, HIT BACK:

