44 Replies to “Trudeau’s Rifle Ban Idea Won’t Hurt the Criminals”

  1. Just refuse to comply. Hide all your weapons and ammo. Report them lost in a canoeing accident. If they ask where just point with your lips.

    1. Grease the crap out of it, inside and out. Put it in 4 inch or bigger black plastic plumbing drain pipe and glue caps to each end. Bury it a measured distance between 2 points. Wait for a non-fascist government. Tell a sympathetic kid the coordinates. Oops – lost it.

          1. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

            Oh, and any other Canadian who smuggles a whole new personal arsenal across the US border. It’s got to be easier to smuggle a handgun across the border, than smuggle a Somali National across the border, eh? In fact, I recommend you USE a Somali National to smuggle your guns across the border. The Mounties wouldn’t DARE search a Somali … that would be culturally and religiously … insensitive. That would be raycist.

  2. Objective reality is of no concern to the Spawn and his ilk. The act of taking guns away from citizens is itself, an act of virtue, an article of faith, a progressive bromide cheered on by special people in society who likely have their own taxpayer-funded security detail or those who happily and mindlessly outsource all of their adult responsibilities to the state. Gun controllers are those smug Canadians who exist in an echo chamber where they all agree that Canadians aren’t “Americans” and we have no need of “guns” but grudgingly concede (likely because of FNs) to an increasingly over-regulated morass of regulations making it as difficult as possible for those knuckle dragging deplorable hunters to ply their “barbaric rituals” and that is something they would all like to see “phased out” eventually.

    1. Buddy! Are you serious? For those of us who don’t have criminal friends. This is really bad, potentially fatal advice. Once the criminal has your money, why should he give you the gun, when if you give him trouble, he can just give you a bullet or two?

        1. I take it that means you know how to buy a gun from a criminal without exposing your self to unreasonable risk. I would love to know how but I would have to be a dummy to ask for such information in this forum wouldn’t I. Perhaps acceptable risk differs for you and I.

          1. You aren’t a dummy. Fair question. Typically a middle-man is employed. I don’t have any illegal dealings with anything. I would never buy stolen goods nor illegal weapons unless the zombies were at the door. Again, do you need an AR when you have a semi-auto 6-7 shot shotgun? You can also buy a version with detachable magazines. Uncle Joe Biden was right.
            But if some nut job goes postal in the States with a shotgun, the gun grabbers will aim at them.
            There are 100 million gun owners in the states. 99.999% are law abiding, sane and peace loving people. Same in Canada.

          2. “Again, do you need an AR when you have a semi-auto 6-7 shot shotgun? You can also buy a version with detachable magazines. Uncle Joe Biden was right.”

            Different tools for different jobs. Not everyone enjoys shotguns, I much prefer shooting a 223 riffle than a 12 gauge. To each their own. Besides, “need” is not the only reason to justify owning a gun. “Want” is a reason too. “Like” is a good reason. “Because F*** you” is another perfectly justified reason. Narrowing discussion to need is already a partial capitulation to the enemy.

  3. Before more idiots, who clearly do not own firearms nor have the license start talking about canoe trips:

    Pleases top giving misleading information. Those are restricted registered firearms. You cannot just misplace them somewhere. You are not allowed to travel with them except to range/point of sale/point of service. You cannot hunt with them. You cannot transfer them to another person without notification of authorities, like you can with unrestricted firearms. They have to be safely stored according to a collection of absurd regulations. If you transport them there are further regulations you have to comply with. “Ops I lost them” means all your remaining firearms will be taken away, you license gone, your house searched. No more trips to the range, no more competition, no more hunting. Charges are likely

    1. I did not mention any class of firearm. Use your reading skills. They will come for them all. In the mean time kneel and kiss the ring of your slave master.

      1. “Hide all your weapons and ammo.”
        “I did not mention any class of firearm. ”

        No you said “all” you imbecile with an attention span of a retarded amoeba.

        So now you’re pretending you were just talking in general? About a hypothetical ban that is not discussed, but sure to come eventually? Suuuure.

        Meanwhile, back in the real world, those, who unlike you, own firearms, have more pressing immediate concerns. AR-15s and handguns, which are subjects of the discussed ban(s) are all registered and restricted. Get a clue before posting. Learn the consequences of what you’re proposing. Or are you just an RCMP plant trying to entrap people?

        1. Go back to sucking stale farts out of rump roasts you know well what I was referring too.

          1. Yes I know, you were referring to the bans that were the subject of the article. That means you’re either an uninformed idiot or an RCMP plant. So which is it?

    2. My ranch rifle is half as accurate as an ar 15. If ars wern’t restricted, I would have one. Being an antique myself, I prefer the Winchester m 97 shotgun, having experienced so many malfunctions with semi autos.
      I am old enough that government is unlikely to get so repressive as to make me so desperate as to trust anyone with the skills needed to middle such a deal before I die. Thank God.

  4. Simultaneously with the declaration of the UDI, make open carry LEGAL! Of course, this would only apply in areas that are under the UDI which should keep the Eastern Bastards where they belong.
    FAR, FAR, AWAY!!

    1. Yep open carry and common law rights to immediate self defense with just cause. UDI like I said nullifies all Canadian Law Treaties and agreements. And Canadian Police and Courts have no jurisdiction or standing on the day of Declaration of the UDI.

      1. Yay just remember to get all independent before RCMP goons raid your house and take your guns. Oh wait, you don’t have any guns, you’re just willing to fight the last gun owner.

          1. Right, you’re ready for the civil war. Every mighty 15 year old Internet worrier, who never held a gun, always is.

          2. Please name three people who defied the RCMP when they came for their guns who are alive and free today. Name one who still has his guns.

          3. I’m thinking that a Hell of a lot of the RCMPs may jusy defect to the APP. The Mounties know that they uave lost touch and many are just there for the retirement.

          4. Yes, I am sure all those principled RCMP officers that quit in disgust after the grand “f*** you” to gun owners at High River are just lining up for APP to regain their lost touch, all zero (0) of them.

      1. CRB. If they are just there for the retirement why would they defect to the APP? Is APP going to make up their RCMP pensions and benefits? Also do we mean APP or ANP?

  5. I am sure the imported gang bangers in Toronto will get rid of their rifles immediately. Trudeau is a fool as are all who support him.

  6. Register Indians and Third Worlders. Not decent people’s guns.

    Then put the Indians and Third Worlders beyond use, as they say in Ulster. Not decent people’s guns.

    Hey presto—a crime-free nation.

  7. When a gun is used in a crime is the criminal charged with illegal possession of a gun?

    And if in the cases where they are actually convicted of having/using an illegal gun, do the judges impose consecutive sentences?

    I suspect not, but I really don’t know for sure.

    1. *
      you’re not familiar with Toronto’s infamous
      catch and release program?

      Leigh Ming, 34, of Toronto, was convicted of possession of a firearm and received
      time served — 45 days pre-sentence custody — and a $10 fine.

      Note that this is the guy who went on to commmit Toronto’s first murder of 2019.


  8. howcum criminals cant get a gun leagally?
    -because they committed a crime. dats crime #1
    but they obtain one anyway either by theft or underground source. but they havent done the paperwork because they are not permitted.
    but they get a gun anyway.
    -that’s crime #2, merely having one in their hand is illegal.
    why do they obtain the gun? target practice with the boyz afta wurk? collector’s item? conversation piece?
    no, to commit armed robbery etc of fence it to someone else. in other words CRIMINAL ACTIVITY
    -THAT is crime #3.

    I brought this up when alan rock tried to use gun legislation as the fast track to pmo.
    and got shouted down on parliament hill, I know, I was there.

    and still cant get a straight answer out of ANY LIEberals.

  9. *
    if guns cause crime, mine must be defective.

    former librano attorney general michael
    bryant’s car has killed more people than
    my firearms.

