“The President of the United States called.”

Conrad Black has been pardoned. And rightfully so.

“We’ve known each other a long time,” the president told me, “but that wasn’t any part of the reason. Nor has any of the supportive things you’ve said and written about me.” I suggested that he knew ”better than anyone” the antics of some U.S. prosecutors. (I had had Robert Mueller as director of the FBI, which we caught installing illegal bugging devices in our home in New York and in many falsehoods; James Comey as deputy attorney-general, and Patrick Fitzgerald, now Comey’s counsel, as U.S. attorney in Chicago. They were all, as my distinguished caller on Monday has described Comey, “bad cops.”) We moved briefly on to generalities, greetings to wives, I thanked him for his call and again for the purpose of his call, and the conversation ended.

Glenn Reynolds‘this is also preparing the ground for a bunch of future Trump pardons, which will likely issue after it’s made public just how dirty the Russia “collusion” investigation was.’


26 Replies to ““The President of the United States called.””

  1. The same evidence that sent him to jail in the US won him a $10 million libel lawsuit in the Canada. Absolutely corrupt US justice system. With great foresight, Black divested Hollinger of most of its newspaper assets ahead of their becoming worthless. His business partners did not share his concern for the death of newspapers and went on the attack.

  2. So is Martha Stewart next?
    More proof that those involved in the attempt to take down President Trump and further destroy the USA, should be hung on conviction.
    Otherwise President Slimer, will pardon them.
    And a President Slimer will be elected soon or later, as citizens only pay attention when the wind blows from the mudflats surrounding the swamp.

    Remember President Obama, best gun salesman ever.Or should that be salesperson?In his case.

  3. Wow Kate! What a contrast of back to back stories. Or should I say back to Black stories (I do love Amy Winehouse music).

    First; YOUR Red-PM issues an A-list of “approved” leftist media outlets … and then …
    Second; MY President pardons the unjustly prosecuted and convicted Canadian “right-wing” media magnate Conrad Black.

    What a contrast. MY President is doing his best to restore Freedom of Speech and Justice, while PM-Obama lite is crushing and suppressing Free Speech. I honestly don’t know how much longer your PM will tolerate “evil” “right wing” blogs such as yours. I fear your days are numbered.

      1. It’s coming … triggering anti-trust lawsuits against behemoth Corp’s takes time and legal strategy.

      1. Why in his right mind would he? Canada is kind of a toilet for a guy of his calibre. He’d be better off going to Singapore. People with serious, international level talent should NOT set up in Canada. Canada: the country where good ideas go to die …

  4. This is great news. Conrad Black is one of the greatest Canadians in our time. His perspectives are always a breath of fresh air and his persecution was one of the originals as it foreshadowed current censorship hysteria

  5. It took the Americans to get Black. The securities laws in Canada are so porous he was unable to be successfully prosecuted here. He destroyed the wealth of a lot of investors before the US took him on.

    The same thing happened with hockey czar Alan Eagleson. It wasn’t Canada that put an end to his criminal activity it was the USA.

    Clinton issued what 400? 500? pardons. Included on that list were the Whitewater criminals Susan McDougal and Chris Wade…..oh and Marc Rich.

  6. abtrapper – “He destroyed the wealth of a lot of investors before the US took him on.”

    The board of incompetents that replaced him tanked Hollinger?

    1. Black considered the pension assets the property of the Corporation. If there was to be a shortfall in contributions the Shareholders would be on the hook, not Black. The employees who had skin in the game sued. They won – Black lost.

      How about his treatment of the 2 old women directors in Argus who claim he deceived them and virtually stole their shares?

      You and I are going to disagree on this scar. There are a lot of flies on Black as the cowboys say.

      1. Remember this? Black wasn’t the only one who liked P Funds:

        P.S. With all due respect, if I may:
        With respect to the 2 women directors, it was the “Angus” shares that he ‘charmed’ them out of. (Named after Richard Angus)
        I believe Peter C Newman wrote about that his book,
        “The Canadian Establishment, Volume One”

      2. Thtat is typically how pensions get managed , dumbass. If you ever ready your pension fineprint, you’d see the government (i.e. unelected bureaucrats in MoF) reserve the right to take ithe CPP if needed, to keep the enterprise a going concern.

        Where did YOU study Corp.Fin?

  7. Wherever Black went he stripped the corporations of their wealth. You might recall Dominion stores pension fund was pilfered of 50 million. Massey? Argus? He was constantly under suspicion of the securities laws but unfortunately with the laws we have and the Palooka police (Conrad’s term) force (rcmp) investigating Canada was never able to secure conviction. He destroyed the wealth of a lot of Canadian shareholders.

    I know a lot of SDA’s like Black. I have a number of his books in my library and follow his weekly missives but he has a checkered past and his business dealings have been nefarious.

  8. “pension fund was pilfered of 50 million.”

    And why wouldn’t a defined benefit plan that is over funded be the property of the contributor. Their obligation is to fund benefits, not contributions.

  9. Put this in italics: Black trumpeted Justin Trudeau in the last election and still strokes him. He can eat shit.
    He’s a f**king elitist and wouldn’t cross the street to piss on a prole if their face was on fire.

  10. I’ve never been a Conrad Black fan (because Massey Ferguson, godd@mmit) but the process that sent him to US prison was vastly, wildly corrupt. Same goes for Martha Stewart. Never been a fan, but the prison sentence was BS.

    Nice to see Trump pinning the FBIs ears back like this. Long overdue.

    1. I hope Lord Blacks writing skills help President Trump expose those wildly corrupt prosecutors and judges who twisted the law into a pretzel, without regard for the reputation of the court. Until today I never thought there was the slightest hope for justice in this case. God bless President Trump. May he drain the swamp.
      I have always admired Conrad’s writing but his pursuit of a title reminded me more of captain Morgan than Beaverbrook. Is it perverse of me to cheer on excellence among pirates. Has he taken advantage of investors who would not have done the same to him, given the opportunity?

    2. “Never been a fan, but the prison sentence was BS.”

      My sentiments exactly. And for that reason alone I am happy Trump pardoned him.

  11. // No deadnaming, please. Affirm his pardoned identity. https://t.co/gu54Cj8c0R //
    Plenty of choice there, eh?
    Had to look up “deadnaming”
    Deadnaming is the act of referring to a transgender person’s birth name instead of their chosen name.
