76 Replies to “November 2, 2020: Reader Tips”

    1. Yes great article.

      One thing not mentioned. This nation has been governed the vast majority of the time by liberals.

      The Laurentian
      traitors are responsible for the lack of progress this country had endured.

      1. We have had progress, the kind of progress that is evidenced by extreme socialism/communism, that kind of progress.

    2. Those who died would be appalled that we became what they were fighting against.
      Every time Holland, or Europe in general, turns around I ask why did we save them from the Nazis?

    1. Linda, I agree. If Harris-Biden win, look for Russia to invade and take over the three Baltic democracies this spring.

    1. LL, the man is an evil puppet. His level of stupid, much like those who vote liberal, is unquantifiable.

  1. So, today, NBC released a poll, stating that Biden has a 10 pt national lead.
    Laughable. So, other than voter suppression, is there another purpose behind this poll? It’s so outrageously incorrect, are they that stupid?
    Or…..another reason perhaps?
    Perhaps they know Biden is behind, so, why not create a false narrative, like a Russia dossier?
    Anyone for “Trump cheated, here’s the proof!” when Trump wins 324 EC votes? Not far fetched, given all the other crap the left has thrown at Trump. The Demarxists are experts at projection, so why not accuse Trump of what DeMarxists do all the time, cheating!
    Scott Adams has also suggested that Antifa may storm the White House on election night.
    Welcome to 2020. Get your beer and popcorn!

    1. It is voter suppression, nothing else. They know the vote will be much closer than predicted so they are trying to discourage as many Trump voters as they can.

      1. I suspect they’re also covering for all the Dem vote fraud. “Of COURSE he won – didn’t we tell you he had a ten-point lead?!”

      2. I would think this would discourage Biden voters. He is such an uninspiring candidate that even if I favor him, I might say why bother if he is likely to win anyway. I think it is more setting the stage for fighting a Trump win afterwards.

      1. Just wondering what kind of effective, lasting fence that they can build in a day? Just acting as a deterrent, while they jihadis are warned that lethal force is in effect? There isn’t much doubt that the secret service, NSA, and other LOYAL agencies and personnel are more than ready for the wannabe jihadis, though 250 National Guard members isnt nearly enough, it should be 10 times that number. They will protect the WH with lethal force, if necessary, and that may come to pass. How many of these insurrectionists are willing to forego their future of Fortnight and lattes?

      2. I would suggest a large number of bodies in the street, America has has enough of this shit.

    2. Here is a clip from War Room Pandemic where they feature a Zoom call picked up by Millie Weaver.
      Go to the 34:15 minute mark where the Deep State is working with Antifa on Zoom calling for a shutdown of The White House access points, mapping where the Police stations and key govt buildings and where Republicans live.
      Then a call to shutdown Washington DC, and other major cities starting on Nov 4 to Inauguration Day.
      They want to create a social crisis that they control.

    3. The malarkey tour continues. If the news isn’t good, fabricate it. Rasmussen has Trump at 52% approval today, with Obama at 50% at same point in his tenure. Trump has held 51-52% for a number of days now.

      The momentum has always been with the Republicans, with that gaining apace, who have the superior ground game for election day.

      The Democrats have disappointed on advanced polling, which is anomalous this time with covid bringing in early voters.

      Blacks and Hispanics are moving to Trump. Look for Trump to go visiony on the last day, imho a good idea.

      All signs point to a Trump victory. Don’t know about the House but they should hold the Senate.

      Pennsylvania looks like the Florida 2000 Dubya/Gore debacle redux, with mail in voting allowed well past Tuesday.

      Unless Trump fracks Biden strongly. Would love to see ACB quash Dem stupidity there.

      That’ll cue the social justice looters, but what won’t?

      If Trump wins, there will be riots, even if he achieves a Reaganesque sweep. If DeMarxists win by one box of mailed in ballot that were suddenly found, they would immediately move to seize power, their mob protester thugs carrying the day for them.

      So, Trump has to win big and the GOP has to kick Democrat ass in Congress and local elections, while removing the neocon Lincoln hating dinosaurs, or we wind up the Resistance clock again. Or much, much worse.

      Progressivism: taxation, inflation, war.

    1. There’s always someone who’s going to whine that someone else is better off than then. The level of pay is a matter for shareholders to decide.

      I often am asked to vote on it whenever I receive a proxy. I’ve always voted against the board as a lot of the directions, including CEOs, don’t do enough to earn their pay.

    2. “O’Leary said of his 2014 comments that it was “fantastic” that 85 people owned as much as the 3.5 billion poorest in the world, as it would inspire the poor to get rich”
      Remember when Kevin O’Leary was more or less written off as Conservative leadership material because he had said that at some point in the past.

    3. There is a reason for the commandment: “don’t begrudge your neighbour for having something you don’t or better than what you have”.
      Those who break it are easily manipulated by those who would make useful idiots of them.

      1. Interestingly, that commandment is regularly broken by the “progressive” churches with their constant sermonizing about wealth “redistribution”.

      2. “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.”
        What’s that 10th commandment doing in there? It’s only the foundation of market economies throughout history and the commandment the current Pope and most leftists break every time they open their traps.

        1. Hate to sound like a broken record but.

          In any enterprise that has as its goal malfeasance, the plan is dependent on none of its conspirators perception that a co-conspirator(s) is getting more than their fair share or that they have not been fairly compensated. That’s when Mr Unnamed Source and highly placed insider start talking.

      1. Canada – money laundering? They were/are Chinese so that’s okay. What’s the big deal about billions of drug cash in hockey bags for friends of Trudeau?

    1. Good investigative journalism. Presumably during the last election Hillary said to her staff “If that guy gets in we are all going to jail.” That certainly explains the desperation to get rid of Trump. Seems odd that no journalists made an effort to question her sbout this comment.

  2. IMO the media poses the biggest threat to the democratic process . It’s a constant tinkering of facts to manipulate opinion.

    1. Liz, no need to be polite, “tinkering” is lying and that is what they are, liars.

  3. Today Great Leader Kim Sung Trudeau holds a number of virtual meetings with groups across his Canada. He will be explaining how wonderful he is, including a talk with a grade eleven math class. He is so cool! Everybody in Canada loves our little dictator.

    1. A few years ago Maclean’s magazine reported that Trudeau, as a former math instructor, has a full understanding of quantum physics.

      1. We had Premier Ford kiss ass with Trudeau as he controls what money Ontario gets to what money Ontario has to put on the credit card. They have yet to see that Trudeau will shaft them in the end too…Trudeau is just for himself and nobody else matters.

  4. Following orders from the UN, Big Chief Gay Eagle With No Balls cabinet will finalize the new citizenship oath. It will make new immigrants recognize that whiny indians have more rights than ordinary taxpaying peasants.

  5. One of the things that has become abundantly apparent to me is we need term limits for politicians. No politician at any level should be allowed to serve more than three terms. In addition no beauracratic job should last more than 10 years. The gold plated pension schemes also need to end. He’ll, match contributions up to 10% ,and it will be cheaper. If these people in “public service” are the high caliber they claim to be they will have no problem getting a wonderful high paying job after their service. We don’t owe pension for life.

    1. Couldn`t agree more. I seem to recollect that in the Military they had a ‘term’ limit for a base Commander. Stay to long and they “go native” and become too comfortable.

    2. And, while we’re at it, abolish the tenure system in academe. I’ve known profs who didn’t just go native after they were granted it, they went to seed, and there was no way they could be fired.

    1. I’ve moved to what the billboard on the I-95 says is “Trump Country.” All major offices are held by Republicans. There have been Trump signs peppering the neighborhood and the roads for months. A couple of months ago, Biden signs or anti-Trump and Vote Democratic (what an oxymoron) started showing up. So, I went to the campaign office and bought sufficient signs to put three up behind the dock and four various Republican candidates including Trump in the front yard. Today, I drove over to the bridge to take a walk along the ICW and the Trump signs have doubled. It’s great.

      1. You most be in Fort Lauderdale right?
        I drove the I-95 in its entirety from Houlton Maine to Miami, and have been to Fla 3 times.

        Just saw POTUS speak, he is now headed to Grand Rapids Mich for the last rally. Trump said that he had to end the day there because that’s where he ended his rally 4 years ago tonight. He is sentimental.

        Go Trump Go!

  6. I would love to see one of those bad boyz crowd funded and dispatched to the “cottage” to take care of business.

  7. Blacklock reports that the Dept. of Natural Resources has no plan or budget to plant all those trees Climate Barbie and Blackie promised during the last election. And federal unions have launched human rights complaints against the federal government’s plan to crack down on civil servants who are on paid sick leave but are not sick.

  8. https://reut.rs/3eintYS

    In which a 21-year-old “man” disowns his own mother for daring to vote for Donald Trump.

    The media have done one job very well—de-humanizing everybody who considers President Trump and America forces for good in the world.

    1. The “Ask Amy” advice column in the Post Media Sun went anti-Trump.
      The “I am a Gender Studies Professor at a university” wrote complaining that her future father-in-law voted for Trump. The response was the predictable Orange Man Bad bullshit.
      Must be time to cancel the 33 year old subscription.

  9. Beheaded French teacher remembered today.
    Moslems don’t like it and some took off their shoes to prove it.
    Juthtin reminded us the other day that you’re not allowed to insult others, especially the pederast cult who also believe in beating their women, that Jews are animals and that you get a bunch of virgins (or is it raisins?) from God after you blow yourself up.

  10. Toronto Sun reports on indians burning down Christian churches in Ontario because of past sexual abuse or something.

  11. Blackie’s loyal media reports that our Great Leader had his MP lackies shut down the ethics committee’s efforts to look into his family’s speaking engagements.(again)

  12. Breaking News. Mohammad Trudeau’s CBC reports that a peace loving muslim has attacked several people near a Jewish place of worship in Vienna. Waiting for Justin to repeat that we should not upset the muslims.

  13. Rex Murphy writes about the election at the National Post. And the CBC has John Bolton give his unbiased views on Trump tonight

    1. Those are likely “HER” Haitians that our Globalist Prinz agreed to take in. Wonder if his Foundation got some cold hard cash from the multi-million dollar telethon that was raised after the Haitian earthquake which devastated the tiny country. We are forced to accept and pay for these French speaking Haitians. THEY likely think that these people belong in Quebec. There were many there since the 1970s. Their patois French is difficult to understand, imo.

      As for that guy who kept yelling “industry, industry” at Keean he was really saying with a heavy Quebecois accent for Keean to go on the street, off the property. He repeated, “in da street, in da street — sounded more like “in-dust-tree, in-dust-tree”. I’m sure you’ve gathered that. Still, it’s funny to hear after all these years, the French Canadians have their own form of patois.

      I read somewhere that if you asked Haitians anything about “HER” they would say nothing good about that thief and her husband.

      1. As I believe I mentioned on SDA on previous occasions, I used a few simple French phrases while I was in Montreal (haven’t been there for more than 30 years). One thing was evident was that I was immediately pegged as a westerner because we learned la francais parisien in school, not the quebecois dialect.

        I’m sure they winced each time I mangled their language but many of them likely appreciated my attempts at being polite in French.

        Having grown up speaking 2 languages at home, I had little difficulty with Montrealers who weren’t completely adept at English. I was accustomed to hearing things pronounced differently.

        1. …”accustomed to hearing things pronounced differently.”

          Same here, having heard so many accents I rather enjoy trying to pinpoint where someone comes from after hearing their accent. I do pretty well. The most difficult one for me to instantly understand is the East Indian accent. Sometimes they speak too quickly.

          I’ve met people that can’t decipher any accent and therefore can’t make out what people are saying. Guess it takes being around people who are from multi-culti world. My grade one class was a regular United Nations. What a nightmare for a few months for poor teacher!
