8 Replies to “Don Lemon is a journalist”

  1. Again – the truth is an absolute defence in the land of the Gestapo and Stasi but not here.

    1. At least the Krauts have a sense of humor! Jokes are sometimes MEANT to be offensive. That’s the part which makes people LAUGH! Like I did upon reading Pool’s comment.

      PS … “Orange Man Bad” isn’t funny. Nor is it a joke. Make a note of it Don Lem-m(on)-ing

  2. I’m assuming that the complainant was offended by unfair and egregious slur of Mcdonald’s?

  3. When compared with journalism and journalists, McDonalds is a five star restaurant, gourmet at that.

  4. I wonder how long it took them to conduct this difficult investigation. The Germans are nothing if not thorough.
