15 Replies to “The World Is In The Very Best Of Hands”

  1. Oh, please. Why, I’ll bet the Taliban doesn’t even *have* any transgendered brigade commanders! Think of how much stronger our military must be for all our inclusivity.

  2. The purported general sez (sic) that “But I can tell you with a high degree of certainty that the troops that have fought in this for 20 years, they made a difference. ”
    Like hell, they are back in the 6 century or so.

  3. This is why the United Kingdom ruled the world. They disciplined admirals who refused to fight. General Milley needs to face justice like Admiral Byng did.

    “Byng was court-martialled and found guilty of failing to “do his utmost” to prevent Minorca from falling to the French. He was sentenced to death and, after pleas for clemency were denied, was shot dead by a firing squad on 14 March 1757.”


  4. Thoroughly Modern Milley is the FIRST US General to preen, prance and embark on the most disastrous suicide mission since Gen. Custer underestimated the Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne.

    And the Taliban are living as culturally primitive as the Plains Indians of the late 1800’s …

    1. At least Custer died fighting. If there’s a movie made about Milley, it certainly won’t be titled They Died With Their Boots On.

      1. He retired with a massive pension … with his ribbons, err ‘fruit salad’ on. Not quite so heroic. Effin fruit. How’s THAT for some white rage.

  5. Officers above the rank of colonel are all prancing political ponces nowadays. That’s why governments are overthrown and juntas run by colonels.

  6. Reminds me of when my Dad used to tease his US cousin who was also a WWII veteran: “For chrissakes, you guys got a medal every time you cut yourself shaving or caught a dose.”

  7. Global corporate capitalism values stability and order, not freedom for anybody but a tiny elite.

    Bezos and Zuckerberg like their money and want assurance that they can keep it. They consider “freedom” for anybody but themselves a threat, and, on the contrary, want to be assured that any rebellion by those demanding to be paid the full value of their product will be brutally crushed.

    So were I Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg, yes, I would consider the world in good hands with the Chinese Communist Party.

  8. At the top of Milley’s 20 square inches of fruit salad is a miniature Revolutionary War musket on a field of baby blue. It signifies the wearer as a veteran of combat with the enemy in close quarters. As a member of the Marines, I am not qualified to earn it. I asked on a military forum where Milley earned his. The answer so far has been crickets. He’s a REMF. Always has been.

    1. He’s a REMF. Always has been.

      Or, as used in the movie Full Metal Jacket, in the rear with the gear.
