Unfunny Canada

This is a depressing tale of how truly pathetic Canadians have become. It is incredibly sad how we transitioned from storming the beaches at Normandy to the sniveling moronic cowards enaged in shaming mobs on Twitter and in comedy clubs.

After reading this article, you will no longer be puzzled by how someone as dreadful as Justine Castro Trudeau could get elected as PM.

22 Replies to “Unfunny Canada”

  1. Sooo depressing…I think I’m gonna cry…
    Ops, can’t do that, our politicians have taken over that gig.

    Gloom, despair, agony on me…
    Deep dark depression, excessive misery…
    If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have none at all.
    Gloom, despair and agony on me…
    (singing my blues…)

  2. “He also tried to apologize for hurting their feelings. But as is usually the case in such controversies, these gestures only made the public attacks worse.”

    This is why you NEVER apologize. Once you cross their proverbial SJW Rubicon you might as well quadruple down, and tell them to kiss your ass while doing it.

  3. The way that Canada requires the article to be written or face prison time really makes that comedian/comedienne (whatever sex it is) sound like a real mental patient: they/them. Wow. They sound like they have multiple personalities and that they should be in a mental institution.

    Which they should, but it’s the new “normal”.

  4. I don’t need to read the article to get depressed about Canada, some SDA contributors have long been doing a fine job of that, already.

    I simply don’t understand how anyone could honestly claim to respect the incredible sacrifices made by so many Canadian heroes, and then when we face a TINY FRACTION of the adversity that they did in defending our freedoms, they throw their hands in the air in a childish snit and shout “I hate this fucking country, I don’t care, I hope it dies.!”

    When I read those types of comments here, I often imagine a Liberal strategist somewhere, rubbing his hands together saying…. “See, I told you guys, these Conservatives are weak, easy to emotionally manipulate and will eventually just give up!”

    If I could go back in time, I would tell those young boys NOT to storm those beaches because them sacrificing their lives will ultimately all be made fucking pointless.

    1. CO

      I hate what it’s become.
      I served during the 70’s.
      …..and having lived in Western Canada since 1957 & Alberta since 1976, I am 100% Ready to say: FUCK you Kanadansk….We’re out.

      Plenty of reasons why:
      : Rampant militant Public Service UNIONS ( A Colossal Fking Mistake) the root of the ever present EVIL in Govt.
      : PERMANENT Eastern Elite entrenchment of political power/
      : Full on Trashing of Alberta/Sask Oil n Gas industry since 1980
      : 100% SOCIALIST revisionist WOKE BS Education across the the country
      : TRUDEAU X 2
      : Purposeful Illegal migration of NON Euro Centric folk
      : Quebec

      Plenty of reasons to say Fuck yaz all…
      it’s time….

      1. Full on Trashing of Alberta/Sask Oil n Gas industry since 1980

        Actually, it started earlier than that. The Berger inquiry started in the mid-1970s and the report was released in 1977. That killed the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline.

        Berger was a pro-Indian PET lackey. His appointment guaranteed the outcome.

      1. We thought Kenney was going to be our Saviour and he bullshitted his way into Premiership. Instead we got the real Kenney – carpetbagger. Bumping elbows with the Turd and Knothead Nensharia at thePalliser Hotel in Calgary. Then he got bitched slapped by “buddy” Turdo with the appointment of the Turds friend the mayor of Banff – woman lie- beral.
        Maybe Kenney sent a “strong worded” letter to the Turd like he did over the carbon tax. That sure worked didnt it. Vote Maverick, Wexit – whatever, we have to get back to being Albertans and tell the rest of Canuckistan to go straight to hell,

  5. When culture has to be processed through the filter of wokeness, the result is a bland paste. The woke will then demand that we not be indifferent to our flavourless pap, but show how much we appreciate it because feelings are at stake.
    You’ll eat that and you’ll like it.

  6. When Vancouver comic Guy Earle had to pony up $22,500 to a lesbian heckler after she filed BC Human Rights Tribunal complaint in 2011 I knew it was all over but the crying. I thought comedians in North America would rally around him for support. Thought wrong. Not exactly a “Profiles in Courage” moment for them.
    And if “This Hour has Twenty Two Minutes” is supposed to be the nadir of Canadian gov’t funded comedy well, it certainly is over. I like how they describe themselves: “…an iconic comedy show armed with razor-sharp political commentary, biting parodies, incisive social satire, and an unrelenting skewering of the weekly news.”
    Yeah, sure. About as edgy as a balloon.

    I like Adam Corolla’s boilerplate: “I don’t apologize for anything, so don’t even ask”

    1. The fine isn’t the worst of it. The BC Human Rights Gestapo also banned him from performing in BC ever again. Think about that.

  7. Comedy clubs. Yeah. I remember when Yuk-Yuks first opened in the 1970s. It wasn’t funny. At all. Not even a tepid giggle. Frantic performers trying to get a laugh out of sullen Torontonian drunks. Impossible.

    Nothing has really changed over the years, except the relatively normal people have given up on “comedy” and now the frantic performers are crazy people. Diagnosed and medicated on a weekend pass from the hospital kind of crazy.

    Pretty funny to see the complaints about the Juno Awards though. A clique has taken over the voting process? Quelle horreur! C’est impossible!! And it is up to the CBC to fix this? Bwaha, now that’s comedy!

  8. Yes. And while we are at in, can we get rid of the predatory and insulting drag queen story hours?

  9. Russell Peters has been using the ‘coloured guy’ thing for years. ‘Government Supported Comedy’ , now that’s something to laugh about.

    1. “Government supported comedy”. That, right there, is all you need to read, to know.
      If government, especially Canadian government, is required to support it, it ain’t gonna be funny!

  10. care to time travel?
    its 2045.
    multiply this news item by 100,000.
    given enough time, ANYTHING can happen.

  11. Read the article. All I got out of it is the rats are starting to eat each other. This is the universe they created. Let them implode.

  12. Things are looking up.
    I really enjoyed reading this longwinded whine.
    Faster Harder.
    For our Progressive Comrades are humourless shrills,who deserve the declining audience and zero sum circle jerks they have created.
    Burton mentions “This hour has 22” That is Official Progressive Comedy alright,meanspirited masterbation.
    Without laugh tracks their audience is too stupid to know when they should laugh.
