10 Replies to “California’s Homeless Industrial Complex”

  1. Tailor-made corruption. It’s everywhere in California.

    I recall that ten years ago the guy running a homeless shelter in Santa Barbara was making $165,000 annually. And it seemed as though what he was doing was just letting the regulars run the place and keeping out the difficult cases.

    I went to my barber in California and he was most interested to see what the guy who had just left was now driving, a BMW 7-Series?, something high end. Turns out that guy was a County Cop who, on his way out the door to “retirement”, wrote the experience requirements for a new civilian position with the County before he left, lo and behold he was perfect for the job, the only one able to meet requirements. Barber said that with pension that guy was pulling in about $300,000 annually.

  2. An example of what is going on in BC, in Vancouver and Victoria.

    The “homeless” have become a special class of people, a crime free zone, at least as far as being charged with any crime. Any excuse justifies their existence, and, any solutions proposed by leftist governments, no matter how wasteful or extravagant, are mandatory.

    Funny how the more free stuff these ideological idiots provide, the more “homeless” keep being created. Live in a tent for less than a year, and the government gives you some shiny new digs, at the cheapest rate, to carry on your dysfunctional lifestyle. Awesome!

  3. You can’t say things like “The taxpayers agreed to tax themselves to fund…..” 1) It’s probably not true; more likely they agreed to tax their progeny, and 2) The wokerati wouldn’t even understand — or pretend not to understand — the concept of paying for what you get.

  4. The sad part is this corruption extends across the ENTIRE State government. First: our gasoline taxes are stolen for pet “Green” projects to “save us” from FAKE global warming. Then, more gasoline taxes and car registration fees are stolen for the “general fund” … then finally … a huge chunk of the gasoline taxes go to pay obscene, bloated, $$$ multi-hundred thousand pensions to State UNIONISTA Cal Trans workers. When all is said and done … only a tiny fraction of the State’s $0.62 / gal. Gasoline taxes go to repair and improve the roads. This blueprint is followed across every depart,ent of the State budget

    The DEEP DEEP pockets of the taxpayer are being turned inside out to fund individuals bank accounts … not actual services and construction needed by “the collective”. CA’s Communist blueprint is heavy on the remittances to Party loyalists … and light on bread for the populace.

  5. No government can solve the homeless problem. Each homeless person has to be solved individually and it can’t be done without the homeless individuals solving themselves, one by one. They need help, but no amount of help nor kind of help can solve it without the helped wanting to change their ways to change their circumstances.

    Governments don’t really want to solve the homeless problem. They want the money and power that taxpayers and voters will give them for trying. And very few taxpayers and voters really want to solve the problem either, most intuitively know it can’t be “solved.” But they do wish it could be “solved” and they are willing to settle for pretending that the government can do it. What most people really want is to be absolved of any responsibility, duty, or call to help homeless people. We want to make it the government’s job to do it for us, and we’ll kid ourselves that they are doing it with other people’s money and that we are good people who care, evidenced by us saying we want the government to fix it.

    There will always be votes available for politicians who pretend they are going to be good to the needy on our behalf, and jobs and grants for people who will do the work of pretending to carry out the government’s compassionate and generous work.

  6. If there was zero welfare, food banks, perhaps the homeless would soon figure out they better get a job! Any job!
    Who gave the pioneers anything? Nobody! Yet they existed, raised families that had work ethics, morals, etc. The mollycoddling of our youth is the problem. Nobody is ” Entitled ” to anything except looking after yourself!
    Decrease all governments to next to nothing – they are the biggest suckers of all. Cant get a real job? Become a govt “worker” or politician.

    1. Recently my mother and I were conversing about the Depression – she was born in 33 – and she stated how people (tramps) would come to the door and you would give them food. “It’s what you did, I suppose” she said because you could give them some of what you had.
      These days many believe charity is one of the many roles of government. The Welfare State is a Weakened State.

  7. Mental institutions need to be re-opened for the truly messed up, half-way type houses for some. And a kick in the ass for the rest.

    It’s horrible that really messed up people are kept on the streets so liberals can use them as leverage for tax increases.

  8. This is heaven for our progresssive comrades.
    They do not care that their idiocy solves nothing,for they get to steal with impunity,cause they are “doing good”.
    Tis a feature not a bug,that everywhere these NGOs,fully government funded of course,control the money flow to the poor,the number of poor grows exponentially,the taxpaying residents suffer and the “Helpers” get ever larger paychecks and side benefits.

    All places where taxpayer money pools,the evil and greedy line up to feast.
    The modern homeless,indigent and mad are wonderful fodder for the professional leeches.

    And us oh so enlightened scientific folk,thought that Vampires were fiction.
