Ideological Capture

“Education is political,” says Ms Myart-Cruz, who boasts of her ability to act with near-impunity, and whose list of Intolerable Things includes cognitive testing, “structural racism,” border controls, policing, and the supposed “privilege” of parents who would like their children to actually learn things, including times tables.

A teachers union president shares her deep wisdom.

Being innumerate is fine, apparently. What matters is “social justice.”

17 Replies to “Ideological Capture”

    1. And their ignorance is apparently bliss. An ignorant populace will give us a country even worse than what we are now living with. People who are unable to think critically and rationally allow situations such as we are living with. The whu who flu, experimental shots, the destruction of our economy and basic individual freedom. All of this has occurred with a supposed educated populace. What will the country look like with even more STUPID people running around in total ignorance.

      1. OWG

        True that – all of that.
        That 80% of our populace would willingly put some SHIT into their bodies so they can: “Whaaa – I wanna travel – Whaaaa”. goes to show the level of degradation our collective intelligence has gotten. 80 Fucking percent.!!!! A Damning indictment of our educators and their BullShit curriculums.

        To ALL CALGARIANS – We have a MUNICIPAL election coming, one which i would Warrant is as important as or more than the current shits-how culminating on the 20th of Sept.

        MAKE DAMNED SURE you Vet your local Wards SCHOOL TRUSTEE. If they shed even one molecule of WOKE BULLSHIT, shit can em. I want to see School boards invested in: READING – WRITING – SPELLING – ARITHMATIC – HISTORY – REAL SCIENCE – SPORTS…w/ ZERO Gender bending or LGBTQXYZ BULLSHIT

        Fuck the Public Service UNION and its communist Filth.

  1. The communists infesting our education systems are coming out of the wood work now because they feel safe enough to do so. Do you know how hard it is to fire a teacher in Canada? They have complete access to our children and are doing whatever they want even going to far as to publicly dismiss parents concerns as being part of the problem. The system is too far gone to save and must be destroyed.

  2. It’s the plan. The serfs don’t need times tables and reading, only belief in and fealty to the cause.

    The elites will take care of science and going to Mars. The serfs just need to be serfs and clap like seals when they see the elites do magic.

  3. There is plenty of innumeracy to go around, but she’s right, education is political, and that’s why its leaders should represent a consensus, not a partisan project to destabilize the West.

  4. Of course they want you innumerate.

    What better way to ensure people trust the government more if they have no understanding of statistics and relative risk?

    Take the shot, peasant…

    1. Do you really think our politicians understand basic statistics? Remember, Canada’s Minister of Health was a graphic artist. Oh, well, at least she knows what colour to make the virus for her PowerPoint presentations…..

  5. This their religion. When people throw out God, this is what you get. Which religions ever required numeracy and literacy in order to practice the faith? Maybe legalistic Protestantism? Monasticism, maybe?

    1. check out the Bible. Honest weights and measures is just one mention of many. I assume you are nor denigrating the Bible?

    2. The Islamics seem to do better keeping their “faithful” under the spell when they keep them ignorant as well. Kind of off topic, but I expect a lot of educated Afghanisti females will be ended shortly!

  6. having received my share of the ‘residential school’ procedures despite NOT being in one,
    aka beaten up for reading ahead in those soul crushing ‘dick and jane’ tomes, getting a speling (note the spelling) lesson PREFECT 3 times in a row only to drop a consarned ‘e’ off one of the words 4th round and then ordered to WRITE THE WHOLE LESSON OUT 100 TIMES sose the ‘teacherrrrrrrr’ could DUMP IT ALL IN THE TRASH RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, also, food withheld at so-called ‘lunch’ time, well, etc etc . . . .
    this tidbit gives me immense satisfaction:
    aaaaaand how so? because the little darlings figured it out on their own, to whit, sumbuddy wants to hit YOU, the ONLY thing that works is to HIT BACK HARD AND OFTEN. DONT GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO CATCH THEIR BREATH HIT AND HIT AND HIT AND HIT.

    the local school board (bored) knows my view on this.
    l was goddamn criminally assaulted at 6 yrs age by a goddamn teacher. IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT THE OFFENSE.
    l wasnt acting up, stealing stuff, shouting, throwing thigs, hitting others, NONE OF THAT.
    but that byatch HAD TO ‘teach’ me all about POWER. did l ever. thats what she ‘taught’. the other stuff, literacing and long division, that l learned by watching the rest of them, the handsome well behaved well gwwooooomed bobby westgate types garner 100% of the attention. well, except when l was being insulted and belittled.

    so ya, go ahead kiddies, why not bring daddy’s pistol in for show and tell and put a hollow point in one of them?

    NO RSPECT for primary school teachers. this is Ms Karma raining down all the violence and injustice YOU committed against the most vulnerable sector in society, the kids, for GENERATIONS. all the way back back back to the earliest beginnings of public edgukaySHUN.

    you bloody well richly deserve it. all of you. engaging or allowing the abuse, ALL are complicit and the piper is now being paid.

  7. My mitts, while big, unfortunately still wouldn’t fit around that degenerate’s neck. Dang!
