40 Replies to “Photographs Of The Holodomor”

    1. The historical famines are nothing compared to what they have planned next. The Great Zero Fossil Fuels Famine. 7B starve to death to save the planet because they want it and voted for it and their Great Leaders told them no more Fossil Fuels. Time to end the Green Revolution. Not your day to eat.

      1. And to add insult to injury Duranty got a Pulitzer Prize – which has never been revoked ( Pulitzer organization excuse for not doing so is utter horseshit).

  1. We should be grateful to these photographers who took serious risks in the totalitarian Stalinist era. Then there are other “journalists” and media outlets we also need to remember.

    “According to Babij, Whiting’s explosive report on conditions in Ukraine was “dismissed as sensationalist because so few corroborating accounts had made it into public circulation in the U.S.” At that time, she says, Walter Duranty, The New York Times’ influential correspondent in Moscow, was “echoing” Soviet propaganda — reporting on “the best crop in 50 years!” — while people lay dying on the streets.”

  2. My grandparents lived through the Holodomor, then managed to survive a scorched earth campaign or two during the war.

    I couldn’t imagine how horrific it was.

    1. Mine also. The only way they survived was due to the fact that the older brother of one of my grandparents (ironically) was a General in the Soviet Army and had food sent to them to keep them alive. Had anyone in the Soviet military found out it would have been executions for all of them.
      So, yes. We are literally in a life-or-death battle with the Davos crowd.

  3. Our Communist future unless the socialist lunatics are defeated on their ‘critical race theory’.

  4. 100 years later and everyone is still tip toeing around the Bolshevik gorilla in the room. Solzhenitsyn tried of course and was roundly criticized, claiming the only thing Russian about the Russian Revolution was the location. Churchill did his bit too.
    An unverifiable story says that Duranty’s Pulitzer Prize statue, which btw was never revoked, currently sits in a prominent location in a Sulzberger home somewhere in New York.
    Quelle surprise.
    The one photo of upper echelon Bolsheviks wining and dining while Ukraines starved to death outside captures communism perfectly.

  5. There was an earlier famine that was caused by the Bolsheviks. It took place in 1921-24 and is called the Povolzhye famine in the Volga region. Five million dead. The Volga Region was an area where large numbers of Volga Germans lived after having been invited by Catherine the Great to teach the Russians how to farm. Those Bolsheviks sure know how to kill people.

  6. Why would Kate post something about the Holodomor now? It isn’t a Centennial Anniversary. Hmmmm.

    Thankfully the professional, highly educated, thickly credentialed, highly moral, passionately truthful modern mainstream media would never, ever repeat the censoring and quashing of stories like their predecessors gleefully did in the 1920’s and 1930’s to advance the narrative of the Glorious Progressive Marxist Revolution.

    These New University Educated Reporters and Editors are so superior to the uneducated, reactionary brutes of the past. Just ask any of them. They will self righteously tell you so. They will never advance narratives, only the truth.


    Yes it will happen all over again.

  7. The reason the Holodomor happened is because the Bolsheviks feared that the upper middle class, of which they were the substantive element, was expected to revolt if Russia was to find itself at war on its Western front again. They were probably right.

    That said, Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his book 100 Years Together basically said that the Bolsheviks were mostly Jewish in ancestry and did not care a lot for the others. He’s more explicit than I am. Usually that part is edited out of Western translations.

    1. That’s what Stalin wanted the world to think. Everything good about Soviet Russia was his doing, of course. Everything that went wrong was the fault of the Jews.

      Ever hear of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast? That’s the uninhabitable reservation to which Stalin planned to deport the Jews.

    2. Solzhenitsyn while accurately describing evils of communism is still a russian supremacist, refuses to recognize that russia is nothing more than a syphilic whore of nations, a cancer to all those around her, and that Soviet Union was nothing more than a russian empire under new management.

      Also communists did not invent gulag, russians under tsar did, commies only inherited it.

  8. So how did one survive the Holodomor? Lick the ass of Stalin as thoroughly as you could, until the Nazis arrived to “liberate” you.

    The bigger a Jew-baiting, dictator-bootlicking scumbag you were, the more likely you were to die rich, happy and unrepentant in Alberta, counting among your grandchildren the deputy prime minister of Canada—who in a sane world would never have been born.

    And why is the Holodomor now suddenly a thing after being downplayed for so long?

    To make Vladimir Putin look bad, of course, because he’s the leader of the free world—and to boost the standing of Chrystia Chomiak in the intersectionality sweepstakes.

    Oh poor Chrystia! Her grandad was a survivor of Stalinism!

    Go suck off Hitler in hell, you wet-brained cow, and take Justin with you.

  9. Nazis weren’t a mythical race sent from outer space to do holocaust. Germans did it.
    Soviets weren’t a mythical race sent from outer space to starve Ukraine. Russians did it.

    1. The Bolsheviks were a fringe group before 1917, thrust into office by German intelligence agents. Among their first acts was to hand over half of European Russia to the Kaiser, including “Ukraine,” briefly a German puppet state. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was harsher, by far, than the Treaty of Versailles.

      The Bolsheviks were allowed to keep Greater Russia, to use as the lab experiment for socialism the Germans knew better than to run in their own country (quickly crushing any attempts to do so).

      Remember the old joke that if socialism were scientific they’d have tested it on animals? That’s what they did in Russia, test it on peoples Germans regarded as barely human, whether they were Jewish or Orthodox Christian.

      The Holodomor was not the work of “Siberian Mongols” but people from Berlin to the ends of the earth who used the Soviet Union as a testing ground for social engineering schemes to eventually replace “capitalism” worldwide. The version finally implemented in Germany—national socialism—was informed by the, ah, setbacks in Russia.

      Marxism is a German ideology, Lutheran anti-Semitism stripped of the pretense of Christianity. No Russian with any business outside a prison or a lunatic asylum supported it. Of course, Stalin was not a Russian.

      1. ^^^ Typical Siberian Mongol demagogy. ^^^

        Yes it was all russians, nothing to do with Germans/Lutherans. STFU with that nonsense.

        Also regarding Jews, stop pretending that russians don’t hate Jews. Spontaneous pogroms in russia started as soon as larger Jewish populations fell under russian control. I.e. when Catherine the Dog Fucker* partitioned Poland. Pogrom is a Siberian Mongol word. Protocols of Elders of Zion is a tsarist not communist forgery.

        *Another of the greatest sadistic Siberian Mongol leaders, no it does not matter the whore was German. She was a tsarina and the russian bootliskers worship the whore to this day.

        As I said many times, the greatest thing about russians is how they drink themselves to death and butcher their litter. Soon mooselimbs will start an open revolt, beer and popcorn time.

      2. “Stalin was not a Russian.”

        Meanwhile back in the real world:

        “A record 70 percent of Russians approve of Soviet leader Josef Stalin’s role in Russian history, according to a poll published by the independent Levada Center pollster on Tuesday.”


        “Stalin tops Putin in Russian poll of greatest historical figures”

        So how about a nice big cup of shut the fuck up?

        Every time a siberian mongol drinks itself to death, and every time a siberian mongol sow butchers its litter, baby Jesus smiles.

    2. “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either — but right through every human heart — and through all human hearts. This line shifts. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained”

      “To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he’s doing is good, or else that it’s a well-considered act in conformity with natural law. Fortunately, it is in the nature of the human being to seek a justification for his actions.” […] “Ideology–that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others’ eyes, so that he won’t hear reproaches and curses but will receive praises and honors.”

      Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

  10. Red Famine by Anne Applebaum is a good read… but a disturbing read.

    Like just about every book I’ve ever read about Russia, I have this lasting impression of the utter callousness and indifference of its citizens respecting the suffering of others.

    1. While at it also read Bloodlands by Anthony Snyder. You may have problems sleeping after that.

  11. (Photographer Weinberger)….often expressed his loathing for the Soviet system, which he described as an “infernal power” that drove “a flourishing country, luxuriating in food of all kinds, into ruin.”
    h/t goes to Rizwan who provided the correct link.

    1. Russian = turning everything a Russian touches into shit and demanding this achievement is respected.

  12. These photos of starving and dead people in the Ukraine tell a sad story. The Ukrainian people are still suffering today. I understand that there are Canadian Ukrainians from Saskatchewan who continue to send CARE packages overseas. Thank goodness for them.

    Communism is greedy. Few benefit.

    I fear for us all with the launch of the current plandemic. The fact that the current crop of elites think 7B people must disappear makes the previous wars and famines look like practice for the big one. This current business is the big one and we are all doomed.

    Please let it stop.

    Thank you to all who’ve posted your thoughts here and to Kate for this thread.

    1. Well, Nancy, you’re entirely right that this thing is monstrous, but perhaps for that very reason we have grounds for optimism, maybe even hope. It’s easy and fun to dream and plan big slaughter, but actual big slaughtering proves to be difficult work and takes more out of you than you expect. When you get that bloodthirsty, it becomes ever less likely that you’ll slake that thirst, and ever more likely that you’ll drown in blood first. Monstering is harder and riskier than it looks. I look at these would-be monsters and I don’t fancy their chances.

    1. Just because the Globalists are out in the open about their intention to reduce the population doesn’t make it right. Preach to the communist people of the Muslim faith. Followers have large families of five children or more. The Chinese now have ‘ordered’ people to have three. Their doctrine needs attention if we are to espouse numerous reductions in the population.

      The Globalist agenda is screaming at the wrong people.
      Most Westerners do not have such a footprint.

      1. Well, no biggie. The dinosaurs got whacked by a large chunk of space junk after 270 million years. Betcha hoomins whack themselves with their current “Plans” in under 5 million. And that’s counting the grunts who banged two rocks together and sparks flew.
        Who’s up next?
