40 Replies to “Saskatchewan Provincial Election”

  1. 4 Moe Years.

    Sask Libranos could only muster 3 candidates.

    Any NDP staffers and insiders can now go to parachute to BC

    1. And they will. The voracious Dipper mafia never misses a chance to load up at an open trough.

    2. When you elect NDP to government you get all the shit that goes with the socialist way of doing things.
      Carpet baggers from every corner of the dominion arrive ‘to help’
      Public service unions call all the shots and turn the province where they control the government into a closed shop where nothing happens without union approval.
      Furthermore they pile on the rules and regulations that stifles investment and I’ll stop there because I could write 5000 words on this topic but just remember it’s all done for the good ‘putting people first’.

    3. The SaskParty is the legitimate Saskatchewan version of the Libranos. From many of its founding members being Liberals, current MLA’s being card carrying LPC members and supporters, right down to Premier Moe going on WE charity junkets.
      Then you can consider that even Brad Wall never once entirely ruled out a carbon tax for Saskatchewan, he simply didn’t like the Libranos version and didn’t the time was right.
      It’s disappointing to see so many people still drinking the SaskParty kool-aid but now that silly season is over, they will mandate mask use for everyone and shut down our economy again due to the sniffles, but hopefully in four years after too many people are hurting the lesson will be learned and Buffalo can gain more traction.

  2. The Dippers are claiming they need 20 seats to stand a chance of being seen a “government-in-waiting,” as opposed to a reminder of a time no sensible person in the province cares to return to.

    Let’s see if they get anywhere close.

  3. Well you can forget about any wexit help from your fellow citizens cause most of them don’t care and aren’t interested. Buffalo Party got 0 seats. So they will have no influence over the Sask Party. Of course the NDP got the cities mostly. Saskatoon is a total NDP shithole. You’d think the government was in Saskatoon not Regina. Although the NDP got most of Regina. Cities are where the most compliant and obedient followers live and vote to be ruled over.

    Best scenario would have been a Sask Party minority needing a strong 10+ block of Buffalo Party candidates to keep them in line.

    1. This reply written at 8:35pm MDT (8:35pm Sask Time). Early bedtime for you, patrick? Funny thing is (sad, for some)(predictable, for others) you are probably going to be close to correct. I think Buffalo gets zero too.

      CBC officially projects SASK PARTY MAJORITY at 8:38pm.

  4. Winner, winner chicken dinner!
    Hopefully the commies are destroyed like the liberal pestilence here in Ontario

  5. What’s the deal with the “PC” party? They really still exist? Is Grant Devine still hanging around? His ghost?
    Any Saskatchewan folks want to give a short explanation?

    1. When the PC party folded in the 90’s it was decided they’d rebuild the party when the Devine stink wore off of it.

      They had like 1 or 2 million dollars in coffers held in escrow.

      After ten years they tried to fire it up again but it’s fringe…even with significant seed money.

      1. As a retired economics professor, I just want to mention that Grant Devine was an economics professor before entering politics. An agricultural economics professor, I believe.

      2. Don’t forget that the Devine Conservatives got tired of Blakeney’s constantly bailing out money-losing provincial crown corporations.

  6. Too bad Buffalo ran on an epic boomer-tier shit platform instead of just focusing on separation.

  7. In other election news tonight, Toronto Centre voters have elected the Liberal candidate, CTV hack Marci Ien, to replace Morneau. Because of course they did.

    Even they weren’t daft enough to pick Annamie Paul.

    1. And York Centre is as tight as can be. 1 vote difference between the Lib and the Con with 121/143 polls reported. PPC nowhere to be seen, alas.

    2. Marci Ien used to do hard news on CTV. She ended up getting switched to the bobbleheads. Obviously too light weight for network news. I fine fit for the Libranos.

  8. Would have been nice to get 17 Buffalo Party seats. That would have been a sufficient earthquake to make things move. As it stands, any actual fighting of Ottawa/Trudeau will continue to be put off indefinitely, but the press releases about that frabjous day, will continue to come on a daily basis.

    1. One Buffalo seat would have been an earthquake. Unfortunately, too many people still vote strategically and not ideologically.

  9. So, as I understand it, there are now just 36 Liberal members of provincial legislatures from the west coast of Vancouver Island to the Ottawa River.

    Sort of like what they got in the 2011 federal election in the whole country (34). Four Green members.

    That sounds like progress to me!

    At least we can deal with the NDP and the Greens, because, at least, they stand for something (?), whereas the Liberals will fall for anything, clearly.

  10. Also, federal byelection results…

    Marci Ien (of CTV news and “The Social” fame) won Toronto Centre for the Liberals with 12% less of the vote than Bill Morneau did in 2019 (no Conservative candidate), whereas the Tories just missed York Centre by 3.9% (Max Bernier, running for the PPC, got 3.6% of the vote).

    Just sayin’.

    1. She’s a perfect liberal. Was as dense as the boreal forest as a journalist*. Has the right colour of skin in these political days and being a TV celebrity*.
      To paraphrase Neil Diamond (my apologies) Girl You’ll Be a Senator Soon.
      (*Terms used loosely)

  11. Saw Sask ndp leader Ryan Meili’s concession speech declaring what a great campaign the ndp ran.
    No. It was a failure. Lowest popular vote count for the socialists since their inception.
    Here’s a couple suggestions.
    Get rid of the scraggly ‘beard but not really a beard’ look; your hipster friends may think it’s cool but in retail politics it ain’t a good look.
    Find a new campaign slogan. The ‘putting people first’ slogan may have worked at one time but this is 2020, not 1960.

    1. When you have senior Dipper academics and retired poobahs quoted on the CBC as saying the NDP and Sask Liberal Party should make a new party on the Left you should maybe take the hint Ryan. When you have to wait for weeks to see if you’ll barely win your own riding, you should maybe take the hint Ryan. But he appears to be just as clueless as the previous deluded, denounced, defrocked, and defeated NDP leaders. LOL. “There are no American soldiers here in Bagdad.” …Comical Ali.

  12. It is a simple concept.

    You want change, you have to vote for someone different.
    You want more of the same, you vote for the same people you have always voted for.

    Saskatchewan has voted for more of the same. More of the same means no fighting Trudeau, no pipelines, continuing carbon tax, continuing lockdowns, and no stopping the internment camps. Have fun, listening to all the people who are still peddling covid panic porn. It is not ending well for you.

  13. So, there are more corona virus cases in Saskatchewan than Liberal voters. It’s a tough choice, but at the end of the day, I would have to agree, I would rather get corona virus than vote Liberal.

  14. How sweet it is to witness the NDP, once again, having their asses handed to them. The icing on the cake will come when Meili’s loss in his own riding is made official.

    Apparently the Saskatchewan electorate failed to grasp the concept of a “bad” government (Meili’s words, not mine). The voters also missed the importance of reviving a government owned bus company that hadn’t shown a profit for over 4 decades. Crown corporations were being sold off left, right and centre by the evil Sask Party. Other than STC, can anyone name even one of these government owned companies that were dumped? Digging up dirt on Premier Moe, which is a common tactic used against opponents by the NDP when they have nothing else to offer, also seems to have backfired. The revelation that the premier was involved in a fatal auto accident years ago and was common knowledge seemed to appear at an opportune time. I smell a big orange rat on that one and for those that don’t, well you haven’t been paying attention.

    Sadly and inexplicably the cretins in my riding reelected the completely useless NDP candidate. Perhaps the catchy “People First” slogan enticed them to vote stupidly.

  15. 1 last comment on the Sk. election. The popular vote count on Monday must give even the most ardent NDP supporter pause for concern. 1938 was the last time the socialist popular vote was lower. Through the years even when the CCF/NDP sat in opposition they could always take heart knowing they had 35% of the committed vote before any campaign started. This result is a genuine kick in the ass for them.
    We were talking about hegemonic the other day relating it to the so-called ‘right’ in BC.
    Here’s some hegemony for you. Our area in Saskatchewan was represented by the socialists for 65 years through 16 provincial elections; Farmer-Labor starting in 1934, CCF from 1938 to 1967, and NDP from 1967 to 1999 when Brad Wall and the Sask Party finally made a breakthrough.
    My Dad, a hard nosed anti-socialist, may he RIP; must be looking down here with a big grin on his face.

  16. CBC posted an online news story about the diverse candidates that have been elected, naming indigenous and female winners in the election for both major parties. They just seemed to miss Lisa Lambert as female!!
