How Many Deaths Is Walt Disney Responsible For Worldwide?

Montreal Gazette;

The city of Montreal is implementing measures to reduce coyote attacks after three were reported in the past week, two of them involving small children.

In a statement sent to the Montreal Gazette, the city said it’s working closely with the Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks “to take action on the presence of coyotes on Montreal’s territory, in response to the situation as it evolves.”

The city said it’s installing baits and cameras in the Ahuntsic-Cartierville and Villeray–St-Michel–Parc-Extension boroughs, and starting a patrol to scare coyotes away in Parc des Hirondelles and along Papineau Ave. to St-Lucie Park, in collaboration with GUEPE, a wildlife-education group.
“The bait is to attract them so they can be seen on camera in order to evaluate their behaviour (to see whether they are aggressive or not),” Youssef Amane, a spokesperson for Montreal’s executive committee, explained.

It could work.

h/t JM

82 Replies to “How Many Deaths Is Walt Disney Responsible For Worldwide?”

  1. “to take action” & “to scare away”
    Translation: To spend $1000s doing nothing useful. Typical government “work”.

    Keep your kids safe, nobody else will.

  2. They need to employ the 3 S approach – shoot, shovel and shut up. The other approach will not work at all because the coyotes are smarter than city hall and the ministry of forests, wildlife and parks.

    1. May I recommend hanging the coyote carcasses on the fence (rather than burial) … to ward-off the rest of the pack?

      1. My friend does that. I don’t know if its effective but what the heck. And he puts it at his property entrance so any other type of coyote might notice as well.

    2. Perhaps the city council people need the overstock cameras for their homes, in case they or the delivery man gets attacked, or something like that. Ah, yes.

      The part that makes me really wonder about this is it partially in Surfer Boy’s riding, “along Papineau Ave” as quoted in this article? And what about “the P A T R O L team to scare the coyotes away?” Who are these people and how much do they get paid? There is some mention of the “Ministry of Forests Wildlife and Parks” in this article, isn’t that a Federal portfolio? Yes, right. This smells funny. Just saying.

      During the Duplessis years they foisted the care of unwed girls to the Federal Government because Adoptions were in the hands of the Federal gov. Could be this be the Liberal way? Create the problem because they have the solution? Ya know another Win/Win, bla, bla, bla…just saying.

      This must be a make work project for some bilingual people. Yes, just guessing, I could be wrong. Just saying.

  3. I encounter coyotes during my predawn runs (Niagara Escarpment) and they’ve never bothered me, although i sure as heck don’t try to get friendly with them. Tip – avoid speaking French. Apparently it irritates them.

    1. @ 1:37 pm Christopher

      Good tip to not speak French to the Montreal coyotes. Good laugh! When I lived there I never saw one… only frogs. Heh heh.

      However, my spy camera here in Calgary revealed a new addition to the collection of 9 or so critters that have so far appeared. Last June, one hot evening @ 31°C, a bobcat appeared. Some magpies were so loud that when I looked out I actually saw him run away from them. Won’t be the first cat to run away from some chicks!

      1. Not so much hillbilly French as 16th century. Our Lower Canada Habitants were abandoned here by their Lords and Ladies in Versailles. There were no modifiers to their accent due to relative isolation from their homeland.

  4. Great video showing the intellect of the average Canadian (if he was Canadian).
    We wonder why these animals are not afraid when they kill a young woman that was attacked in the park in one of the Atlantic provinces, until we see episodes like this. If that coyote had been hungry enough all his cussing and scatting would have accomplished diddly squat. That close to a work camp, perhaps the more prudent action would have been to have the animal dispatched. When they start showing up in the Don Valley or Humber Valley ravines perhaps Mr. Tory will have his answer as to why Torontonians need guns, if it isn’t to keep the gang-bangers, drug dealers, and terrorists at bay then maybe it will be to keep a lid on the “furwy wittle cweatures”.

  5. What’s the old saying? Familiarity breeds attacks?

    It used to be that any coyote or wolf in these parts was hightailing at about 40 mph in the opposite direction when it saw a human. Then the city slickers started moving into the country-side with their enlightened ideas: Disney good/hunters and guns bad. So the varmints get bigger and bolder.

    Some of these folks, when they start losing livestock, swallow their pride and principles and call me….wondering if there is anything I can do to help them. And I give them the best, well-meaning advice possible: get a rifle.

  6. Coyotes and refugees…

    If we are nice to them they will not hurt us… or so the average person (usually a liberal by default) believes.

    baiting them with food to videotape them…will that not make more coyotes come to the area as they will associate that park with easy food?

    Will Trudeau pass a motion to make coyote-hatred illegal ?

    1. “…will that not make more coyotes come to the area as they will associate that park with easy food?” Yes it will. Furthermore, they will begin to congregate in packs rather than just a den of parents and pups.

  7. Press idiots claim two of the attacks were on small children then document 3 on presumably small children ages 3, 5, and 5. Perhaps one of these was a little overweight.
    So…. Don’t feed the animal, the government will.
    They will evaluate, by film, whether or not the animal(s) is/are aggressive. This after 3 documented attacks on children.
    “Does this animal look aggressive to you Liberal Party member?”
    “No, it looks so fluffy and cute. Let’s feed it some more, near the park, to get more pictures of fluffy cuteness for our constituents.”
    Facking idiots.
    This is why people own guns.

  8. A committee of Montrealers is going to see video of “in city coyotes”, and decide if coyotes are aggressive?

    Is that what I’m reading here?

    I think the City of Montreal should send a select group of their most over weight (fat actually..) grade 5 teachers to video and view these misunderstood pups in their natural in city habitat and then decide what’s best for the rest…

    *perhaps renaming the North American Coyote as the “Western Coyote” or maybe “Albertan Wild Dog” would help. Then they can vote for separation again. Bi-yearly if need be, until successful.

    *Is it just me, or do others slip in the hyphenated “bi” at the slightest suggestion whenever the subject of Quebec is spoken of.

    1. “…perhaps renaming the North American Coyote as the “Western Coyote” or maybe “Albertan Wild Dog” …”

      canis horribilis trumpus?

  9. Pretty much all of the above.

    A municipal bounty does not work well though as we learned in our municipality, as hunters will shoot them elsewhere and bring in the evidence for collection. They were shooting them all over the place. To spread the cost, the bounty has to be regional in nature.

    In today’s society though, a publicized bounty would not be accepted as the coyotes would be deemed more valuable than the children.

    That coyote in the video has a beautiful coat. I have seen many that are full of mange and almost hairless.

    1. a pack of coyotes can/will kill wolves. Near here, 2 sharpes went to check out the coyote singin group, never came back. Both were dead as door nails. For those who don’t know about sharpes, they are Chinese pit bulls:-)))

  10. They’re all over the place in Phoenix. I met up with a pack of them in South Mountain Park while walking the dog. I could see them wondering if it was worth it to try. The dog and I convinced them it was going to hurt and they took off.

    But they for sure thought about it first.

  11. It is usually at this point of public discussion that a greenie-weenie pseudo-expert will interject that “hunting is useless and counter-productive because studies have shown that coyotes respond to hunting pressure by having larger litters”. And there is a grain of truth to that – because if you have twenty denning females in a given area, and you kill five of them, it will in theory leave more food for the remainder….and more food can result in larger, healthier animals with larger litters.

    The funny thing is though, the clowns who make these arguments against hunting as an effective method of control are the same dickheads who decry the hunting and trapping that removed the bears/coyotes/wolves from the local habitat in the first place. Too bloody stupid to realize that one of their arguments neuters the other.

    No juggling of the numbers or misrepresentation of facts can make inroads into the argument that total eradication has a curtailing effect on population growth.

  12. When I lived out in the sticks east of Edmonton, the coyotes were wily and bold. They lured my dog one day and tore him up good. He managed to bolt and get home, bleeding bad. They had pinned him and chewed his paws and neck. 75 stitches later, he learned the lesson. The vet recommended a gun, like the cattle farmers out there whom I regularly saw on quads in their fields with rifles. Don’t screw with coyotes, and don’t worry about killing a few…they are ubiquitous.

  13. Bait coyotes with food to scare them off? That would be a double stupid.

  14. For what this is worth,

    I am no expert but I saw a documentary maybe 5 years ago in which they were explaining that ” experts” were surprised to find out that coyotes and wolves sometimes well have babies for lack of the correct term, and there are now here and there in North America an animal that is a cross between coyote and wolf, something everyone thought was impossible.

    They were saying loss of habitat and a reduced wolf population might explain why this is happening. Occasinally, a male wolf that could not find a female wolf chose a female coyote instead.

    maybe that explains why coyotes are bolder? ( are they bolder now? I am no expert on that topic, some say they are ) because they have a bit more wolf DNA in them?

    1. Crosses? I thought the wolf term for coyote was delicious. Wolves were natures controlling factor for coyotes.

      1. the ministry here in ontarIowe has brought in mountain lions for that job. There a shit load of wolf/coyote hybrids around here. Dogs and wolf often cross with coyotes. Wolves rarely bother coyotes, as coyotes run in packs, were as wolves run solo

        1. Everything must be bass ackwards in Ontario? Never seen a pack of coyotes in Alberta. Never heard of one.

    2. In Vermont we call them “coy dogs” but they are wolf crosses, DNA showed. What I read is that they started in Ontario, and now there are a couple million of them. They are bigger than coyotes. One night I was walking my dog on the frozen lake in a full moon and my dog took after a pair. He is a Labrador and stood up to the big one face to face, the small one looked more like a coyote and was half the size. The dog came running back to me, and I doubt that the coy dogs wanted to take on the two of us, so they trotted off out over the lake.

    3. As this article states similar to what you’re saying.

      Yep. Two of them took our 12 lb dog right around the back deck stairs about 3 yrs ago, they killed him in an instant.
      They have likely taken him had I not startled THEM back so fast…

      They had been showing themselves for about a yr and not easily scared off, my neighbour a farmer was shooting at them.
      I’m from northern ON – now living east, and coyotes have always been super ‘shy’ of humans and not nearly as big as the two that were at our place on the hunt.

  15. When I was 5 years old and went for mile long walks in the bush coyotes were afraid of me. That was because we worked on the theory that everyone tried to kill every coyote they ever saw. Bears too. Anyone who doesn’t shoot at coyotes will ultimately bear the responsibility for killing a kid. I still shoot at every coyote and bear I see. I still hit the odd one.

  16. That was an interesting video,I’d say of a partially domesticated young coyote who’s been hanging around that work camp since it was a pup. Sometimes the cook staff in logging camps I frequented would feed the local wildlife out of sheer boredom. The creature in the video has no fear of humans probably because it’s used to being well treated by them.
    Any coyotes I’ve ever encountered who are really wild, don’t act like playful pups but get the hell outta town as soon as they see a human. All you have to do is pick up anything remotely resembling a rifle and they’re gone!

    My border collie plays in exactly the same way, biting at my foot until she gets a reaction, usually I pretend to chase her,which is what she wants, and in response she runs circles around me to show who’s the superior being.

    Unknown but completely factual is; a wild animal will NOT attack a liberal. They are protected by a shield of virtue that is well recognized by all wild creatures.

    1. While it is true that a wild animal will not attack a liberal, it will lure a liberal to the edge of a cliff, and liberals being off balance and all, well there’s a lot of “where’s George?”. And we can be thankful for that.

  17. I’m not an expert but the expert I know told me the following about coyotes…

    Coyotes hunt alone or in pairs but not in a pack. Over the years, however, coyotes have been breeding with wolves (coywolf) and these animals are aggressive pack hunters, larger than the coyote and often mistaken for dogs. A coywolf will lead a dog away from its home into unfamiliar surroundings where the rest of the pack shows up for an impromptu dinner. Wolves hunt in packs. Coyotes hunt alone or in pairs. Coywolves hunt in packs and are probably the ones taking down livestock.

    1. “Coyotes hunt alone or in pairs”

      Mostly see singletons, rarely a pair, and never a pack – never.

        1. They are probably wolf crosses then. We have them in the large swamp near here, and they howl like wolves and hunt deer in packs. I don’t think Coyotes hunt deer unless they get a lucky break with a fawn.

    2. Lure female coyotes or whatever they are trying to lead a dog away from its yard is a common occurrence in our neck of the woods.

      1. Exactly right! Several years back I was awakened in the middle of the night by frantic yipping and barking. Stepping outside in my jock, I saw my dog, a large virile shepherd-cross, halfway up the driveway with a yapping coyote bitch not far ahead. Some distance behind her I could make out a pack of 5 or 6 more. I quickly stepped back and grabbed my 12 gauge and let go a couple blasts over top of them. They vamoosed, but I immediately regretted not plugging 1 or 2 of them!

        1. I keep my 12-gauge loaded with No. 4 high-base turkey loads. It will pepper those ‘yotes pretty well out past 50 yards. After a dose like that, they just don’t hang around.

  18. How about bait and shoot? Or trap?

    There must be experienced people around who make a business out of safely removing problem coyotes in suburban environments. It is done with wild hogs. If the coyotes are smart enough to know when they are being hunted even a little pressure might drive them out.

    1. “How about bait and shoot? Or trap? There must be experienced people around who make a business out of safely removing problem coyotes in suburban environments.”

      Hey! small c! Wake up, man….it’s MONTREAL….a large Canadian city….full of progressive tree-huggers.

      They’re the type of people who elect arseholes who come up with useless (but palatable) solutions like trap-and-neuter.

      1. Duh. Ever hear of a rhetorical question?

        The solution to this problem is the same as the solution to the mountain lion and wolf predation on the livestock of early settlers of North America. Extermination of them in populated areas.

      2. Duh. Ever hear of a rhetorical question? You know, one that is raised to make a point because the answer is already well known?

        These people in Montreal don’t realize that this problem has been encountered and solved by others in Quebec ( the habitants ), long before this enlightened generation came along, and the solution that worked was extermination of the predators in built-up areas.

  19. Typical. “Everybody knows about it.”
    This guy tried to get something done long before the three kids were bit.
    Looks like you have to get rid of the Liberals in order to get rid of the coyotes.
    So, what’s the best bait for a Liberal trap?
    (Catch and release of course, within Canada, but far enough so they won’t find their way back.)

  20. Bait…capture…Neuter.. That will work!!

    The Sierra Club and the U.S. Forest Service were presenting an alternative to the Wyoming ranchers for controlling the coyote population. It seems that after years of the ranchers using the tried and true method of shooting or trapping the predators, the Sierra Club had a “more humane” solution to this issue._
    What they were proposing was for the animals to be captured alive. The males would then be castrated and let loose again.

    This was ACTUALLY proposed by the Sierra Club and by the U.S. Forest Service. All of the ranchers thought about this amazing idea for a couple of minutes. Finally an old fellow in the back of the conference room stood up, tipped his hat back and said: “Son, I don’t think you understand our problem here … These coyotes ain’t F—ing our sheep – they’re eatin’ ’em!”_

    1. The record of neutering wild dogs wouldn’t set well with the PETA folks… neutered wild (male) dogs are eventually set upon by the pack and killed; it’s not like neutering cats.

      I presume that coyote behavior would be pretty similar, and the more humane solution would be to just kill them.

  21. Go back to paying Bounties on them and if the PETA jerks dont like it tell the to GET A LIFE

  22. Disney’s best condemnation comes from their own movie. “The Fox and the Hound”, which portrays the fox and hound as chummy pals, is a far cry from the actual novel by Daniel Mannix, in which the fox and hound end up being dedicated enemies. The hound goes on a long, long hunt for the fox, and eventually wins out in the hunt – at the cost of the hound’s life; he wears himself out to death. So both fox and hound are dead – only the humans remain alive.

    Sound familiar?

  23. Q. How many deaths is Walt Disney responsible for worldwide?

    A. Not yet enough, I guess.

  24. Here in Minnesota, one of our local columnists wrote about the growing and dangerous urban coyote problem.

    I link to it here only so you can read the comments he generated. It’s a hoot. I bet some of these people would protest if you tried to kill a tiger that was eating the locals.

    (I periodically gather guns and head up to the relatives’ farms in South Dakota whenever the coyotes start killing too many calves. When everybody in the county makes a concerted effort at the same time, you can cull out a LOT of coyotes.)

    1. “I think it speaks well of our city that wild animals choose to live here. It speaks to the care we’ve put into our environment that it’s a welcoming place for a multitude of species.’’

      Thanks for that link,I wouldn’t have believed it unless I’d seen it!

      The stupidity of the official is staggering!

  25. In the video – no stick, no knife, no gun – yes, the cameraman is a HOT MEAL.

  26. The analogy between the coyote problem and the aggressive feral simian problem that the Liberals simply refuse to bring under control (or allow hunters to control for them) is left as an exercise.

  27. Oh this story is so ripe for jokes.

    1. Do Montrealers not realize that coyotes take care of themselves, no need for traps.
    2. Are they using Acme traps and poisons?

  28. What is a predator? Do coyotes eat meat? Are humans, especially small humans, made out of meat?

    The purpose of coyote fur is to keep humans warm during winter in the Dominion of Canada.

    The purpose of coyotes(animal predators) in the left-over’s world view is nihilist, to reduce the human population, because humans are a “threat” to the planet. Because for them, it’s nature that has dominio

    Yes, virulent nihilism can present itself, as a psychosis.

  29. Single coyotes or in packs, in the hills of SW Sask where yard lights are 20 miles apart, have never hurt humans. We had a gopher infestation a few years ago that destroyed entire sections of wheat and other crops, thanks to the useless slaughter of wolves and coyotes. It took two years before the gophers were poisoned, killing more wolves and coyotes in the process. Rats were running freely, thanks to poor wildlife management.

    In a city like Montreal, coyotes eat stray cats, stray dogs and hordes of rats and mice. Why would anyone want to harm a coyote?? We tamed coyote pups as as kids, they make great pets!

    1. “Why would anyone want to harm a coyote??

      Did you even read the article? 3 attacks on children.

      “We tamed coyote pups as as kids, they make great pets!”

      Then you must have a really different brand of coyote than has settled in these parts. A few people have tried it and really regretted it.

    2. “It took two years before the gophers were poisoned”

      Poison – not when you have kids. When gophers got out of hand, a 12 year old with a couple dozen leg hold traps would have them cleaned out in a week. A 12 year old with a box of .22 shells could accomplish the same thing but nowadays his dad might spend 10 years in jail. They also made leg hold traps illegal.

  30. Re: Coyote Invasion Story: The Call to do More

    Just watched the Montreal C.T.V. News, with Paul Karwatsky @ 11:30 pm Eastern. The coyote story led and they showed what they did and are doing about this coyote invasion problem. It’s about the environment, they say, and they want to educate people for safety reasons. Some children have been bit by these animals.

    There were a few tables set up in a city park called Parc des Hirondelles, (must mean Huron Park) and there were fox, coyote and wolf pelts on some tables to demonstrate the difference between the each. Kids were touching and comparing the sizes etc. Like this was a biology lesson. A woman indicated a giveaway pamphlet, entitled, “Cohabiter Avec Le Coyote.” There were no English ones visible, if any. The reason why these animals are in the city, they say, is because people feed them. The practical people are calling for the same treatment as attack dogs, ie euthanasia. They say there is no logic in leaving coyotes to wander just because they are part of the ecosystem. They say the threat has to be taken care of. It seems the city has started what they call a hazing campaign in 4 parks. From 8pm to midnight they’ll have people YELLING to scare off the coyotes. They started doing this as of July 26th. (I kid you not) ( can hardly type now)

    Allegedly some coyotes have moved on. Sunday a woman saw a coyote, near the train tracks on Blossom Avenue in Côte Saint Luc (Luke). They will continue to assess the situation through the use of motion detection cameras and they’ll set traps in certain cases, if necessary, and even euthanize the animals, if necessary.

    Looking forward to see what will become of this situation.

    P.S. Hats off to the person who posted the white pick up truck packed with dead coyotes, think it was a truck in Saskatchewan, no visible plates. You folks must be having a good laugh at these crazy city folks “les maudits Québecois!” I know I am.

  31. I’ve trapped snared and shot coyotes for decades.
    Depending on the time of year they hunt singly,in breeding pairs and loosely formed family groups. Wolves do the same. Wolves are traditional enemies of coyotes and kill them when encountered. A single male wolf on rare occasion will breed with a female coyote.
    I know some good trappers in quebek. The city of Montreal should contact them.

    1. @ 9:23 pm abtrapper: “I’ve trapped snared and shot coyote for decades”…….
      You ‘ve picked a good name then…The people you know who are trappers in Quebec are probably in touch with the City, likely offered their services.

      I just finished watching the Montreal C.T.V. late News @ 11:30 Eastern and there was no mention of the coyote story tonight.

  32. Ive heard of pet alligators, pet lions, bears, tarantulas, skunks, even wolf hybrids etc.
    anybody heard of a pet coyote?
    no? why would that be?

    I think I will give a coyote to pm ponysocksturd as a ‘pet’ (get it? ‘P E T’?)
