64 Replies to ““Those are not weather balloons””

    1. Aurora aircraft, more likely a TR-3B.

      The mass media alien “contact” announcement was predicted more than 10 years ago.

    1. Nonsense…?
      ….go back to Church dude.

      Regardless if they are earth deployed drones or not……Anyone who thinks that there is no life other than whats on this tiny little satellite called earth..?? Is the penultimate Arrogant MORON & should seriously consider removing their cranium from its rectal hiding spot….but they should also wear 3 Masks, take 10 vaccine shots and remain in their Basement dugout.

      We let off how many Atomic blasts…?? BROADCASTING at the speed of light to the Universe for some 75 yrs now….as such any intelligence with FTL capability & within 75 Light yrs Distance would OBVIOUSLY come lookin…NO.??

      We would – Garanteed.
      Not saying anything about Aliens or some such…but cannot argue that we have INDEED Broadcast our capability.

      1. Anyone who thinks that there is no life other than what’s on this tiny little satellite called earth probably has a lot more knowledge than you about how hostile the universe is to life and how vanishingly rare the conditions are that would allow even the simplest form of life to survive.

        Most people only have a hollywood sci-fi level of understanding of astrophysics, and that’s the basis of their belief in ETs. Not saying they don’t exist, but the odds against are astronomical.

        1. Live would be exceedingly hard to randomly occur in our universe. Going from a primordial soup to a self replicating single cell would be billions of times less likely than another lifeform developing on another planet in this universe. Even though there are billions upon billions of planets in this universe.

        2. So true. Same people who trot out the nonsensical “Drake equation” to bolster their arguments.

      2. Nukes are pretty dim compared to stars. If you are going to posit FTL, then you may as well posit angels and demons.

        1. Well positing Angels and Demons seem to be a more likely source for so called ” Aliens “.
          There is another dimension on another realm that exists along side of us that the above resides in , just like electricity, you can’t see it but stick a fork in a socket and it becomes quite real.
          As it states in a very old and dusty ancient book, ” The Devil is the Prince of the Air ” and he and his minions can and DO manipulate it.

    1. I copied this before. It didn’t originate with me.
      1. Covid panic. 2. Vaccines created. 3. The end of cash as currency. 4. Riots. 5. ‘Alien invasion’ panic. The mind parasites have been very busy.

    1. That makes the most sense to me. Esp. when Tucker points out these “objects” are found primarily over military vessels and installations … and nuclear power plants.

      And it’s completely consistent with the behavior of Obama’s leftover woke Generals to blame “Aliens” for a problem they cannot … or will not … solve.

  1. Okay, I’m going to put this out here. Pyramid-shaped UFOs? They’r Goa’uld, of course. And that means the US has a Stargate.

  2. Before Coast To Coast was taken off the Corus network across Canada, I used to refer to it as the UFO Show. Now we have a guest on Carlson’s show, who is a frequent guest on Coast to Coast, and he refers to the best guest host of Coast to Coast, George Knapp.
    Are they really out there?
    I mean UFOs, not the host and guest.

  3. I’ve said it before, they’re out there because I’ve seen one and quite frankly I’m at a loss to explain it to unbelievers. When you see one, your brain processes the information yet you can’t bring yourself to believe what you’re seeing only because it’s too surreal.
    Best way to describe it I guess is let’s say you’re out hunting way up North and deep in the woods, hundreds of miles from any roads and you happen upon a Late model Porsche Boxster just sitting there amongst the trees with the motor running. You just can’t make sense of it all.
    It effs you up. Small wonder people are hesitant to come forward. Me included. Thirty years later and my brother and I haven’t spoken a word about it not even to each other. Nor will I if pressed.

    BTW… we’ve come a long way from “swamp gas” to the Navy admitting that yeah, “they’re out there but we don’t know what they are”
    Just sayin’.

    1. They are real but more like a mirage or a cloud.
      Sort of like a giant Etcha Sketch in the sky.
      Shake it and it disappears.
      A trick on the eye just like a magician.
      Some Demons having fun at your expense.

      1. Anything is possible I guess. I’m reluctant to claim they’re extraterrestrials only because they have to abide by the laws of physics like we do.
        Interdimensional? Possibly.

  4. UFO means Unidentified Flying Object, it does not mean from another planet

    those flying objects could be unidentified Chinese or Russian airplanes.

    or they could be American airplanes that the USA pretends they don t have.

    They did that with stealth airplanes they had as far back as the mid 1980s…to us they were UFOs, unidentified, but the USA knew they had them.

    nothing here says those are from another planet.

      1. Eeerrr. … filming that thing for 22 minutes. No that wasn’t abrupt. Not even close.

        Both the Chinese and Russians have had anti-sat drone capabilities for years.

      2. Pure physics says it can’t be done.
        A mushy body would become spam in can if those maneuvers could even be pulled.
        Your eye can be fooled .

    1. They denied the existence of the SR71 Blackbird for decades. They are unknown to us but I think they’re much more likely a military secret from some nation on earth than anything else.

    2. or they could be fallen angels, not space aliens, but celestial beings.
      Which is why when more than one person observes the same sighting, they cannot agree on what they saw.

  5. when military jet fighter pilots can not identify, and /or correlate the info of what they see, I guarantee it’s a god damned weather balloon , or drone, or most probably a foreign object. It could be home grown, or extra terrestrial.

    And Ooz, up yer med a tad or two, I think yer brain is functioning as yer asshole again! And you are shitting stupidity as you are want to do!

    1. To be fair, in past centuries people saw angels, the Virgin Mary and little people etc. Nowadays, people see UFO’s which in the vast scheme of things is a fairly new development. There is some kind of phenomenon going on and many have made the observation that the human brain reacts to these things in a way that attempts to make them explainable. And, of course, the U part of UFO remains a constant.

      1. Thank you Thomas.
        The Bible describes the look and appearance of demonic activity(fallen angels) in terms that meshes nicely with what is observed and named UFO activity today.

  6. Project Bluebeam is alive and well and perfectly timed for our current descent into anarchy.

  7. If they’re from a lifeform from another solar system or galaxy, they are likely “unmanned” as they would be intelligent enough to know of the inherent limits on lifeform survivability and economic drag on space and time limits. If they can change directions and velocities as described that would be another reason leading to the “unmanned” thesis.

    1. Not so. If they are advanced enough, they could upload 1000 personalities into a nano-tech matrix the size of a football, and have a full staff to figure out what to do, thousands of times faster than a trained ninja could figure out how to block a punch from a drunken bar-brawler, and they might have some pretty impressive AIs, weapons, stealth, propulsion tech, other stuff that I’d need a much bigger brain even to imagine, etc. This is why the idea that they might be aliens is moot.

  8. Camera flare or simple glare on glass or the fact that we really don’t understand reality beyond our evolutionarily mandated perspective.

  9. Looks like the stealth bomber. Isn’t it crazy you’d find one near military activity? Who’d a thought?

  10. The spaceniks are watching and wondering, what the hell is wrong with these monkeys they call humans?
    They are turning into morons, should we help or let them do it and we start all over again.

    1. Its just the west that are turning into morons, the rest of the world is much the same as it ever was in that respect.

  11. Meh. Its just the pyramid charm offn some hippy bimbo’s charm bracelet that got too much of an astral charge.

  12. I’m pretty sure that if anything can travel between stars (dig into those numbers and try to wrap your head around them), we do NOT want to be noticed. At the very best, they will consider us unworthy of noticing, next worst we may be worth studying, as we study lesser animals and organisms. We will most likely appear to them as vermin, dirtying up our own planet, like rats or cockroaches. We probably don’t want anything to do with any being who can travel between stars, lest we get stepped on like an ant nest. That said, the distances are so vast we likely haven’t been visited, even though some phenomenon that people have witnessed may seem unexplainable otherwise. My $.02 worth.

    1. I think you over-personify advanced alien intelligence. We are a fascinating dissipative structure, with all sorts of potential, throwing bits of junk clear outta the solar system, pretty impressive trick for a bunch of divinely-inspired talking monkeys, and the possibility of better tricks in the future…I like to think that smarter beings would try to exploit us, like we exploit dogs or dolphins, heck maybe they already are, and we don’t know it…does the prize Orchid recognize the hand of the botanist that grew it…

  13. We’re going to need some sort of global planetary government when the aliens arrive, aren’t we? /s

    1. The Aliens are waiting for the mask mandates to pass and that’s actually why our glorious leaders will not lift them.

  14. UFO means ”Unidentified Flying Object.” UFO does not mean ”Alien Craft,”
    The Chinese have some very elaborate electronic devices utilized to spy on their competition.
    I’m guessing some high tech drones or perhaps a visual effect designed to freak out the navy.
    In 1983 at a Paris exhibition, I saw a small 3D ballerina dancing inside a glass tube. Amazing electronic visual effect.
    And remember, you’re looking at it on your screen, so it not real!!

    1. I’m an electronic engineer, Plainz, and I support your message. I also have thought – “these are images on screens” is there really something there? There are many possible reasons for these virtual imposters.

    1. I have no doubt life has formed all over the universe but probably only occasionally developed the ability to create cell phone apps.

  15. Darpa probably developed it before Hillary sold plans to the Chinese who copied it. I am quite happy to tilt my directions away from any official version.
