67 Replies to “It’s Art, You Heathens”

  1. I feel so….. enlightened, so….. enriched after having watched that. Rembrandt and Michelangelo pale by comparison to that “intervention”. (sarcasm = off).

    That makes about as much sense as that twit who showed up at the Oscar ceremony wearing a “tuxedo gown” or whatever that idiotic apparel that xe/xer/xit called it. Apparently, it was an act of “resistance” against Trump.

  2. If she/it would get a bigger tire, and ride inside of it, then at least we could roll her/it out of the way, down a hill and into some swamp somewhere.

    It would be her masterpiece, she/it could call “Utopian Equilibrium Reached in Fetid Waters” as the finale to the enthralling series that started with “Attempting to Reach Equilibrium in Times of Dystopia”

    What’s really amazing about her/it’s effort (it’s not work), is that she/it has absolutely no clue how utterly unoriginal and useless is it.

    1. It is unoriginal because it is rather obvious and not useless. I’ve used the analogy of physical forces in balance to social forces in balance for decades myself, but it’s a simple concept easily grasped by very young students.

      Which makes her display sophomoric, at best.

      1. Oh, I disagree … I believe her work is just as deep as Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey. The Apes and an obelisk is no more sophisticated than an Asian Artist balancing on a used tire in the middle of Chicago Traffic. She is obviously … referencing the compression of time and human advancement outstripping our ability to comprehend the perfect wheel of our mechanized existence (see, I DID graduate from UC Berkeley). Our innate human frailties are being run-over by societal evolution. We must step back, and find balance on the wheels of progress. Yeah, it’s deep maaaaan … really fkcuing Deep.

        Oh … and plus … I dig Asian chicks! Esp. the little nimble ones who can balance on tires. Ohhhhh the performance Art I could make with her.

          1. Yes. Now I am quite disappointed to learn we have imported Greeks bearing tires into our nation. More than ONE MILLION legal immigrants per year since 1979. Too. many. Trojan. Horsefaces, coming from a chronic debtor nation with no sense of economic reality. This Greek-American can take her tire and go home. She’s become quite tiresome.

    2. There are two kinds of people on earth to-day;
      Just two kinds of people, no more, I say.

      Not the sinner and saint, for it’s well understood,
      The good are half bad, and the bad are half good.

      Not the rich and the poor, for to rate a man’s wealth,
      You must first know the state of his conscience and health.

      Not the humble and proud, for in life’s little span,
      Who puts on vain airs, is not counted a man.

      Not the happy and sad, for the swift flying years
      Bring each man his laughter and each man his tears.

      No; the two kinds of people on earth I mean,
      Are the people who lift, and the people who lean.

      Wherever you go, you will find the earth’s masses,
      Are always divided in just these two classes.

      And oddly enough, you will find too, I ween,
      There’s only one lifter to twenty who lean.

      In which class are you? Are you easing the load,
      Of overtaxed lifters, who toil down the road?

      Or are you a leaner, who lets others share
      Your portion of labor, and worry and care?”
      – Ella Wheeler Wilcox

      1. Actually, there are 10 kinds of people.

        Those who recognize binary digits and those who do not.

  3. “Angeliki aims to… challenge the existence of social, economic, cultural, and class-based inequalities.”

    Two observations immediately come to mind:
    1: She is entirely maintained by the labor of others and chooses to be so by her own agency.
    2: Her method of obtaining balance is static, precluding the possibility of progress.

    And I’m old enough to remember when people who aimed to “challenge the existence of social, economic, cultural and class-based inequalities” were the coal miners, steel mill workers and farmers she is oppressing in order to be able to promulgate her supposedly class conscious “art.”

  4. Big mistake back in the sixties and seventies when they cleared out the looney bins and threw the nutcases onto the streets.

  5. The acid (LSD ..?), in Chicago, must be high quality, abundant & cheap.
    Art..?? uh no.
    Stupid..?? uh yea.
    Stoned..? without a doubt.

    1. The most interesting part of this clip is that nobody ..nobody … gave her a second glance. Meh. Seen it. Done it. EXCEPT … the police officer – whose job it is to check these things out (never got out of the car, never did anything about it) … and … the ONE voice with an English accent asking “if she’s alright”. THAT was a great study in modern culture! The people’s non-reaction to … well … insanity.

      1. There was an older couple right around the 2:30 mark. It appears the woman warned the man to “watch out for the tire woman”. What it looked like to me anyway. Could have been part of the performance.

    2. I kept waiting for an automotive “Screeeeech!”, followed by a “ker-splat”. Then, I guess, her piece could have been entitled “Suicide by Performance Art in a Busy Urban Street”.

      1. Someone showed some intelligence (I refuse to credit the artist for that) in picking that spot. As the camera pans, you can see she is actually sheltered by the traffic island and there is no left turn from that side. All-in-all, a relatively safe place to do this lunacy.

      2. I believe she was smart enough to camp out at the end of a robust landscaped median where NO LEFT TURNS were permitted. Excepting, of course … hers.

        Thank you, Kate … I am having a BALL with this story

  6. Back in the day we called the ‘easy’ girls tire biters; never thought I would see a girl deliberately put her face on a tire.

  7. “Is she alright?” No, she’s clearly “a little touched in the head.”

    And apparently her parents never warned her about the dangers of playing in the road.

  8. Marx is the study of class induced income inequality, between the ruling class and the quiet as a mouse serf class.

    Determinist neo-bourgeoisie theory catalyzed by Marx’s malevolent misunderstanding of economics and human psychology.

    That is where he and Hitler meet, with ignorance abounding and inevitably lethal results.

  9. Being the simple country boy from Manitoba that I am, I am so pleased that some of the more sophisticated have explained this work of art to me, which I erroneously saw as “some nutcase rolling across the road on a tire”.

    Back home when I grew up she’d have been arrested and shipped to the mental institution at Brandon.

    Thank allah for progress.

  10. Later on in life she’s gonna be a hoot in the nursing home. Imagine her pulling that with a wheel chair? The nurse who walks by will think she’s signalling for her daily herbal enema flush.

    1. Oh, that’ll appear in the feminist remake of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest that’s, no doubt, being discussed by some Hollyrot movie studio.

  11. My first impression was “that is amazing”. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a pure heathen from the Ozark Mountains.

    1. The art installation is titled “Tire on tire”, so yes she is riding a tire with her belly.

  12. A Michael Bryant having once again celebrated his anniversary with wine would have perfected the whole inequality installation.

    1. Or, as Dorothy Parker once put it, “You can lead a whore to culture but you can’t make her think.”

  13. Paint a target on a round piece of wood and put it in the tire and she can teach us another lesson……..children shouldn’t play in traffic !

  14. Intersectionality! At an intersection! Wow! Deep man (if that is the term au courant).

    Or, given the wind, a chilling statement upon intersectional intersections in Chicago.

  15. They had to close down the loony bins and let all the nuts out into the streets, we can’t afford to hospitalize the 25%+ of the population that is too mentally ill to function in a sane and rational manner.

    1. Ha! When I erroneously thought she was Asian …
      I wanted to Yokohama that mamma!
      I wanted to Kumhon her … sorry … that’s just awful … shame on me.

  16. Anyone else see the metaphor of an empty millennial baby bump surrounded by rubber? Not much future coming out of that generation.

  17. she’s “challenging the existence of social, economic, cultural, and class-based inequalities.” Yes, she’s challenged alright

  18. Call me a pervert but what jumped into my mind when viewing this artistic display is to tie her to a bigger tire and then
    do her doggie style and then anally. (I’m sorry for lowering the discourse here)

    1. As long as you do her doggy style or anally to challenge the existence of social, economic, cultural, and class-based inequalities, its ok because it is art.

      ( I am using leftist logic to make fun of people like that woman on a tire in the street who is convinced she is doing something of value…using leftist logic against leftists is one of my favorite activities ! )
