Hold My Barr

US Dept Of Justice;

The U.S. Department of Justice today identified the following three jurisdictions that have permitted violence and destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract criminal activities: New York City; Portland, Oregon; and Seattle, Washington. The Department of Justice is continuing to work to identify jurisdictions that meet the criteria set out in the President’s Memorandum and will periodically update the list of selected jurisdictions as required therein.
The list was published on DOJ’s website today in response to President Trump’s memorandum of September 2, 2020, entitled “Memorandum on Reviewing Funding to State and Local Government Recipients That Are Permitting Anarchy, Violence, and Destruction in American Cities.”
“When state and local leaders impede their own law enforcement officers and agencies from doing their jobs, it endangers innocent citizens who deserve to be protected, including those who are trying to peacefully assemble and protest,” said Attorney General William P. Barr. “We cannot allow federal tax dollars to be wasted when the safety of the citizenry hangs in the balance. It is my hope that the cities identified by the Department of Justice today will reverse course and become serious about performing the basic function of government and start protecting their own citizens.”

37 Replies to “Hold My Barr”

  1. Oh. Damn.

    I am always impatient, I suppose it is natural, given all the so called conservatives in Canada who have been promising a balanced budget since 1970, but have yet to deliver.

    The Donald is moving slowly, yes. But it is clear he is actually moving. I can officially stop being impatient with the US president. There is actual objective evidence that he actually believes what he says, and that he actually is willing to act on his beliefs.

    1. “he actually believes what he says, and that he actually is willing to act on his beliefs.”

      I will vote for him simply because he’s the first politician in decades who won’t wrestle the microphone away from someone to shout how much he hates me and mine wants to see us destroyed.

      1. In what respect is it unconstitutional? What are these many other things he does that are unconstitutional? Is it your view that Bill Barr does not understand the constitution?

        1. Trump is the one that wrote the memo.

          It does not meet the requirements set out by the SCOTUS in South Dakota v. Dole

      2. allay my girl, you wouldn’t know what is, and is not constitutional, even if some one a copy of the constitution up your asshole

        1. Funny ive called out many things that Trump has done that have been tossed. Perfect record.

          This will continue that streak

          1. allay, it’s what they call LAW-FARE, dims use demoKKKrap judges to toss Trumps EO, and then it goes to the scotus, and gets re-instated. You need to quit getting yer news from fake news out lets!!

          2. Oldbruin:

            – one of his first executive ordere pulling funding for sanctuary cities. Tossed, never appealed.

            – first version of the muslim immigration ban

            – Trumps challenge to California SB54 which is the states sanctuary law. Federal appeals court sided with California. Barr appealed to SCOTUS who didnt bother hearing the case.

            – Trumps pulling of Byrne grants. Four federal circuits have called it unconstitutional (1st, 3rd, 7th, and 9th) with the 2nd saying it is legal. Likely heading to SCOTUS where it will be ruled unconstitutional

            – this one, which follows many of the same plotlines as above.

  2. Or what? Sorry … I am growing weary of words and paper that change nothing. We are standing by as leftist leaders and their street thugs dismantle our nation and society. Color me cynical.

    1. If city councils face funding cuts due to their reluctance to enforce the law, there’s an excellent chance they will change their policies.

    1. Grumps, it will be possible for the media to say that, but after an interval to allow the local and state governments to demonstrate they aren’t going to change their ways, federal law enforcement agencies will move in, deputize the local and state police thus:

      “Everybody who wants to work, to do the job you signed up for, come with us. The rest of you, stay here and wait for the bankrupt local authorities – we aren’t going to fund – to pay you for doing nothing.”

    2. NO , like Bill Gates said “The States did not Isolate all the Hi-Tech (Silicon Valley) American Citizens when they all flew back…. Sounds like those States are guilty of Manslaughter… and liability in civil courts for Trillions (more likely than Not)… The 14th amendment has State RIGHTS & consequences

      The Corrupt 9th circuit Controls ALL the Pacific gateways… That MUST change ASAP

  3. I imagine Trump sitting peacefully at his desk in the Oval Office, accomplishing real things like Mid-East peace, hundreds of judicial appointments, renegotiating NAFTA, etc.
    In comes the media – a herd of yapping chihuahuas, jumping up and nipping at Trump’s chair.
    Trump casually reaches over and picks up a shiny red ball, and tosses it far out into the Rose Garden.
    The pack of wild pups dutifully trip over themselves as they run, still yapping and barking, to chase this newest shiny toy.
    Meanwhile, Trump settles back down to a few more minutes of serious work.
    When the exhausted pack returns, Trump repeats….

  4. Well

    They were given ample warning.

    Trump just countered their bs with the golden rule.

    Now they get to understand why socialism fails.

  5. Trump is staking his ground for the election. He’s the law-and-order candidate. The Democrats are the too-woke-to-enforce-the-law party.

    1. Not now,I laugh with you.
      Damn the Demonically possessed are stupid.
      Trump for Law and Order.
      Biden his time for Burn loot Murder.
      I am starting to feel that this Bill Barr may be up to the job.

    1. 2:1 it is tossed by the supremes…. or the ninth? I would like to take your wager but I suspect that you are a weasel. If the supremes toss it I would consider my bet lost and send Kate $100. Under what circumstances would you consider your bet lost and send Kate $200.?

    1. So because rioting, arson, and murder are legal in those jurisdictions, you’re sure it’ll be overthrown?

      The basis for the case you’re referencing is “that activity is legal in our state, therefore your superimposition of a different standard is illegal.”

      You play a pretty good game of chess for a pigeon, but you really need to work on your comprehension skills.

      1. Or if you don’t like that take, how about “the federal funds under discussion are related to destruction caused by the absence of application of the law within those jurisdictions, therefore the lack of a linking mechanism between the funding and the behavior is not applicable.”

        The first is the moral argument, the second is the legal (since it’s not in the domain of lawyers, who aren’t known for being moral).

      2. C_Miner….pigeons are ahm, shit hawks, so good use of therm. alla ass, thinks paper work stops china steel from crossing the border, ‘cept in 1987 I crossed said border with 6 thousand pound gear pump, and no documentation as to source of steel. My paper work was not even in order, but I still crossed, it took a $40 hand shake to get paper work sorted. Poor little allan knows not of what she talks

      3. In South dakota v dole the SCOTUS set 5 conditions that the Feds have to meet in order to pull specific funding. Read up on it.

        1. You are grasping at straws. South Dakota v. Dole concerned Congressional vs. state jurisdiction in setting minimum age for drinking.
          We are not talking about jurisdiction here, we are talking about corruption. Yes, allowing gangs to commit arson and to destroy property is corruption. In 2010, city officials of Bell, California were found guilty in federal court of corruption, and sentenced to jail terms and to repay the money taken from tax payers of Bell. There was no constitutional question of jurisdiction. And there is none here. The Constitution is not intended to protect corruption.
          I hope the mayors of the affected cities get the same verdict as those city officials of Bell, that is, sentenced to jail terms and to repay the damages to the cities. That would be true justice.

          1. It most certainly applies, it is about federal funding being used as coercion. Something Trump has had issues understanding since day 1.

            Until he does, he will keep losing.

        2. Allan S,you may be entirely correct with regard to President Trump making edicts which are, over time, reversed by due process.
          That’s a reasonable claim, and you may prove entirely correct is stating that such edicts may be negated or overturned by the SCOTUS or lesser Courts.
          The point is that PDJT is using a common tactic employed by governors whereby the process is the punishment.
          One recalls the, Kavanaugh hearings, the Mueller investigation, and Impeachment of a Republican President by a Democrat majority Congress.
          All are splendid examples of using process to inflict punishment on a person.

          The so called ‘Muslim ban’ may have been disallowed, but the edict was not lost on those who voted for PJDT.
          One expects many voted thusly because common folks are sick and tired of having legal process used as punishment against common folks, and wanted a businessman running the country rather than a lawyer with questionable judgement in many previous matters.
          Prior to entering the White House, PJDT had many years of experience dealing with process dictated by others, and one expects that he is fully aware of using process to stymie that with which he – and by extension those who support him – disagrees.

        3. Does it come as a surprise to you to hear that not all pages that can be found in a search say the same thing? The law school briefing I chose as my base said nothing about “5 conditions”.

          Either coy or stupid, your refusal to actually post the links you’re using as your basis (which, in the past, have often said the opposite of what you think they do so I don’t blame you for not including them now) makes you one of the dumbest posters we’ve ever had here.

          By all means, keep doing the strutting pigeon act, at least it’s good for laughs.

  6. G.S. brags on his own website how he finances the election campaigns of the Demoncrap city councils and prosecutors. Perhaps he can also offer to pay the bill to clean up the resulting mess.
