Simulated Thinking

Ever get into a discussion with a Leftist and soon realize that they seem incapable of dealing with the facts you bring up and logic you employ? It’s almost as if their brains are locked into a script . . .

33 Replies to “Simulated Thinking”

    1. Colon, lefties are more “emotional” than right wingers, generally speaking, and emotionalism shuts down the protion of the brain were logic is processed. Now, religion is an emotional construct, and it also shuts down the logic area of the brain. So libtardism and religion have a lot of common ground. As to your autistic comment, you don’t know what autism is it appears.

      1. Faith in leftist belief, like global warming, and faith in an transcendental God, at a spiritual and deeply personal level not intended to indoctrinate, are two utterly different things. They really don’t understand religious faith do you? Maybe it’s better you don’t comment on an area of which you have no understanding or curiosity. I would suggest you have a discussion with a truly faithful person to test your version of (anti) faith, instead of assuming they “shut down” logic.

        Otherwise you’re just another identity fascist like the Dems, who assume they know all based on their narrow world view.

        Not dangerous like them, but still a fascist.

  1. They kind of miss the origins of the meme. It’s based on a study where it was observed that something like 20% of people have no inner voice and therefore do not think. Based on my observations I would say that’s probably the low bar.

    1. An insult to reptiles, who at least have a self-preservation instinct. Like most animals, they are afraid of humans and only harm them if provoked or truly starving.

      With few exceptions, committed leftists are perverts who are sexually aroused by the thought of torturing, raping and killing good, decent people or watching someone else do it for them. Globalists enjoy orgies where they gangrape children. Their feminist allies enjoy the thought of their ex-husbands being sent to prison for crimes they did not commit, to be gangraped by black thugs with huge you-know-whats.

      Reptile brains? Reptiles only mate for the purposes of procreation. The disgusting fantasies that dominate the thoughts of leftists are not of nature. They are the product of physical flaws or chemical imbalances in the brain—for which, of course, it is impossible to research reliable cures, as those who control the pursestrings for scientific research believe it is good, decent men who love their wives who are insane.

        1. The first clue someone is a lunatic is assigning normalcy to themselves, like centrists seen as “extremists.”

      1. “…to be gangraped by black thugs with huge you-know-whats…”

        And again you go back to your favorite fantasy. Hard to image a more obvious cry for help from the closet.

  2. Yup I have.
    A former, very long term friend, went bananas with Bush-lied-people-died hysteria. Subsequently I sent him a piece from Right Wing News containing 35 quotes from top tier Dem pols, including the Clintons, Kerry, et al, pointing out the urgent need for regime change in Iraq. I thought, Well that’ll put paid to that debate. Nope.
    It was my first big epiphany on leftist thinking, or rather, emoting.

    It taught me to never again engage in debate with a progresssive. It’s an all pain no gain exercise.

    1. D’ya wanna know what caused my hardcore leftist sister-in-Law to stop talking with me? Here it is … yep, she hasn’t spoken to me or attended any family event with me present since 2004.

      Yep, during Al Gore’s contentious Florida recount … I sent her that HUMOROUS cartoon. I honestly thought it was somewhat neutral, and she’d laugh at it. But she’s a humorless leftist c()not. She literally had a FREAK-out MELT-down and sent a 3-page letter to my wife citing all the reasons she should divorce me because I was obviously not right in the head … and that her email I sent the cartoon to … can be observed by her hardcore leftist corporation (Oracle) … and that she could get FIRED if anyone discovered that (obvious) rightwing cartoon.

      Yes, the left are seriously messed up in the brain. Seriously.

    2. Progressives consider themselves as a SJW derivative of liberalism, but in reality they are fascist derivatives of socialism.

    1. What goes alone with the woke NPC leftists is deepities – “The word deepity, coined by the philosopher Daniel Dennett, refers to a phrase that seems true and profound but is actually ambiguous and shallow…. Before the listener has a chance to realize that the allegedly deep insight is actually pseudo-profound bullshit, the speaker has already moved on.
      Although the famously atheistic Dennett introduced the concept of deepities in order to deflate the rhetoric of theologians, it’s equally useful for deflating the rhetoric of intellectuals, politicians, and pundits—rhetoric designed, as George Orwell put it, to “give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” ”

      Examples : No human is illegal, all politics are identity politics, science is just another belief system.

  3. NPCs are a good description of the woke left. Their social justice programming is rote learning for progressives. To be fair, it’s not exclusive to the left. It’s more of a personality type – rigid, uncreative, incurious, dogmatic followers. The woke left tends to attract more of these people right now but those types will follow whatever fashionable movement gives them a sense of moral righteousness and unearned power. Chanting, mobs, vigilantism, doom hysteria, calls for suspension of basic rights….it’s all been done before.

    1. “NPCs are a good description of the woke left. Their social justice programming is rote learning for progressives.” Exactly.

      NPC thinking and behavior today gives you some idea of the thinking behind the system that enslaved and killed millions in the Soviet Union and as well as my extended family living there.

  4. Jordan Peterson addressed this issue with regard to ideology. He pointed out that leftists are ideologues i.e. they have a fixed process by which the world can be interpreted and dealt with. The upshot is that when a “problem” is observed its parameters are fed into the ideological mental sausage machine. Whatever the outcome is is taken to be the “correct” solution regardless of the real-world consequence. If the outcome is demonstrably not a solution or even an aggravation of the original problem then the “solution” is to simply feed the result back through the ideological sausage machine over and over again. Since, in the eyes of leftists, the ideology cannot possibly be flawed, suboptimal outcomes can only result from: 1. not enough ideological process or 2. “SABOTAGE”. Typical examples would be “gun control” to deal with inner city violence, or increased nationalization of the economy to deal with poverty e.g. Venezuela. And if the existence of a problem puts the lie to ideological articles of faith then the one identifying the problem (e.g. ethnic gangs grooming underage girls for rape) then the one identifying the problem is an “xxxphobe, racist, bigot, hater” etc. etc. and need not be listened to. Slavish adherence to the ideological tenets and process comes first, last and always.

  5. The Who;”Won’t be fooled again”,keeps springing to mind as I consider the mental state of the lovely progressive cliche.
    These persons took themselves beyond conversation decades ago.
    Once again.
    Monty Python is not an instruction manual.
    “We are all individuals here….” ‘I’m not”.
    Every fad,stupidity and foolishness cycles through the generations.
    The maddened Mob is the more aggressive side of our ugliness.
    From this the Witch Trails arose.
    Those who try to whip the mob into a frenzy,then direct the beast against their enemies are fools.
    The mob eats its own first.

  6. The group of leftists that I would lump in as generally fitting the NPC meme would be the media as they appear to use a format that consistently yields one or more of their limited number of favoured narratives.

  7. Hope and Change. A guy actually got elected to the US Presidency twice by offering the abstracts of “Hope and Change.” That’s all you need to know about why the meme applies to these people…these tens of millions of people. It’s scary…and hilarious.

  8. The nearly universal response is a platitude (97% of scientists agree ,diversity is our strength ect.) ,a personal attack or a label. This will typically be done in a manner telling you how clueless, stupid or uneducated you are. Faced with evidence contrary to there position tends to bring out a great deal of anger. I can only conclude they must be very frustrated at not having a defensible position or response .
