27 Replies to “The Dogs Not Barking”

    1. Right?

      But I must say, it is very kind of all these people to self-identify the way they have, going so far as to post pics of themselves all over the interwebz.

      Real neighborly, y’know?

    2. Thomas, unless and until the terminally stupid are removed from society this will only get worse.

    3. That’s the goal. It’s always been the goal. Bezmenov tried to warn us: the Marxists will sow dissension and create division, stoking the resentments until the target country explodes in internal violence, rendering it incapable of defending itself from external invasion.

      Will that work in a country that doesn’t share a land border with Russia, China, or one of their satellite states? It doesn’t really matter, because whether the tanks roll in or not, your country is still tearing itself apart all by itself.

  1. Kind of like the cowpie that you scrape out of your boot – the issue and the stench of the issue remains. Not one person in those crowds will acknowledge that Islam is the largest part of the problem – the hatred of Islam and its adherents for people of the book, and in particular, Jews.

    There was a treaty in place, there was a ceasefire in place, and Hamas chose to breach the peace, following the Islamic doctrine of hudna, a temporary peace with a maximum duration of 10 years or until the Muslims decide that they have the means to retake former Islamic territory. So what good will another ceasefire really do? Nothing at all – a bandage over a cancerous tumor that is difficult to remove or cure without a change in thought process.

    1. I agree, until we’re able to tell the truth about Islam, we will never be able to deal with it. Cowardice will be the end of us.

      1. Thomas, we can always tell the truth about Islam. Just tell people to read the koran. There are many accurate translations out there. Of course one would have to be intellectually interested.

        1. Well sure but society, in general, or at least our spokesmen and the media are lying about Islam always taking the GW line.

  2. The useless idiots had a Saturday outing. No doubt, heavily attended by PSAC and CUPE drones. Outrage of the day, what will their next “outrage” be to March through the streets?

  3. Don’t give up your guns. Oct 7 style attacks will happen here. They want a Muslim world.
    They only good thing is that they will kill those supporting them as soon as they are no longer useful.

    1. bloody right they will
      what are the odds the guy that pulls off the first one is already alive absorbing all the requisite hate?

  4. I’m thinking a combination of white guilt and stupidity explains much of this. The rest is funding from not so nice people (aka the war mongers). What happens when these people realize that protesting is something that most other people get used to easily? Escalation. The nice thing about Canada is … winter.

  5. Dealing with this sort of disorder and riot is why machine guns and grapeshot were first invented.

    1. I do not think those morons understand what they’re screwing with. The scary thing about Germans is not how dangerous each individual is. It is their love of marching in step. They love it.

      Canadians by contrast are dangerous on every level. Once you get them going, anyway. Ask the Germans.

      1. Meh, that may have been true in the past and there may be isolated pockets of them in the present, but not enough and not in the right locations.

        Most of the strong genetics and the urge to do something, en masse, to right the wrongs, died in the last great war, the slow march through the institutions and all the politically correct crap since then, has seen to that. It’s not a big, it’s a feature..

        1. Black pill. Don’t take that one, take the red one.

          The -entire- media from TV and radio to the internet is geared to feed you nothing but the latest moral panic. But when you look out the window, there’s no panic to be seen.

          People, individuals, have not changed at all since WWII. The media and legal environment have, for sure, but we have not, nor has our culture. We all still want the same things, and will fight for the same things.

          Mention Covid at a Home Depot sometime, just as an example. See what happens.

          What has changed is who we’re probably going to be fighting, and where. All else remains the same, and a bunch of cousin marrying, culturally backward hillbillies are not going to win against us. Nor are mentally disordered, pink-haired “students” in tutus.

          Currently the truth is they just haven’t been enough of a problem to gain normal people’s attention, and neither has the government. That may change this year, I guess we’ll see.

    1. Right? I would not want to be in the group that raises the righteous anger of the German people. Particularly -in- Germany. They are not to be trifled with.

      1. in the deepest core of my beliefs is one about germany.
        they learned their lesson. they kept all the stereotype smarts other stuff.
        the individual german canadians and german students l met shared a common characteristic had to do with integrity and work ethic.

  6. Surprising exactly no one, these organizations are partisan, but always try to claim the mantle (and tax benefits) of being “non-partisan”.

  7. And people wonder how Germany was able to send 6 million Jews and untold others to the death camps in the Thirties? You have to be deaf, dumb and blind to ignore what is happening all across the West! “Alea iacta est” and now there is nothing that we can do to turn back the clock.

    1. It will be one of the few times that the real protagonists pay the biggest price.

      The end game will not be pleasant for those who caused the problem.

      Women voting for Liberals will harvest the fruit of their foolishness.
