34 Replies to “Slide Into Shithole”

  1. Trudeau’s a freaking idiot. Every jurisdiction in Canada will have different gun laws. How does that make any sense?

    1. It makes sense to him because he thinks he can claim to honouring an election promise and also pass the head ache to someone else.

    2. -“ Every jurisdiction in Canada will have different gun laws. How does that make any sense?”

      That’s a feature not a bug.

      With a bunch of different laws everywhere it will increase pressure on the legal owners.

      It will cause some to just throw in the towel and sell all their guns.
      It will cause new people to not bother taking up firearms at all.

      1. “That’s a feature not a bug.”

        Bingo! Exactly that.

        And if your range is in a different jurisdiction than your residence and both are in a different jurisdiction than you service, you’re triple fucked.

        And remember: you must regularly practice at the range you are a member of to be eligible for a restricted PAL.

    3. Yes,Trudeau IS a fucking idiot, but his advisors are not,and they have just won a brilliant coup against gun owners by downloading the responsibility to cities and municipalities. Most cities and municipalities are run by liberal progressives, so there will be fairly uniform regulations across Canada. Our own beloved Mayor here in the Bible Belt is a staunch Liberal so who knows what we can expect.

      You can OWN restricted and even prohibited guns, but you can’t use ’em, sell ’em,transport ’em or even give them away, as Trudeau sneaks the UN’s agenda on guns past a sleeping citizenry. Next step,re-education camps under the guise of saving us from the Deadly Covid-19. I expect the camps will be swept by a NEW variant which will snuff most of the inmates, but Canadians will be able to rest assured that the virus will NOT escape the camps thanks to Dr.Tam and our beloved Prime Minister and their tireless efforts on our behalf.

      NO ONE NEEDS TO OWN A GUN! Okay, Wendy,Heidi, so what about those who DO need to own a gun? Maybe they aren’t “people”.

  2. True dope is a communist!
    His old man was a communist!
    This is what communists do, is disarm the people!
    He’s been hugging up to the Chinese communist party for years. Why?
    Open your eyes folks.
    He’s a g d traitor.. so is billly Blair.

  3. Good luck if you hold out any hope that Colonel Klink Pallister will stand up for Manitobans gun rights. He has done nothing but butcher our rights and freedoms since the beginning of the Plandemic.

    1. Pallister in a presser yesterday that this legislation will in no way reduce gun crime and disagrees with the legislation that would confiscate people’s legally owned property.

      We’ll see how that plays out…

      1. Then he needs to step up to the plate and introduce provincial legislation to ban municipalities from making any bylaws with respect to firearm use, storage, transport, etc. within their jurisdictions. Municipalities are 100% creatures of the provinces and can take no action other than those that the province permits. If he wants to actually do something as opposed to mouthing off for the soundbite, that’s what he needs to do.

        1. He could, and should, do that. But sooner or later, Manitobans, in their folly, will vote in the other party and that gang will force the “progressives” will on law-abiding gun owners. Despite the fact that Winnipeg’s gun problem, like every other city’s gun problem is actually a criminal problem, a criminal gang problem, and no amount of law or regulation on law abiding citizens is going to fix that.

  4. In the end managing a problem is a lot more expensive than solving it.

    The achievement our Chinese Communist friends can be proudest of is not right percent growth. It is solving China’s opium problem.

    It could not have been simpler to do.

    Haul the junkies off to re-education camps and see to it that they return to society clean and reformed or not at all.

    Encourage their families not to defend them but to hand them over to law enforcement for fear of being hauled off to a prison camp themselves.

    All it took was a willingness to actually solve the problem on Mao’s part, and a willingness to not to try to stop him on the part of global finance, who needed to demonstrate to a western world still unwilling to acquiesce to the abolition of private property that drug addiction was a capitalist phenomenon, and that communism could fix the problem easily.

  5. So Chicago has the most restrictive gun laws in America and yet has the highest number of gun crimes in America. Now we are going to adopt that rational? A judge in Toronto has just declared that victims of gun crimes can now sue gun manufacturers. Does this open the door for law suits against every manufacturer of other assault weapons? Hammers, axes, knives, screwdrivers, machetes, cars, trucks, where does it end when idiots elected into office, by the idiots that vote for them, can decide carte blanc what laws they decide to effect. It is past time that Canadians look to a RE-SET and revisit the Canadian Bill of Rights and rather than have it imposed on us we have a referendum and implement adoption of the American Constitution.

  6. Municipal gun bans are not going to fly.
    This is the Liberals AGAIN, stepping into provincial jurisdiction.
    The provincial governments are not going to allow the Federal Liberals to go around them.
    Municipal affairs are provincial jurisdiction.
    The reason the Liberals are doing this, is most Premiers are against going after legal gun owners.
    This over reach by the Liberals will fail.

  7. Every indication of decay has a common element.
    Our progressive Comrades.
    They are the rust of civil society.
    Forget trying to correct social ills,they are but symptoms.
    Remove the cause.
    Ban Assault style politicians.
    Every freedom my father and his fellow patriots volunteered to fight for,we have surrendered or had stripped from us by deceit.
    But one of his few shared observations of The War,was the conversion of tools into weapons.
    He said that builders(Makers) are real creative at turning things not normally considered weapons,into the most God Awful things.

    After 60 years of running the “More Government” experiment.
    We can assess the results.
    I am not liking them.
    Personal freedoms?
    Personal property?
    Personal Accountability?
    Only for the little law abiding people.
    Bureaucratic ethics,responsibility and accountability?
    Har Har HAR.
    Power and Responsibility?
    Financial State?
    Bust beyond all salvage.

    Are there any standards by which the current state of Can Ahh Duh,is beneficial to the citizens?
    A self proclaimed Genocidal State is actively trying to strip the citizens of their assets and after a summer of refusing to defend citizens from rampaging mobs and fools blockading rail lines,they now tell us we are forbidden to defend ourselves.
    After the Supreme Court excused the Police from their duty to protect.
    I think the “Bigger is Better” experiment has run it’s course.
    Bankrupting the experimenters and creating a monster,that must be killed.
    Eat your heart out Frankenstein.

  8. They’re taking too narrow an approach with this handgun/rifle ban. Why not just make crime illegal and solve the whole problem in one tidy package?

    1. Jim303, No, don’t be silly, they need criminals to keep the citizenry fearful and controlled, and if we could somehow magically erase crime and drugs, we would only need about 15 percent of the federal government that we currently have. They would not be of a mind to reduce their footprint, only to enlarge it.
      Jeez, get with the program.

    2. H. L. Mencken:

      “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

      Ayn Rand, from “Atlas Shrugged”:

      “Did you really think we want those laws observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them to be broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against… We’re after power and we mean it… There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Reardon, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.”

  9. Of course I had a contrary opinion so my comment was “deactivated” for violating guidelines”. No profanity, no incitement. Just noted we should not worry, because politicians will still have close protection details and private security. Thousand will lose thier jobs and property, legally acquired after submitting to background checks, will be confiscated.

    1. Joe, They don’t hate AR’s, they love them. It’s a perfect tool for them to denigrate firearm ownership to an ill informed public. They are black, menacing looking, have things sticking out making them look evil. They can kill the maximum number of people in the shortest possible time, and they are issuing them to RCMP squad cars. You cannot control an armed population, and therefore, they want us all disarmed. Not the criminals mind you, just us, because we might/will be, a threat to their plans. The firearm community has a way of organizing country wide, the criminal don’t, therefore we, are the threat, besides, they need the criminals to keep the general population in check.

    1. “Just hide your weapons”, Osumashi, I hope you’re a good carpenter, cuz they will rip your house apart looking for them. Of course if they find them, you’ll be locked up, and your now derelict house will need to be sold to pay for your lawyer.

      1. You’re right.

        Just surrender your guns and give in.

        If you think that there is a legal way in which to combat this, given how things are now, it’s a good idea to mention so.

    2. You want me to hide my registered restricted gun for which the government issued me the permit to own it under a set of very restrictive conditions regarding use, transportation and storage? Is that it? And when JBTs come to pick it up what do you suggest I do? Do answer, don’t be shy. I’d like to know your plan beyond “just hide them”.

      1. The firearms act defines the conditions by which a restricted firearm needs to be stored…essentially in a locked container that’s not easy to get into and trigger locked. It doesn’t say exactly where on one’s property it is to be stored, nor does the act state one actually has to remember just where they put that damned thing. Get a warrant and look all you like.

        1. 1. They don’t need a warrant to inspect your firearms.
          2. I’d love to see you try the “I forgot where I put it” defense in practice.

  10. L- Below the paragraph on Winnipeg City gun bans was this gem. Identity politics-exponential
    City doubles down on diversity

    The city’s Executive Policy Committee passed a motion on Wednesday to commission the public service to study the creation of a nameless resume system aimed at increasing the number of diversity hires, including women and members of the LGBTQ community. The city plans to focus on skills and qualifications without identifying individuals from racialized communities. The initiative must survive a vote of counsel before beginning.

  11. Downtown Winnipeg.
    Watch where you walk for the vomit and pee.
    Takes your eyes off of all the spit on the windows though………
